Train at Camp Billy Gibbons By
Robin Lemma Sellman I have had the task of cleaning out my parent’s home. My Dad, S. D. Lemma, aka Schley, had his home office adorned with Scouting certificates and awards. Dad was recognized for many activities including Wood Badge Course Director, District commissioner, Leadership development, and Silver Beaver, if I understood it all. He was also recognized for 50+ years of Service in Scouting.
Dad also taught algebra at Brownwood High
during that time.
Daddy spent most of his time in Scouts in Corpus Christi, but these photos attached are when he served at Camp Billy Gibbons. These photos are of him and his boys as he led the in the mule train in 1954. Dad is the one with the hat at the front of the "mule train" as written on the back of the photos.
Dad passed away in 2000. I thought I
would share these with you all. I assume these boys
are from Brownwood. Maybe one of you boys are mixed
in with those mules.