Lake Colorado City
Trail Council
After only using Camp Ed Murphy
for four or five years, and having the lake dry up on them, the Council
started looking elsewhere for an aquatic camp. As Steve Odom tells
it "Our subsequent aquatic camp was on the west side of Lake Colorado City
on leased property, originally used by Cosden Oil and Chemical Co. for
an employee recreation site. Cosden generously assigned (sold) the
lease to us. Unfortunately, it was really not large enough for a
Boy Scout Camp. We called it Camp Lake Colorado City."
The camp only consisted of
3.78 acres. The Big Spring Hunting and Fishing Club, a non-profit corporation,
held the title to the lease of the Colorado City lake property. The
organization consisted of seven trustees appointed by the Management of
the Cosden Oil & Chemical Company. The lease between Big Spring
Hunting and Fishing Club and T. W. Daughtrey and wife, Savanna Daughtrey,
the owners of the land, was dated May 31, 1950. It was for a term
of thrity-five years from said date, with the option of renewal for an
additional term of ten years thereafter. The lease extended to any
assignee or sublessee of Big Spring Hunting and Fishing Club. The
property had to be utilized for "general outing and recreational purposes."

The council was assigned a lease
for $600 a year from the Cosden Petroleum Company on August 30, 1968.
Entrance was gained by taking FM 2836 off of Interstate 20 West, proceeding
approximately four and a half miles South and crossing Cherry Creek Channel,
then East on the first paved road approximately two miles to the site.
It was located on the West shoreline of the main body of Lake Colorado
camp had five small tile buildings for overnight camping purposes, plus
a small caretakers house. The clay tiled buildings on the campsite
were 16' x 30', and one had a bathroom built-on. Some of the buildings
were used for day or overnight camping. One of the buildings was
used for shower and toilet purposes and one was used for a workshop.
They had uncovered concrete floors, the rafters were exposed and no ceilings.
was also a boat dock as well as other facilities. The improvements
were owned by the council. They had electricity, a phone and natural
gas on the property. The water for the camp was supplied either form
the lake or a water well. The council had moved the caretakers residence
to the property as well as built the boat docks. The boating and fishing
dock was severely damaged with the heavy rains and flooding of the fall
of 1980. The caretaker was to have repaired the docks
Some 550 youth and adults
used the property in 1978 and 374 used it in 1979. Steve Odom said,
"However, this was a good move for a temporary location from Murphy on
Lake Thomas. The owners of the property decided to sell and offered
it to us first. (They notified the council in March of 1982 that they were
selling their lots they owned.) Their price was way too high, (they
wanted $76,580.00 for the property) and it appeared that we were about
to lose the only aquatic camp the Council had, inadequate as it was."
July 1981, the council was notified that E. C. and Louis Bohannan had bought
all of the Daughtrey Estate which included the property the camp was on.
They then notified all the property owners that they were offering all
of the waterfront lots for sale. If they did not hear form the council
by August 1, 1981, they were to assume that the council was not interested
in buying the lot the camp was on and it would be for sale to anyone who
wished to buy it. An appraisal was done by Jeff L. Brown, SRPA in August
of 198, for the council, as to the market value of the land only, so that
the council could consider a purchase. The land was valued at $54,000.
The improvements on the place added another $45,000 to the value of the
property. The council decided that the price they wanted for the
property was too high.
So, on November 30, 1984,
the council released any claim it had to the property for the sum of $10.00.
So, the lease was terminated and E. C. Bohannan nd his wife, Lois Bohannan,
had total control of the property that had first been leased to the Cosden
Petroleum Company on May 31, 1950. The council had leased the property
for 16 years.
The boat docks were sold
to J. W. Rogers of Colorado City for $1,000.
caretaker's house had been moved twice before and the council decided that
it could not be moved again, so the house was sold to the new owners of
the property, Mr. Julius C. Nitson, for $10,000. The caretakers house was
23' by 40' with a 4' x 13' addition on the rear and a 7' x 23' covered
porch on the front. The framed house had a living room, a kitchen-dining
room, two bedrooms, a bath, and a utility room. The walls were paneled,
and the floor covered in carpet or vinyl. .
of the red tile buildings was used as a workshop. The campsite had
two-30' light poles with vapor lamps and a third one that was not used.
There was some deteriorated fencing around part of the property.
8/3/93 Hewell Hughes
Remembers Camp Lake Colorado City: When Cosden donated the lease
on the property on the West Side of Lake Colorado, we moved the caretaker's
cottage from Lake Thomas to that property. It was a pretty good house that
had been donated by Texaco. Most of the buildings we had on Lake Thomas
had been donated and moved in from oil company camps that were being closed
out. The dining hall came from Webb Airforce Base at Big Spring, and cost
us something like $250.00 through a war surplus sale. It was an administration
building that we converted.
When we left Murphy and went
over to the West Side of Lake Colorado City, it was the right idea and
a better location, but there wasn't enough property to accomplish what
we wanted to. After the donation of the lease assignment to us by Cosden,
we paid a very small token annual lease payment to the owners. Cosden also
gave us title to the improvements, which included five little brick cottages
and a dock. The cottages proved to be more of a nuisance than help because
in the first place, the location was too close to a main road that ran
along the lake and vandalism was terrible. And, as I have mentioned, there
wasn't enough room. We called it Camp Lake Colorado City.
The owners of the property
decided to sell and offered it to us first. Their price was way too high,
and it appeared that we were about to lose the only aquatic camp the Council
had, inadequate as it was
Steve Odom said, "There was
another property owned by Cosden located on the east side of Lake Colorado
City. It was also an employee recreation area called the Col-Tex
Club. This property solved our problem of a place for our aquatic
camp and is now known as Hughes Aquatic Base."
| Camp
Ed Murphy | Hughes Aquatic Base
| Buffalo Trail Scout Ranch | Camp
Lake Sweetwater |
Photos of this camp and additional
information on the camp was obtained from the appraiser's report to the
Buffalo Trail Council as well as other documents related to the property.
Updated: March 3,
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