Other Camps of the Concho Valley Council

The first known summer camp was held August 28 through August 31, 1917, at the Baptist encampment grounds in Christoval, Texas.  Troop 1, under the leadership of O. W. Caldwell, Scoutmaster, spent four days there.  They were host to every boy in San Angelo who could arrange to take an outing at that time and who would subject themselves to the main Scout rule - "Do right."  Nothing is known about the camp itself except that we know from the location and from future camps that they did Scoutcraft and of course went swimming, probably several times a day.

There were many different summer camps held in the Concho Valley Council from 1922 till they went to Camp Louis Farr in 1929.  In some summers, they held a camp at the beginning of the summer and another camp at the end of the summer.  Here are those camps.

Camp Vista Concho

With equipment similar to that used by soldiers, but minus guns, sixty-four Boy Scouts of San Angelo, TX left at 8 o'clock for Leedale on the Middle Concho River on August 27, 1922 for a five-day encampment.  Leedale was located eight miles southwest of the city.  The use of the campgrounds was tendered by John P. Lee, owner, and Dick DeLong, lessee.

Members of the Kiwanis Club furnished transportation.  Sam Crowther, first Kiwanis Club President and Chairman of the Scout Camp Committee, accompanied the youth to the camp.  There were eight patrols of eight youth each and for each patrol there was a Scoutmaster.  Each patrol occupied a separate tent.  Swimming, games, instruction in Scoutcraft, diving, life saving, fourteen mile hikes and exercises were part of the program of camp.

The idea for a Boy Scout Band came out of this encampment.  The proposition was submitted to the boys in camp and a large number signified their desire to enlist as musicians.

Upon completion of the camp the Scouts marched down Chadbourne street.  "This first Scout camp was a wonderful success in every way and will be made an annual affair", said Mr. Compton.  "The boys not only benefited from instruction in Scout tactics, but they learned much in the way of comradeship, fair play, politeness, and other admirable qualities."

Next Year at Christoval

September 2 - 8, 1923 - The next year's camp was held in Christoval, TX,  on the Baptist Encampment and the Christoval tourist park grounds, with John Price as Camp Director.  Eighty Scouts slept on folding cots beneath the main tabernacle of the Baptist Encampment along the South Concho River that ran next to the camp.  The boys paid $1.50 for camp. Expenses not aid by this fund was to be met by the Kiwanis Club.

The camp lasted for five days.  The camp, which they said was both recreational and educational was in charge of the Rev. J. H. Garrett, pastor of the South Side Baptist Church and Scoutmaster of Troop No. 2, assisted by the Rev. J. A. Richardson, pastor of the Methodist Protestant Church and Scoutmaster of Troop No. 3.

Other assistants who attended the camp were Mart Findlater, Scoutmaster of Troop No. 1; Gene Cornelison, No. 4, and Morgan Jett, No. 7.  The camp was under the auspices of the Kiwanis Club. 

the meals were cooked in the restaurant building on the grounds and the boys slept in the open, taking shelter under the main tabernacle in case of rain.

The Scouts participated in a daily program each of the five days of the camp.  Setting-up exercises, drills, inspections, water sports, baseball and other games were staged daily.  Each day three talks were given to the boys by San Angel men.

Much time was given to daily examinations for advancement in scoutcraft and for merit badges, thirty-eight of which influence steady application in a wide range of subjects.  The Scouts also competed for the troop banner, the award of which was based upon each troop's record during the five days.  Troop No. 2 has the possession of the banner, having won it last year.

The Scouts were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Anson at their Head-of-the-River ranch above Christoval at a barbecue at noon on Friday.  The boys biked about four miles in the rain but the trudge only whetted their appetites for the barbecue mutton, frijole beans, pickles, onions, bread, and watermelons.  The rain had ceased by the time they reached the ranch.

Camp Geronomino I & II

Two camps were held in 1926 following the organization of the Concho Valley Council that spring.  The first camp, called "Geronimo I" was held again in Christoval but this time they camped on the south side of the river of the Baptist Encampment grounds.  During the camp the Kiwanis Club had its ladies' night and the DeMolay Band played for them.  Most of the members of the band had been in the original Boy Scout Band of 1922.  The camp fee was $6.00 that year.

Pictured to the left is Reginald F. Bouke, Yoakum Waterfront Director for Camp Geronimo I - 1926

They white washed the rocks around the tents and Bob Weston spilled lime all over himself.  In addition, Keith Arnold killed a skunk in his campsite which stunk up the site for a couple of days.  A veterinarian cut up a dog after putting it to sleep, to show the Scouts the various inner parts.

The camp patch was felt, shaped like an arrowhead and had a "G" on it.  It was red with a green "G."

Geronimo II was held September 9-14, 1926 just before school started.  The Scouts went to camp on Thursday in ten trucks piled high with baggage and boys.  The group was involved in the program for fifteen hours of work and play each day.  J. T. Sorrels erected a huge mess hall that would accommodate over 200 at one time complete with tables and benches.

The Eagles, headed by Bormar Horton, on Saturday morning won the inspection.  Then the group hiked about nine miles down the South Concho River to a big swimming hole.  Later that afternoon, the boys turned Chinaman and did what washing was required.  On Tuesday night the Scouts served barbecue to the Liion's club.  The club, in turn, passed our Eskimo pies twice to the Scouts.

Camp Pomel

Camp Pomel was located 18 miles up the beautiful San Saba River from Menard, te County seat of Menard County, Texas.  It was four miles from Fort McKavett, one of the earliest forts of the United States.  The camp property adjoins the major highway and is only a 30-minute drive from Menard.  The altitude of the camp is 2,220 feet and is in the wooded section of West Texas.  Camp Pomel consists of 1,700 acres.

The camp building was on a grassy knoll above the largest nature lake in West Texas.  The lake is just four miles below the huge head spring of the San Saba River, rising out of the crystal pools in the mountains making it clear and pure.  The lake is over a mile long and two blocks wide with depths from 2 feet to 15 feet for all kinds of sports.  The camp faced the lake for a mile and the forest of gigantic pecan and oak trees covered more than a hundred acres making it proverbial fairy land of natural beauty.

The summer camp ran from July 1 to August 15, 1927.

Go HERE for more detailed information on Camp Pomel.

                                                                  Camp Pioneer

Camp Pioneer was held near the seven mile bridge outside of San Angelo, TX, 1928. The site is now part of Lake Nasworthy.  The Scouts paid $7.00 for the ten day camp. One hundred and twenty-five Scouts attended the camp from seven troops in San Angelo and troops from Brunette, Christoval, and Menard.  The youth barely got their tents set up when the rain descended.  It rained all day and resulted in a four inch rise in the river.

Camp Kickapoo

Camp Kickapoo was the name of the camp held in the summer of 1928 from June 4 to 13.  It was held on the San Saba river just ten miles Southwest of Menard, TX.  The camp was located on a knoll with a natural slope in the heart of a sixty acre pecan grove. There was a mile of waterfront and fifty canoes at the camp according to William Silver, whose son Howard was at the camp.  They had a mess hall, a library building, headquarters and a building for completion of handicraft which was constructed of pecan tree logs and lumber.  They had canvas roofs.  A new game known as "Ping-Pong" was a big feature or the rest periods after lunch.  The cost of camp dropped back to $6.00 from Camp Pioneer.

The photo to the right is of the mess hall at Camp Kickapoo taken in 1928.  Left to right:  Dick Stengel and Edward L. Mears of Menard and Bill Byrd of San Angelo.

Dwight Hunter, Jr. and J. T. Henderson both told this story to the author so it must be true.  K. N. Clapp, one evening during the campfire program that he was leading, suddenly, without explanation, started taking off his Scout shorts and then his underwear right in front of everyone!  Everyone in the audience was horrified until Clapp explained to the Scouts that a stinging scorpion was in his pants.  Hunter said that Clapp was very upset at the Scouts because he just knew that one of them had put the scorpion in his shorts.  However, according to our two Scout who told this story, this was not true; the scorpion apparently crawled into hs short before he put them on for the campfire or while he was siting down at the campfire.

Camp Connellee

The 5,000 acre ranch owned by C. V. Connellee was the site of the 1929 and 1930 summer camps.  It was named Camp Connellee and was located on the banks of the North Concho River about sixteen miles Northeast of San Angelo, TX.  Water for the camp came from a fourteen foot well and was piped to the kitchen.  A mess hall was built on the north side of the bank, where meals were served family style.  There were two ten-day periods of camp.  The first period was held from May 27 to June 5, 1929 and the second from June 5 to June 14, 1929.  A total of 231 boys attended the two sessions.  We do not have the dates of the 1930 summer camp but from the letter below it would have been in late May of 1930 as the letter is postmarked May 29, 1930.

The Scouts stayed in eighteen tents, stretched on both sides of the river.  There were  three miles of river front and two swimming holes, one for beginners and one for swimmers.  The first camp period of 150 Scouts were divided into two groups - the David Crocketts and the Kit Carsons.

Here is a letter that was sent home by Edwin Buttery to his mother:

Camp Louis Farr

Camp Louis Farr - The second camp for the summer of 1929 was held at Tankersley Spring on the Spring Creek ranch at the head of Spring Creek about three miles west of Mertzon from August 14 to 28th.  The camp was name "Camp Louis Farr" in honor of the late L. L. Farr, a great friend of Fayette Tankersley.  This was the first time this camp was used and was used every year for summer camp until 1955.  More will be said about this camp later.  On this year, the camp was divided into three groups, Indians, Pioneers and Naturalists, and emphasized swimming, bead work, Indian lore and pioneering.  Several authentic Indian graves were located  near the campsite.  The first session, August 14 - 21, was the advanced camp opened to boys who registered for two weeks, and these campers were used as junior counselors in the regular camp which was from August 21 to 28th.  For those interested in more information on this camp that operated for 26 years go to: Camp Louis Farr.

Camp Fawcett

Camp Fawcett - Camp Fawcett became the property of the Concho Valley Council after the old Southwest Texas Council went out of business and merged with the council in 1936.  The camp was used as a summer camp from 1928 through 1996, a total of 68 years.  The camp, located on the Neuces River, was one mile out of Barksdale, Texas.  It had a pecan bottom and oak and cedar in the upper part of the camp.  All the campsites were located in the pecan bottom.  The camp is now used for weekend camping and special activities.  For a detail description of the first summer camp held there go to: Camp Fawcett

Camp Sol Mayer

Camp Sol Mayer - Camp Sol Mayer has a rich and colorful history and is the main outdoor camp of the Concho Valley Council today.  The 315 acre camp on the San Saba River was given to the Concho Valley Council, BSA by Mr. and Mrs. Sol Mayer in the spring of 1945.

The deed stated “As part of the consideration hereinafter described lands shall never be sold, mortgaged nor hypothedated and shall never be leased for oil, gas or other minerals.  This land shall be used as a camp for Boy Scouts of America and for no other purpose; but such camp can be used by the Girl Scouts on occasion and at intervals, with the consent of the officers and director of the Concho Valley Council of the Boy Scouts of America.”  The deed was dated August 18, 1945.

During a meeting of the Council Executive Board, October 6, 1945, Sol Mayer reminisced that the site of the camp was his old stomping ground when he was ten years of age, he remembered catching a 62 pound fish in the San Saba River near the site and had a hard time getting it into Menard.

The first event held on the newly accuired property was the Council Executive board which met on the camp property on October 6, 1945.  The first large scale event to be held on the new property was in May, 1946, when the council held a council-wide camporee attended by 350 Scouts and leaders.  During May 1946, the first large-scale Scout activity was held when 350 Scouts and leaders held a council wide camporee on the site.  For a detail description of this camp's history go to: Camp Sol Mayer.

Information for this page came from Panjandrum A History of Scouting in the Concho Valley Council 1911 - 2002 by Frank T. Hilton, 2001.  We want to thank Alison Barton for sending us the letter from Edwin Buttery to his mother.

Last Updated:  April 27, 2024
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