Comanche Trail Council

First Cub Packs

There were no Cub Packs organized in the Eastland, Oil Belt or Pecan Valley Councils.  Pack 1 of Breckenridge and Pack 2 of Richland Springs were the first two packs organized in the Comanche Trail Council in 1936.  This list shows the first time a Pack was chartered, the sponsoring institution at the time, and the first Cubmaster.
Pack 1      Breckenridge   4/17/36 
 First Methodist Church, James C. Ferguson
Pack 2      Richland Springs   8/1/36 
 Group of Citizens, Joe E. Rogers
Pack 3     Eliasville    5/1/40 
 Industrial, T. T. Millsap
Pack 4     Brownwood  5/30/45
 Central Methodist Church, 
 Burman R.Black
Pack 5     Desdemona  9/20/41 
Desdemona City Council, Odie Brightwell
Pack 6     Richland Springs 12/20/44 American Legion Post 46, T. C Petty
Pack 7     Eastland  7/31/41
 First Christian Church, J. B Blunk
Pack 8     Olden  12/4/42
 Baptist Brotherhood, John M. Watson
Pack 9     Gorman  12/8/43
 Excelsior Club, W. I. Dixon
Pack 10    Lampasas  5/12/42
 Lion’s Club, Richard Janek
Pack 11    Lometa  12/15/42 Lometa School,  H. H. Washington
Pack 12    Carbon  5/15/43 
 Carbon High School, T. G. Story
Pack 13     Brownwood  4/15/57
 Parks Homes Housing Authority,
  C. H. George
Pack 14    Brownwood  10/1/43
 Woodland Heights School, 
 H. M. Chambers
Pack 15    DeLeon  11/8/45
 Group of Citizens, Larry R. Virgin
Pack 16     Zephyr  9/16/44
 Zephyr School, J. E. Hammond
Pack 17    Breckenridge  12/15/44 First Christian Church, Owen Fauntleroy
Pack 18    Brownwood  2/22/52 
 Little Zion Baptist Church, Euriel Jones
Pack 19     Comanche  1/15/47
 First Methodist Church, Jack Wheat
Pack 20     Breckenridge  10/9/44
 First Baptist Church, D. Moore
Pack 21     Cherokee  3/31/47
 Cherokee Public School, Clyde L. Yarbrough Pack 22    Mullin  12/6/51
 Mullin School, Howard Homesley
Pack 23     Bend   3/15/50
 Group of Citizens, Rev. J. C. Morris
Pack 24     Early   12/29/45 Early High School, J. D. Walls
Pack 25     Ranger  6/6/46
 2nd Baptist Church, Jasper C. Massege
Pack 26     Bluff Dale  11/15/46 Bluff Dale School, D. K. Smith
Pack 27    Bangs  9/15/66 
 Lions Club, Dr. Robert Austin
Pack 28     Bangs  2/4/48
 Lions Club, Excell Segrest
Pack 29    Rising Star  3/16/47
 Methodist Church, Wayne B. Tyson, Sr.
Pack 30    Brownwood  11/30/52
 First Christian Church, George Herman
Pack 32     Eastland  3/31/52
 Group of Citizens, Samuel Williams
Pack 33    Lometa  3/31/52 
 Lometa Lion’s Club, L. C. Howard
Pack 34    Ranger  5/30/52
 First United Methodist Church, R. F. Webb
Pack 35    Dublin  5/30/52
 First United Methodist Church, 
 Clarence Rasberry
Pack 36    Richland Springs 2/28/55
 American Legion Post 46, John G. Gibson
Pack 37    DeLeon  9/30/62
 Jaycees, Truman L. Renshaw
Pack 38    Gorman  12/31/36
 Gorman High School
Pack 43    Brownwood  9/30/90
 Rotary Club, Ken Benson
Pack 44    Priddy  11/30/56
 Priddy School Board, Carl A. Jashe, Jr.
Pack 45    Carbon  4/30/73
 Group of Citizens, Eldon Sehnert
Pack 46    Star   9/30/56
 First United Methodist Church, Jack Elms
Pack 47     Comanche  12/31/70
 First United Methodist Church
Pack 48    Eastland  5/30/57
 American Legion Post 70
Pack 49    Kempner  3/31/55
 PTA, C. E. Baird
Pack 51    Brownwood  5/31/59
 Africa American Episcopal Church, 
 Edgar Bocknite, Jr.
Pack 53    Rising Star  3/31/55
 PTA, Art Fisher
Pack 54    Brooksmith  5/31/60
 Group of Citizens, J. B. Rice, Jr.
Pack 55    San Saba  12/31/78
 Methodist Men’s Bible Class, FUMC
 Marvin H. Walker
Pack 56    Brownwood  12/31/62
 Lions Club, Elmo Letbetter
Pack 57    Comanche  12/31/84
 Comanche UPC. Kelvin R. Swindle
Pack 58    Elliasville  10/31/59
 Group of Citizens, C. B. Mooneyhan
Pack 59    Mullin  11/30/56
 Mullin Community Club, Rev. J. B. ColePack 60    Breckenridge  9/30/55
 North Ward Mother’s Club,
 Onnie B. Graham
Pack 61    Lingleville  3/31/57
 Lingleville Fellowship Club, V. C. Voss 
Pack 64    Stephenville  11/30/55
 Cornelia Graves Sch PTA. Carl A. Phillips
Pack 65    Morgan Mill  5/31/57
 Morgan Mill PTA, Virgie L. Laughlin
Pack 66    Huckabay  2/28/57
 Huckabay Home Demostration Club, 
 W. C. Nix
Pack 68    Woodson  2/28/56
 Farmers & Merchants Club, O. W. Gribble
Pack 69    Morgan Mill  12/31/61
 Morgan Mill Methodist Church, 
 Isaac H. Hyde
Pack 70    Gustine  7/31/57
 Parent Teacher’s Club, Billy H. Patterson
Pack 72    Bangs  11/30/58 
 Lions Club
Pack 73    Sidney  11/30/62
 Parent Teacher’s Club, Max Reed
Pack 75    Lampasas  11/30/59
 New Hope Baptist Church, Billy E. Orman
Pack 76    Goldthwaite  3/31/80
 New Horizons Ranch
Pack 78    Brownwood  2/28/65
 Church of Good Shepherd, Dr. James Gandy
Pack 80    Breckenridge  12/31/72
 Lodge 1480 BPO Elks, Bill Rodgers, Jr.
Pack 81    Breckenridge  1/31/88
 Kiwanis Club, Johnny D. Johnson
Pack 85    Olden  3/31/77
 Olden Water Supply Corp., Earnest D. Cox
Pack 88    Gustine  9/30/83
 Public Schools, Maurice G. Heath
Pack 90    Kempner  4/30/74
 First Baptist Church, Martin McOver
Pack 100   Lampasas  3/31/66
 Lion’s Club, Kenneth L. Tucker
Pack 101   Cisco  12/31/46
 Jaycees, Ocie Sherman Leveridge
Pack 102   Desdemona  12/31/58 
 Group of Citizens, R. F. Hood
Pack 104   Eastland  10/31/57
 Douglas PTA, Rev. P. F. Fleming
Pack 111   Mullin  12/31/78
 Group of Citizens, Clilnton A. Shelton
Pack 115   Rising Star  10/31/65
 Chamber of Commerce, James Rutherford
Pack 122   Kempner  1/31/76
 First Baptist Church, Kenneth Deaton
Pack 130   Brownwood  1/31/74
 VFW Post 3278, John M. Stanley
Pack 136   Eastland  2/28/64
 Jaycees, Daniel B. Young
Pack 200   Lampasas  4/30/93
 New Covenant Baptist Church
Pack 287   Cisco  5/31/88
 American Legion Post 123, Ann Watson 

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