Leader Training

Concho Valley Council

Training has always been an important part of the Concho Valley Council.  In addition to the usual Cub, Scout and Explorer Basic training courses, several special training activities were held.

College of Commissioner Science

The first College of Commissioner Science was offered at Camp Tonkawa south of Abilene in May of 1983.  Five Boy Scout councils came together to provide this weekend course for their Commissioner Staff.  The councils were Buffalo Trail, Comanche Trail, Chisholm Trail, Concho Valley and Llano Estacada.  James Young, Council Commissioner attended this first course from the council.  Later, Llano Estacada dropped out of the arrangement when they decided to have their own course.

The following year, the course was held at the Buffalo Trail Council’s sea base at Colorado City, Texas where they were able to provide both tent camping and dormitory style sleeping for both men and women.  The Master’s program was offered for the first time.

The Concho Valley Council hosted the third year of the College at Goodfellow Air Force Base on April 27-28, 1985.  James Young, Council Commissioner, completed the arrangements for the training.  Dale B. Brannom of Abilene served as Dean of the School.  The Doctoral program was offered for the first time.  Now a commissioner could get their Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree and finally their Doctoral Degree by participating in the program for three years.

In 1986 the program was moved to the fall due to so many conflicts in the spring.  The program was moved back to the spring and was held in the Houston-Harte University Center at Angelo State University on April 9, 1988, and then back to Camp Tonkawa in 1989.  By 1992, the College had moved back to the Sea Base at Colorado City, Texas.  The date was once again changed to the third weekend in February where it has remained several years.  It was back to Camp Tonkawa February 23, 2001.

Patrol Leader Training

The first known Scout Patrol Leader's Training Conference was held by the new Scout Executive Bryce Draper on March 20 and 21, 1926 at Christoval with sixty Boy Scouts in attendance.  Involved with helping with the training of the youth were City Manager E. V. Spence, Dr. J. P. McAnulty, Rev. E. V. Evins, Rev. G. W. McCall, and Chief Parker of the San Angelo Fire Department.  By this time they had organized eight troops in town.

Neal Sanders was patrol leader of the "Roosters", J. T. Sorrells of the "Eagles", Norris Creath of the "Lions" and Charles Kirkpatrick of the "Owls."

Saturday afternoon the Scouts passed all Tenderfoot tests, studied and recited on two instruction sheets on leadership training, learned to signal, and made patrol totems with material gathered on the grounds   After dinner they heard a lecture on First Aid, tied Tenderfoot bandages and attended a  campfire.  Taps was heard by a tired camp at 10:15.

Sunday morning, following calisthenic drill intermingled with lusty songs, they ate breakfast, heard a lecture on leadership ability, worked on second class tests, heard Chief Parker speak on ways they could help the fire department, procured a patrol mascot, ate a "huge chicken dinner" and continued work on their second class tests.  An inter-patrol field meet was held at 4 p.m. with contests in first aid, fire building, potato cooking, wall scaling and patrol unity.

The Lion Patrol edged out the Owls by 2 points.  Hundreds of cars carried spectators to the field meet and many of them expressed surprise at the knowledge the Scouts had gained during the conference.

A second Patrol Leaders conference was held at Christoval on April 17 and 18th and was aquatic in the most part, closing with a water carnival.

Triple T

One of the major programs during the late ‘70s was All Out for Scouting.  One of the first steps of the year and a half program was “Operation Triple T” that was held at Camp Sol Mayer on May 15, 1976 and again on May 6, 1978.  This Train The Trainers experience was designed to assure that each district in the Council had qualified training teams to take on the various training tasks in the district for Boy Scout, adult and youth leaders.  Ivan White was Chairman of the course in 1976 and Skip Harless served as Chairman in 1978.  Following the training the group was involved in the Flying Start that was held on September 11, 1976 and again on September 30, 1978.

Operation Flying Start

“Operation Flying Start” was an all-day training event that involved patrol leaders, assistant patrol leaders, senior patrol leaders, assistant senior patrol leaders and all adult Scout leaders of the whole Council.  It was the kickoff of “Operation Go, Silver Bars” and “Operation All Out For Training” both a part of All Out for Scouting.  Thirty-one Scout Troops brought 149 boy leaders and 61 adults to the first training.

Brownsea Double-Two

Brownsea Double-Two , which took its name from Baden-Powell’s First Boy Scout camp in 1907, was a comprehensive camp experience for senior patrol leaders and assistant senior patrol leaders covering a week of exciting outdoor program activities.  The training consisted of training in a variety of areas, some of which included campcraft skills, nature skills, hiking, pioneering, patrol games and competitions, program planning and leadership skills.

The first such training course in the Council was held at Camp Sol Mayer the week of  June 20-26, 1976 and cost $30.00 per boy.  Leaders of the week-long experience were Ray Kedziora, Victor Meza, Ivan White, Lee Lishka and Jim Sullivan.

Patrol building
                  signaling tower at Brownsea Double-TwoBrownsea Double-Two was held every other year  for several years.  The second Brownwsea Double-Two was held at Camp Fawcett the week of June 15, 1978.  Fifty-six Scouts from twenty Troops completed the camp.  Leaders for this event were Victor Meza, Ray Smith, Tom Mulhern, Bob Darter, Steve Joyce, Danny Rogers and Alex Kedziora.

The third course was held July 13-19, 1980 at Camp Fawcett.  They consolidated two proven programs for the training of troop leaders—Brownsea Double-Two and a new Junior Leader Training Conference guide published that year.

The one held at Camp Sol Mayer May 27—June 2, 1984, had Bill Ruth, Scoutmaster;; Will Allison, Assistant Scoutmaster; Tony Chambless, SPL; Russell Cooke, ASPL and John Herrera, Jr. as Quartermaster.  Forty-eight Scouts participated from twenty-six troops.  Only two Scouts from a troop could participate.  They had six patrols of eight Scouts each.

The fifth Brownsea Double-Two was held at Camp Sol Mayer from July 13 - 19, 1986.  Will Allison served as Scoutmaster and was assisted by Jim Kimbrel, Jerry Kirchgraber and Robert Allison.  Randy Schrieber served as Senior Patrol Leader.  Each troop could nominate up to five Scouts to participate in the training event.  By now, the cost of the course had risen to $85.00.

Yet another Brownwsea Double-Two was to be held July 13 -  19, 1989 at Camp Fawcett with James Young serving as course Scoutmaster.  No other details were available except for a letter that went out to all staff for the course on February 19, 1989.

A Junior Leader Traing Course was held at Camp Fawcett in 1996 with thirty-six Scouts.  Leaders of the course were Mike Erickson and Scott Jarmon.

Junior Leader Training


The Council was always looking for new ways to train Scout troop junior leaders.  In 1980 they borrowed an idea that had been used in the past in the Capitol Area Council in Austin, the Junior Leader Training Workshop.  The Workshop was designed to appeal to all the troop officers from Assistant Patrol Leaders all the way up to Senior Patrol Leaders.  They wanted to put on demonstrations and action type presentations on such subjects as “Your Job,” “How to Teach a Skill,” “How to Stage a Troop Meeting,” “How to Stage a Troop Leader’s Council,” “How to Stage a Campout” and finish up with “Skills of Leadership.”  Special material was written to make sure the sessions had action and not just lecture.

The first Junior Leader Training Workshop, known by most as simply “JLTW” was held in the University Center of Angelo State University in San Angelo on November 8, 1980.  They charged a fee of $3.50 and provided each participant with lunch, a patch, certificate and a notebook to take home with them.  They then recruited a staff of fifteen youth and adults to put on the sessions.  They were expecting some 60 Scouts to show up and instead had 165 from 21 Scout troops or 38% of all the troops in the Council.   It was such a success that plans were made to make it an annual event.

The first staff consisted of Doug Warren, Kyle Zentner, Mark Ferrich, Richard Benton, Frank Hilton, David Brosig, Mike Brosig, Larry Cox, Geroge Houle, David Rohmfeld, Ray Kedziora, Tony Chambless, Walter Campbell and Paul Adams.  Most of them were high school and college age Scouts.

By 1984, the staff had grown to 30 members.  The last known Junior Leader Training Workshop was held on January 14, 1989 with some 150 Scouts and Scouters participating even though there was snow on the ground.  By then, the fee had increased to $7.00.

Wood Badge

Lord Baden-Powell, the founder of Scouting, realized that in order for the Scouting program to develop it would be necessary to have knowledgeable adult leaders.  In 1911 he first undertook the training of leaders by beginning a series of lectures.  By 1919 his program for training adult leaders had become known as Wood Badge.  This name was derived from the wooden bead which each participant was given upon completing the course.  Baden-Powell wanted each participant to have a fitting recognition.  He remembered the necklace of wooden beads he had captured from an African chieftain, whom he admired greatly, and the name Wood Badge continues today.

These training courses were originally held in Gilwell Park, England, and are still offered there today.  At that time they were known as the “Scout Officers’ Training Course.”  The beads were presented at that first course.  The Gilwell scarf did not appear until 1921 with the tartan patch.

When Wood Badge first came to the United States one could only take it at Schiff Scout Reservation or at Philmont Scout Ranch.  The first Wood Badge Course under BSA leadership was conducted at Schiff from July 31 to August 8, 1948, with Bill Hillcourt as Deputy Camp Chief.  The second course was held at Philmont Scout Ranch in October 1948.  For the first ten years of Wood Badge, the basis of instruction was to train men to serve as Council Scout Trainers.

Texas Southwest Council Wood Badge History
The first Wood Badge Course held by the Concho Valley Council was held at Camp Sol Mayer in 1975. The course was SC-57 and was a seven-day outdoor training event. The course was well attended by the Scouters of the Council.  In fact, the course was such a success that a second course was held two years later at Camp Fawcett  June 4-11, 1977. The course number was SC-104.  A third course was held at Camp Sol Mayer, SC-241, June 4-11, 1983. A follow-up Seminar was held September 9-11 of that same year to assist the participants of SC-241 work on their tickets.

Following the course at Sol Mayer in 1983, Buffalo Trail, Comanche Trail, Concho Valley and Chisholm Trail Councils joined together to have a Wood Badge Course for the four councils each year.  They are still being held at Hughes Aquatic Base near Colorado City, Texas, Camp Tonkawa, Buffalo Gap, Texas or at Camp Billy Gibbons, Richland Springs, Texas with each council helping to provide staff for the course.

Wood Badge – a new beginning & a new tradition

In October 2010, the kudu horn called 30 participants and 16 staff to the field at Gilwell for the first Wood Badge for the 21st Century course in the former Concho Valley Council.  It was know as Wood Badge 1.

This historic course was held at both Camp Sol Mayer and Camp Fawcett exposing everyone to the rich diversity within the former Concho Valley council.

In October 2012, Wood Badge 2 continued the tradition.  After all, it does not do any good being first if there is not a second and third to share in the riches. 

In October 2014, the tradition continued with Wood Badge 3.  How-how to the Texas Southwest Council for establishing the traditions of Wood Badge for the 21st Century!

In April 2016, the tradition continued with Wood Badge 4.  How-how to the Texas Southwest Council for establishing the traditions of Wood Badge for the 21st Century!

According to council records the following Scouters of this council have taken Wood Badge.

Lee Allison SC-57 Rocksprings
Joe Kollmyer  SC-172 San Angelo
Robert Allison SC-172 San Angelo Loren Later

Cynthia Amos SR-105 San Angelo Jim D. Lay  SC-379 San Angelo
Lynn Amos SC-427 San Angelo Ysabel Ledezma, Sr.  SC-241 Brady
Charles Anderson SC-427 San Angelo Raymond Leftwich  SR-105 San Angelo
Daniel Anderson SC-427 San Angelo Jamie Limas  SC-427 Del Rio
Betty Andrews SC-427 San Angelo Lee Lishka  WB-374 San Angelo
Robert Archer SR-105 San Angelo J. B. Lupton

Roy D. Armstrong SC-57 Ft. Stockton Tony Malkowski  SR-105 San Angelo
Peggy Atchison SC-360 San Angelo Joe S. Marsala  WB-87 San Angelo
Donald L. Babbert SC-379 San Angelo Dr. Van Mask  SC-241 Uvalde
Moris Barrow SC-840 Eagle Pass James W. Matthews  5/61 Big Lake
Norma Barrow SC-840 Eagle Pass Jack A. McCarley  SC-57 San Angelo
George Barton SC-57
Thomas McKeel  SC-379 San Angelo
Mark Bayliss SC-196 Del Rio Thomas McSwain  SC-57 Ft. Stockton
Kathie Bendinelli SC-265 San Angelo Freddy Medina  SR-105 San Angelo
Richard Benton SC-57 San Angelo Maria Medina  SR-105 San Angelo
Robert Booker SC-2
Debra Meier  SCCS-15 San Angelo
Amanda Box SCCS-10 San Angelo Paul Melton 
Jerry Box SC-241 San Angelo Steve Meuth
Del Rio
Bruce Bradley 191
Victor Meza  SC-57 Del Rio
O. L. Bradley SC-29 Ft. Stockton Louene Milam  SC-CS-5 Del Rio
Robert H. Brock SC-57 San Angelo Jonathan Miller  SC-241 Del Rio
Robert Brooks SC-265 San Angelo Dianne Monreal  SC-241 San Angelo
Marty Burnett SR-105 San Angelo Lonnie Monreal  SC-241 San Angelo
Lonnie Burrows SC-360 San Angelo David Moore 
San Angelo
J. Howard Carr SC-45 Uvalde Jack F. Moore  WB-127 San Angelo
Robbie Carr SC-90 Uvalde J. B. Morris 
San Angelo
Betty Casey SC-241 Del Rio June Moore  SR-105 San Angelo
Ramon Castro
Uvalde Tom Mulhern 
San Angelo
Tony Chambless SR-105 San Angelo Jerry L. Murphree 
Del Rio
Don Charlesworth, Jr. SC-172 Grape Creek Michael T. Murphy  SC-407 San Angelo
Donald Cheek SR-105 San Angelo Robert (Bubba) Neligh  SR-105 San Angelo
Elizabeth Chesshir SR-105 Junction James Nennich  WB-802 San Angelo
Dennis W. Clark SC-172 Laughlin AFB Brad Newton  SC-154 Ft. Stockton
Gail Chipman NE-1-11 San Angelo Don A. Olson  SC-384 San Angelo
Henry Chipman NE-1-11 San Angelo David A. O'Neill  SR-105 San Angelo
Ralph Cook SC-407 San Angelo Fred Panke  SC-57 San Angelo
Darcy Coupal SR-105
Joseph Partlow  SC-407 Eagle Pass
A. O. Cox WB-358 Del Rio James Puckett, III  SR-105
Doris Cox SC-241 Del Rio Bill Paulson 
San Angelo
James Cox SC-22
J. Gillie Phluger  SC-57 San Angelo
Carl Cummins
San Angelo Bernard Piorkowski  SC-265
Rod Danner SR-105 Del Rio Ron Piri  SC-360 San Angelo
James Darby SC-241 Grape Creek Marshall Pruitt  SC-360 San Angelo
Robert Darter SC-172 Del Rio Patricia Pruitt  SC-360 San Angelo
Jodie Dawn SR-105
Pat Ramos  SR-924 Uvalde
Robert M. Day
Ft. Stockton Abe H. Ramirez  R-9-815 Del Rio
Greg DeAnda SC-241 Big Lake George Reyes  SR-105
Ruby Deaton SCCS-15 Del Rio Doril Rice  SC-57
Armando DeLeon SC-241 Del Rio J. Phillip Robbins  R-9-358 Ft. Stockton
Benion L. Dougherty SC-126 San Angelo Michael Robertson  SC-379 San Angelo
Roy Douglass SC-244 San Angelo Robert R. Routt  R-9-346 San Angelo
Duane O. Eberhardt SC-102 San Angelo J. M. Rowley  SC-241 Sabinal
Harry Eckert SC-360 San Angelo Bill Ruth  SC-57 San Angelo
J. David Enos SR-105 Del Rio Roy Rutherford  EWB-31 San Angelo
Michael Erickson NE-1-63 San Angelo Mike Sawle  SCCS-15 San Angelo
Gary Eubanks SC-341 San Angelo Michael Scammel  SC-379 San Angelo
LaJuanna Faught SC-265 San Angelo Steve Schlittler  SR-105 San Angelo
Robert Fierro, Jr. SC-360 Uvalde Chris Shrum  SR-924 San Angelo
Cecil Fincher SR-105 San Angelo Gary Shrum  SC-265 San Angelo
John K. Finegan
Del Rio Butch Simpson
San Angelo
R. Gail Flood SC-407 San Angelo George Simpson  R3-308 San Angelo
Charles Dave Gillman R9-46 Christoval Jimmy Simpson  SC-455 San Angelo
Guy Goen SC-57 Big Lake Homer A. Smith 
Del Rio
Ele C. Hagelstein, Jr. SC-57 Sanderson Patrick Smith  SC-379 San Angelo
Clouis H. Hansen R-9-3 Del Rio Ed Steward 
Steward Hawkins R-9-199 San Angelo Joe Steward  SCCS-14 McCamey
Robert R. Hearn SC-172 Del Rio Tilden Steward  SC-241 Ft. Stockton
Barry Hendler SC-411 Uvalde Dan Stim  SC-218 Uvalde
Cal Henline SC-208 San Angelo Johnny Stone  SC-262 San Angelo
Gabriels Hernandez SC-840 Eagle Pass Glenda Sullivan  SC-126 San Angelo
Irene Hernandez SC-379 Brady Jim Sullivan 
San Angelo
John A. Herrera, Jr. SC-241 San Angelo Paul A. Tischhauser  SC-79 McCamey
Jabe Herring NE-VI-5 San Angelo Audrey Truelove  SR-105 San Angelo
Patricia Herring NECS-12 San Angelo C. Arthur Trust  SC-57 Eagle Pass
Frank T. Hilton R-9-183 San Angelo John N. Turley  SC-241 San Angelo
Lace E. Hinnard R-9-33 Robert Lee Ray Vail 
San Angelo
Ted Hogan
Crane Edward Valliant  SC-126 Brady
Marcel F. Houle NE-9 Del Rio Polly Vaughan  SR-105 San Angelo
Roy Howard SC-102 San Angelo J. B. Ward  WB-98 San Angelo
Thomas J. Hubbell SC-241 Laughlin AFB Carl Watson 
San Angelo
Bob Humburg
San Angelo James O. Webb  SC-265 San Angelo
Richard Hymer SC-360
Jack Webber  SC-265 San Angelo
Roy Ivey SC-241 Robert Lee Josie Whaley  SC-427 San Angelo
Mark Jarmon SR-105 San Angelo Brenda White  SR-105 San Angelo
Paul B. Jenkins SC-126 San Angelo Ivan D. White WB-802 San Angelo
Bob Jenson WB-87 Ft. Stockton L. “Alroy” Wilkins  SC-241 San Angelo
Christopher Johnson SC-241 Laughlin AFB Albert Williams  SC-407 Del Rio
Phillip Johnson SC-360
Terry Williams  SC-265 Big Lake
Donald C. Johnson NE-71 Laughlin AFB Billy W. Willig  SC-57 San Angelo
Thomas Johnson R9-28
Bruce W. Willig  SC-172 San Angelo
Timothy Johnson SC-241 Laughlin AFB Earl G. Wisdom  WB-87 San Angelo
William Karmany, Jr. SC-265 Miles David A. Wood  R9-28 Ft. Stockton
David T. Karthauser R-9-46
David Woods  SCCS-17 Ft. Stockton
Ray A. Kedziora SC-57 San Angelo Harold Woods
D. W. Keilers SC-407 Ozona Jonathan Wright  R9-33 Del Rio
Kenneth Kilborn SC-379 San Angelo Buddy Wyman 
James Kimbrel SC-208 Sonora Kenneth Yates  SR-105 San Angelo
Hal Kincaid 191

James M. Young  SC-57 San Angelo
Mickey Kincaid SR-105
Marcus Young  SC-90 San Angelo
Jerry Kirchgraber
Ft. Stockton Terry Younggren  SC-384 Big Lake
Robert Kolb
San Angelo

Key:  CS - Cub Scout, R - Region 9, NE - Northeast Region, SC - South Central Region, SR-Southern Region, WB - National Course

The following took Wood Badge  SR-1064 741-1, Fall 2010, and are currently working on their tickets:


Some of the material for this story was taken from "Panjandrum A History of Scouting in the Concho Valley Council 1911-2001," by Frank T. Hilton, 2001 and Concho Valley Council records.

Last Updated:  November 11, 2019
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