Scout Rally At Cisco, Texas
14 - 15, 1927
Lake Cisco June 14, 1927
Scout Rally At Cisco
Local Tribe Sponsors
Rally at Lake Cisco on June 14th and 15th - Great Time Anticipated
The program for the two day
Lone Scout rally will be held at Lake Cisco, June 14 and 15th has just
been completed and was handed to the Record by Clark Coursey, local tribe
chief. The Rising Star tribe, known as the Tejas Indians, is sponsoring
the rally and both Lone and Boy Scouts from all over the state and even
other states are expected to attend.
The following data and program
is furnished the Record:
The first annual West Texas
Lone Scout rally will be held at Lake Cisco, Cisco, Texas on June 14-15.
All Texas Lone Scout should be there, out-of-state scouts heartily welcome.
All boys, including Boy Scouts are invited.
The rally grounds have been
secured at the lake and preparations are going forward to make the rally
a big success. The following program should afford plenty of amusement
for everybody.
June 14 -
Tuesday Morning
10:00 to 11:00 - Registration
and getting acquainted
11:00 to 12:00 - Speeches,
talks and addresses
12:00 to 1:00 - Noon hour.
Tuesday evening
1:00 to 5:00 - Contests.
1. Knot tying
2. Fire Building
3. Observation
5:00 to 6:00 - Supper
6:00 to 10:30 - Pow-wow.
10:30 - Turn in.
June 15 -
Wednesday morning
7:00 to 8:00 - Breakfast
8:00 to 9:00 - Poetry and
Essay contest
9:00 to 12:00 Contests
1. 220 yard dash
2. 100 yard dash
3. Pole vault
4. Broad jump
5. High jump
12:00 to 1:00 - Dinner
1:00 to 2:00 - After noon
speeches toasts, etc.
2:00 to 3:00 - Wrestling
and boxing contests
3:00 to 4:30 - Rifle Marksmanship
4:30 to 5:00 - Swimming
5:00 - Leave taking
If you are interested in
joining the Lone Scouts or interested in the rally write Clark Coursey,
Rising Star, Texas |
Rally Itself
Scouts Enjoy Meet
Crowd Small
Cisco C. of C.
a Member)
The West Texas Lone Scout
Conference which was held at Lake Cisco and sponsored by the local organization
June 14-15, proved to be quite a success, although there were not many
out of town scouts present.
The rally began early Tuesday
morning and the scouts were busy all morning getting acquainted with other
Lone Scouts. At 12 o'clock a good luncheon was enjoyed by all. The
contests began at 1:30. The local boys showed good work in all the
contests and several ribbons were taken off by them. Weldon Woodward
of this city was the first high point man by having made a larger score
in the contests. Weldon carried off three first places in the 220
and 100 yard dash and hammer throw; four second place ribbons in knot tying,
broad jump, and observation and rifle marksmanship; and one third place
ribbon in fire building.
Clark Coursey, chief of the
local tribe carried off three second place ribbons and three third place
ribbons in the various contests.
Harry Wiginton carried off
one first, second and third place ribbons.
James Tomlinson was third
high point man. James carried off three first place ribbons in poetry,
broad jump, and in fire building; one second place ribbon in high jump
and the third places in boat racing, 100 yard dash and hammer throw.
Elbrige Allgood carried
off one first and second place ribbon and Tilman Bryant carried off one
third place in marksmanship.
Tuesday night was fun night.
We had a large program and plenty of scout talks by various scouts.
The following program was carried out:
Opening address, Walter Tomlinson
Talk, Roy DeMent
Talk, James Tomlinson
Address, Weldon Woodward
Address, Elbrige Allgood
Mandolin solo, Harry Wigginton.
The three poems that won
places were read by James Tomlinson, Clark Coursey and Harry Wigginton.
The National Council Chief's
letter and Moody O'Willis' letter was ready by Clark Coursey and W. Thomlinson.
Closing address, W. D. Hating
The heavy rain of the 13th
was the cause of not so large an attendance, but a good time was had by
those present. Roy E. DeMent of Paris, a supreme Lone Scout, was
present and William D. Hating of Houston were the only out of county scouts.
A large number of scouts attended form here. There were 17 in all.
A boat was given to us for our use by Mr. Berry, in charge of the lake.
There were four kodaks in the camp, so when the sun peeped out after the
rain everybody grabbed them and there were many good pictures made.
Also the boating over the large lake was wonderful. Our camp was situated
east of the dam on top of a little knoll where trees and large rocks made
a picturesque background. We were given permission to use the Boy
Scout camp house by the Chamber of Commerce and we surely offer out thanks
to everyone who helped to make our encampment a success.
We returned home Wednesday
evening and with thoughts of having another conference in some west Texas
city in 1928.
August 28, 1927
The information above was taken
from The Cisco Star Record, May 19, 1927, and other newspaper stories
as found in a scrapbook of Clark Coursey, titled "Lone Scout Scrap Book,"
now property of the Brown County Museum of History. We want to thank Pat
Coursey, son of Clark Coursey, for providing us the photo of Lake Cisco
for this page. They came from Clark Coursey's photo ablum.
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