Nakona Lodge History

Order of the Arrow

The Nakona Lodge as it is today (1970) owes it existence primarily to the efforts of one man, Chief Frank Runkles.  When Chief Runkles assumed his job as Ranger at Camp Post in late 1930's he saw a desperate need for some permanent organization recognizing those Scouts who had excelled in the camping skills and offering them an opportunity to use those skills in service to the council and the general Scouting program.  Chief Runkles had previously worked in other councils to meet these needs. He had served as Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 22, Dublin, TX, in 1936 and 1937, at the age of 26 and 27.  He had attended summer camp at Camp Billy Gibbons with his troop during that time. It was there that he saw the Kunieh Tribe at work, which was Indian oriented, using many Indian Legends and Indian Poetry in their ceremonies. The most effective of these programs, it seemed were those that used a format of the Plains Indian culture as exemplary of the high ideals and fortitude to be express in the organization.  He had had much experience and training with the Indian culture and felt this would form a sound basis for an honorary camping society.

Among the programs which had been established in other Texas Councils were "The Council of the Black Arrow" and the "Kuni-eh Indians."  Combining these two with other forms, during the summer and fall of 1938 he organized the SPAC (South Plains Area Council) Indians.  The SPAC Indians served basically the same purpose that the Order of the Arrow serves today, and used only slightly varied ceremonies.  The Order of the Arrow was advantages of operating on a national scale, in the fall of 1939 Chief Runkles recommended to the Council Camping Committee that the Order of the Arrow become the official council honor campers association.  His suggestion was approved and through a National Charter the Nakona Lodge #150 was formed.

Chief Frank Runkles was given the distinction of being the first member of the lodge and also the only one never to undergo an Ordeal.  He gave the lodge its name and totem and was responsible for inducting its first members who were elected on an all-council basis rather than by individual troops.  He also held the position of Lodge Lay Adviser during the 1940's (although it was inactive during World War II) and had remained a respected guide and supporter of the Lodge since that time up until his death on March 19, 2002.

Name and Totem

The name of the Lodge is Nakano Lodge #150 and the lodge is under the supervision of the Council Executive Committee in all matters relating to the Council Camping and Activities Committee.  The Executive Committee of Nakona Lodge shall include either the Council Executive of a representative of his choosing.

The lodge totem is the black buffalo (American buffalo).

Lodge Insignia

The Nakona Lodge pocket flap shall consist of the Lodge totem, the black buffalo surrounded by a landscape similar to that found in the area.  Lodge members shall receive one (1) flap per lifetime which may be exchanged only in the case of extreme damage tot he flap.  This flag is never to be traded.

The Nakona Lodge neckerchief may only be worn at Nakona Lodge and Order of the ARrow functions and may be bought at most Nakona Lodge functions.  There is no restriction on the number of of neckerchiefs a Lodge member may buy.

T-shirts with the Nakona Lodge emblem on them are officially lodge material.  All Nakona Lodge member may wear those T-shirts, and they will be sold at various lodge functions.

Coup beads, feathers, and other such insignia are not official Nakona Lodge insignia, but they may be used as insignia for individual clans and may be worn at Clan and Nakona Lodge functions.

The O.A. Lodge House is at Camp Post.  The Lodge House may be used by any lodge member in good standing with the approval of the Camp Ranger.  No person who is not a member in good standing of the Nakona Lodge may use the Lodge House for any reason.

Lodge Publications

The Buffalo Bulletin is the official publication of the Nakona Lodge.  It shall contain all official Lodge notices and bulletins, a section for clan notices and bulletins, and any notices which the Lodge's various committees may required.  This publication should be published quarterly.

The Nakona Lodge Handbook shall be an official publication of the Lodge for the purposes of aiding in orientation of new members and to serve as a guide to Nakona Lodge policy.  It will contain the policies and rules which shall govern the activities of Nakona Lodge, and other essential data.

Clans were allowed to send one mailing each month, either a postcard or letter.  If more than one mailing per month is required then a special requested had to be present to the Lodge Staff Adviser and given the reason why this mailing was necessary.

The "Where to go Camping" booklet was an official publication of the Lodge and was to be supplied to the Scoutmasters of the South Plains Council.  The booklet was to be revised no less than every two years an not more than every year.  It was also to be made available to other people who requested a copy.

Lodge Chiefs

The elected officers of Nakona Lodge #150 shall be:  Lodge Chief, 1st Vice-Chief, 2nd Vide-Chief, Secretary, Treasurer-Historian.  The Lodge officers shall be formally installed in office at the annual Lodge Banquet, which shall be held in November.  Here is a list of known Lodge Chiefs in the Nakona Lodge:

1947 - Marvin Standefer
1948 - Marvin Standefer
1949 - Bob Schmidt
1950 - Emmett Adair
1951 - James Lamb
1952 - Jack Beckner
1953 - Unk
1954 - Jack Vaughn
1955 - Ray Rutledge
1956 - Charles Blazi
1957 - Unk
1958 - Unk
1959 - Unk
1960 - John Farrell
1961 - Jack Woody
1962 - Jack Woody
1963 - Larry Ginsburg
1964 - Larry Ginsburg
1965 - Unk
1966 - Jerry Fowler
1967 - Charles Hamilton
1968 - Richard Rice
1969 - Larry Mahaffey
1970 - Whitt "Pat" Pond/Fritz Struve
1973 - Rod Taylor
1974 - Brian Vickers
1975 - Steve Yeary
1976 - Miles Cato
1977 - Miles Cato
1978 - Larry Brownfield
1979 - Paul Abell
1980 - Greg Hudspeth
1981 - Greg Taylor
1982 - Greg Taylor
1983 - Mike Stueart
1984 - Michael Stuart
1985 - Chrysler Crews
1986 - Chrysler Crews
1987 - John Cory, Jr.
1988 - Chris Van DeValde
1989 - Mike Hall
1990 - Mike Hall
1991 - Mike Hall
1992 - Pat Price
1993 - Mike Hall
1994 - Jesse Winters
1995 - Franklin McDonough
1996 - Franklin McDonough
1997 - Jackson Butler
1998 - Jackson Butler
1999 - Marcus Gomez
2000 - Marcus Gomez
2001 - Marcus Gomez
2002 - Dustin Dinges
2003 - Dustin Dinges
2004 - Zach Pruitt
2005 - Andrew Rushing
2006 - Michael Pandya
2007 - Stephen Alexander, Nathan Gregory
2008 - Vince Gonzales, Zachary Montandon
2009 - Nathan Gregory 
2010 - Graham Raiper
2011-  Layton Thorpe
2012 - Layton Thorpe
2013 - Evan Thompson

Lodge Advisers

Lodge Advisers are the unsung heroes of the Nakona Lodge.  They are responsible, as volunteers, to see that the lodge stayed in the hands of the youth.  But they are also responsible to see that the lodge functions according to the rules of the Order of the Arrow.  Here is a list of the known advisers: 

1973 - 1973 - James Harris
1974 - 1977 - Bill Feminear
1978 -1979 - Charels Neil
1980 - 1981 - Duane Parker
1982 - 1983 - Ralph Godfrey
1984 - 1984 - Ralph Godfrey/Don Thom
1985 - 1986 - Ernie Ebert
1987 -1987 -  Mike Benton/Charles Varner
1988 - 1990 - Charlie Varner 
1991 - 1904 -  Doug Spradling
1905 - 1996 -  Robert Hall
1997 - 2000? - Doug Spradling (Served until Steve Holland became adviser)
2005 - 2006 -  Steve Holland
2007 - 2010 - Jim Norten
2010 - Present - Danny Gomez

Clan System

The Nakona Lodge shall be divided into seven clans or chapters each of which shall correspond to one of the seven districts within the Council.  Each Clan shall elect its own officers and shall have an adviser appointed by the District Executive.  The District Executive of each district shall hold the same position in the clan as the Staff Adviser in the Lodge. 

Each Clan shall elect a Clan Chief, one or two Clan Vice-Chiefs, a Clan Secretary, and any other officers necessary for the effective operation of the Clan.  No Clan, however, may elect a Clan Treasurer for it may not maintain a Clan treasury.  Each Clan Chief and Clan Adviser are to be members of the Executive Committee and shall represent the Clan in that body.

The Clan shall also organize operating committees corresponding to the Lodge Operating Committees.  The chairman of each clan committee shall become a member of the Lodge committee to which he corresponds.

Lodge Committees

Lodge Committees shall consist of Activities, Banquet, Camping Promotion, Ceremonial, Communications, Membership, Outlying Clans and Vigil Honor Committee.

Section Conclaves

In 1983, Nakona hosted its first Conclave in Lubbock for South Central Region, Section 6.  Again, in 1988, and 1989, Nakona hosted Conclaves.

In 2004, Nakona Lodge attended the Southern Region 2 Section Conclave at Bovay Scout Ranch outside of Navasota, Texas. Nakona was well represented with over 20 Arrowmen in attendance. The Conclave is an annual event that brings together 14 lodges from Texas and Louisiana. The highlight of the trip included a bus ride with fellow Arrowmen from Paneteka Lodge (Abilene) and Tatanka Lodge (Midland).

Also, the Nakona Lodge Pre-Ordeal ceremony team was only 1 point shy of a perfect score in the Novice competition. The score of 99 was good enough for a First Place finish. This team also took home 3 of 4 character sweepstakes in the Novice Division. Reegan May placed second in the costume competition. 

NOAC Spirit Award

The 2002 NOAC Special Events Committee was pleased to honor twenty lodges as recipients of the 2002 NOAC Lodge Spirit Award. This award, reconstituted in 2000 by the committee, challenged lodge contingents in the area of NOAC planning, participation, teamwork, and spirit. The Nakona Lodge was one of the twenty lodges recognized. 

The award is an elegant acrylic flame displaying an etched NOAC logo. The 2002 recipients were recognized at the NOAC Founders Day fair by National Chief Clay Capp and Special Events CVC Andy Chapman. The Lodge also received this award at the 2000 National Order of the Arrow Conference.

Vigil Honor

The Vigil Honor is the highest honor that the Order of the Arrow can bestow upon its members for service above self to their lodge and local council.  Here is a list of those that we have.  Please send others to us to post on this site.

1947 - Chief Runkles
1953 - John Hendon, Curt Wilcox
1954 - Tommy Daniels, Cecil Hill, Raymond Lupfer, Raymond Stephens
1955 - Howard Brawn, Claude Brown, Bill Craig, Oscar Cantwell, Bob Eastes, Yoral Harris, Clay Hendrick, Wilbur Holmes, Stewart Painter.
1956 - Charles Biazl, Tommy Hawkins, Ray Howard, Sam George, Harry De Lashmutt, Marice Teague, Ed Wilson
1957 - Wayne Nesmith, Wayne Parker, Bill Tarter, Othis Upton
1958 - John Breeden, A. W. (Gus) Benner, Jim Cole, Terry Edwards, Charles Smith, Harold Withite
1959 - Manuel Blanco, John Cole, Larry Gibbs, Joe King, Jim Word
1960 - J. R. Arnold, Jim Blagg, John Farrell, Daniel Galvin
1961 - None
1962 - Jack Barnes, John Clardy, Mark Geeslin, Ben Kalin, Elra Oden, Bill Owens, Churck Perkins, Wayne Runkles, Jack Woody
1963 - Joe Bob Blackburn, Douglas Pitts, Jr., Jim Stone, Tommy Tarlton
1964 - Dr. Royce Dyer, Gary Don Essary, Ted Karr, Eric Kramer, Bill Mayes, Kenneth Pitts, Howard Schmidt, Dickie Teel, Jim Wilson, Jr.
1965 - Floyd Cox, Paul Dunn, Sewell Keeter, Ben Liscomb, Johnny Marshall, Leon Miller, Johnny Simmons, H. D. Teel
1966 - Kent Crosthwait, Marc Eason, Andrew Essary, Charles Hamilton, Tom Hilbun, Tom Peabody, Dewitt Thompson, Charles Varner
1967 - James Curry, Jr., J. E. Eckert, Jerry Fowler, Paul Geeslin, Olin O'Neal, Matthew Starch
1968 - Dale Buckner, Dink Eckert, Leon Gooch, Warren Green, Joe Hilburn, Ivor Jones, Richard Rice, Alex Webb
1969 - Gary Baker, Richard Copeland, Kent Hamilton, Kenneth Hamilton, C. T. McCormick, Billy Mitchell, Larry MeHaffey, Paul Mills, H. W. (Bill) Oehler
1970 - David Abbott, Lynn Cowan, Jack Crider, Ray Hoppins, Ron MaHaffey, Steve McMurtry, Talmadge Todd
1971 - Ronnie Crawfort, Bill Faminear, Craig Finlayson, John Mills, David Roden, Fritz Struve, Charles Ward, David Woodall
1972 - Don Boedeker, Rickey Ferrell, Monte McLlroy, Rodney Taylor, Charles Ward, Jr., Billie Yohner
1973 - Herb Allman, Danny Daniels, Don Daniels, Doug Palmer, Andy Sowder, Brian Vickers
1974 - O. E. Burton, Steve Yeary
1975 - Ricky Bennett, Mark Chisum, Larry Hildreth, Harry B. Massingill, Bobby Morris, Dave Parkhill, Rudolph R. Struve
1976 - Miles Cato, Randy Gurley, A. C. Jones, Duane Parker, Andy Richardson, Billy Sheek, Jamie Williams
1977 - Roland E. Bell, Elbert Buerger, Larry Brownfield, Dale Jones, Raphel Scott, Bobby F. Williams
1978 - Ken Brownfield, Pat Easter, Jeff (Ivey) Huckabee, Greg Hudspeth, Charles Neil, Jerry Stegall, Craig Warner
1979 - Ralph Godfrey, Blake Onken, Leon Reed, Greg Taylor
1980 - Fred Acocha, Mark Brown, Randy Leonard, Bob White
1981 - Dean Tankersley, Adrian J. Taylor, Churck Taylor, Jimmy Stueart
1982 - Bill Ashcraft, Glen Babcock, Arthur Berg, Ernie Ebert, Nowell Godfrey, Churck Hornung, Michel Stueart, Pierce Thomas
1983 - Unk
1984 - unk
1985 - Unk
1986 - Unk
1987 - Unk
1988 - Howard I. Watson
1989 - unk
1990 - Unk
1991 - Jeff Goolsby, Dale Hall, Tom James, John Rogers
1992 - Rett Anderton
1993 - Unk
1994 - Unk
1995 - Unk
1996 - Franklin McDonough
1997 - Unk
1998 - Unk
1999 - Unk
2000 - Unk
2001 - Unk
2002 - Unk
2003 - Unk
2004 - Michael Pandya, Todd Eldridge, Joyce Merritt
2005 - Reegan May, Royce May, Gordon Muse, Rayburn Wener
2006 - Rayburn Wenner, Jarred Wenner, John Wasiuta, Greg Nauert, Geofrey Nauert, Donna Tidwell
2007 - Mark Warsing, Jared W., Lucas Wheeler, Philip Wendt, Randell Hust
2008 - Brad Payne, Cameron Ward, Trevor Thuett, Andrew S., Taylor Hickland
2009 - Unk
2010 - Unk
2011 - Alan Sill, Ted Moore, Saul Enrique Rodriguez, Graham Rapier
2012 - Robert Jeffcoat, Mason Payne, Michael Payne, Nick Rogers, Layton Thorpe

Founder's Award

The Founder’s Award was created by the Order of the Arrow to honor and recognize those Arrowmen who have given outstanding service to the Lodge.  The bronze medallion bearing the likeness of E. Urner Goodman and Carroll A. Edson is reserved for an Arrowman who demonstrates to his fellow Arrowman that he memorializes in his everyday life the spirit of achievement as described by our founder. 

The Founder's Award was presented to Jason Hill and Bobby Mahan at the 2004 Lodge Banquet.

Fall Ordeal

The Nakona 150 Fall Ordeal is generally held in August or September. It provides an opportunity for those scouts and scouters in the South Plains Council who were tapped or called out over the past summer to be inducted into the Order of the Arrow. The Fall Ordeal allows a candidate to test himself and truly discover the spirit of the brotherhood. The Ordeal is also a time during which the lodge gives invaluable service in maintaining Camp C.W. Post. Candidates and Arrowmen work side-by-side on projects ranging from trail work to building maintenance. On Friday evening Ordeal and Brotherhood candidates arrive at camp and pass through registration. Each candidate receives a necklace with beads that denotes his/her clan. A candidate will remain a member of this clan for life. Candidates pass through a series of tests which, when successfully completed, demonstrate the candidates worthiness of membership in the Order of the Arrow. For members the Fall Ordeal is a time for service and fellowship, not to mention great food. When Arrowmen are not busy clearing trails and campsites, they are busy playing games and eating! 

Fall Fellowships

Training, service, and fellowship are all hallmarks of the Nakona 150 Fall Fellowship. Started in 2004, this very unique event involves many Lodges from around the area. Held at Camp C.W. Post, the Fall Fellowship gathers the resources of each Lodge involved in order to share knowledge, and to have a good time. Arrowmen in attendance will be sure to meet some of their brothers from other areas, and make lasting friendships.

Lodge Awards and Recognition Banquets

Every November Nakona Lodge 150 holds its awards and recognitions Banquet. This is a chance for Arrowmen and their families to come together and enjoy an evening of food and entertainment. Awards are given to outstanding Arrowmen, new officers and advisors are installed, new Arrowmen and Brotherhood members are recognized, and the Vigil Honor recipients are chosen. All of this is put together with an excellent catered meal to create the perfect fellowship experience. Presentations, awards, food, fun, and fellowship are what draw Nakona members to the banquet year after year.

Spring Fellowships

Once in every spring the arrowmen of Nakona 150 converge on Camp Post to do everything in their power to have fun. Spring Fellowship is a time for Nakona members to meet each other, or reminisce if you're old enough, and have a good time. Washer Tossing and Dominoes are lodge favorites. However, as of recently, off-hand games of poker, Risk, ping-pong, and football seem to be becoming the norm. 


Like a Fall Ordeal but in the spring, the spring Ordeal is held in May of each year. The main purpose of this ordeal is to prepare Camp Post for the upcoming Summer Camp. However, Sweathawg, affectionately named for the hot weather and sweat that the weather causes, also serves as an opportunity for those candidates and arrowmen who missed out on participating in the fall ordeal to undergo an Ordeal. 


Shiverhawg is an annual OA work weekend at Camp Tres Ritos in New Mexico. Usually held Memorial weekend, this historically adult event has recently begun to include youth participants. The weekend provides a chance for the Lodge to be prepare the camp for the Summer Camp season. Typical work includes clearing campsites of fallen trees, working on damaged water lines, and building repairs. Also, the Shiverhawg weekend is a chance to fellowship in a beautiful outdoor setting with fellow Arrowmen. After the work is done, Arrowmen spend time hiking, fishing, and having a good time in the Pecos Wilderness. This event provides a chance to serve, and have a great time doing it.

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NOTE:  We are looking for additional history of the Nakona Lodge!  If you have any information on names of past Lodge Chiefs, Lodge Advisers, Founder's Award recipients, Vigil Honor, or other awards presented by the lodge, please e-mail the webmaster.  His e-mail address can be found on the Home Page of this web site at the bottom of the page.  We want to make this page the most complete history as possible of this great lodge so share your knowledge with us!

Information for this page has been taken form the Nakona Lodge Handbook, dated 1970, provided by Robert Black and Mike Briggs.  Thanks to Mike Hall for adding the names of Lodge Chiefs from 1984 - 1994 and some information on Lodge Advisers and to Michael Pandya and Zach Pruitt for names of Lodge Chiefs from 1997 to 2003.  Note:Additonal names and dates for Lodge Chiefs and Advisers came from research of documents in Doug Spradlings collection. Also Chris Crews only served as lodge chief for about two months before he was elected section chief then national vice chief. Thanks to Greg Taylor for providing us additional names of Vigil members from 1947 through 1982.

Last Updated: November 15, 2012
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