Dallas Morning News,
December 9, 1913, "Boy Scouts To Issue Paper - Scoutmasters Plan Publication
of Monthly Magazine. At at meeting of the executive committee of the scoutmasters,
held in the local Boy Scout office at noon yesterday, presided over by
Chairman Hugh Campbell, it was announced that a four-page paper, the Southwestern
Scout, will be published in Dallas monthly, it being the intention of the
publishers to issue the first edition this month. The following staff
was announced: Scoutmaster Kenneth Capers, editor in chief, Scoutmaster
Claude Campbell, managing editor; Scoutmasters W. J. Rawls, Hugh Campbell,
S. W. Clark and Scout Commissioner C. M. Richmond, associate editors; Scoutmaster
J. W. M. Vidler, business manager. It is the intention to have the
paper circulated in Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and New Mexico.
