Buffalo Trail Council

Distinguish Citizen Award

1. 1989 - Frank Cowden, Jr.* 
2. 1990
3. 1991 - H.W. ‘Hy’ Davidson and Rep. Tom Craddick
4. 1992 - Clayton and Modesta Williams 
5. 1993 - Gov. George W. Bush
6. 1994 - Helen Greathouse* 
7. 1995 - Laura Bush
8. 1996 - Barry Williamson (Texas Railroad Commissioner)
9. 1997 - Kenny & Terry Jastrow
10. 1998 - U.S. Sen. Phil Gramm
11. 1999 - Gov. Rick Perry
12. 2000 - Judy Rankin and George & Gladys Abell*
13. 2001
14. 2002 - Michael Williams (Texas Railroad Commissioner)
15. 2003 - Gen. Tommy Franks
16. 2004 - Don Evans (Former U.S. Secretary of Commerce)
17. 2005 - Dr. David Daniel (Midland College President)
18. 2006 - U.S. Rep. Mike Conaway
19. 2007 - Dr. Charles M. Younger
20. 2008 - Judge John G. Hyde
21. 2009 - Charles Spence
22. 2010 - Ed Magruder Jr.
23. 2011
24. 2012
25. 2013
26. 2014
27. 2015
28. 2016 - Gov.Greg Abott
29. 2017
30. 2018 - Norbert Dickman
31 2019 - Jay Isaacs
32. 2020
33. 2021
34. 2022 - Clint Walker
25. 2023 - Bill Kent
26. 2024 -
Kevin Sparks

Odessa Honorees
1. 2005 - Dick Sivalls
2. Larry Melton
3. Jack Wood
4. 1997 - Loranne Perryman 

We thank David O'Neil for sending this information to us through 2010.

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