District Award of Merit

Texas Trails Council

The District Award of Merit is the highest award a district may present to one of its volunteers for outstanding service to youth. Here are the first awards presented in the Texas Trails Council.
Double Mountain District

2002  Russell Dressen, Abilene 
         Jay Wesley Helmer, Merkel 
2003  Dan Brannon, Abilene
          Kay Smith, Haskell
          Randal Smith, Abilene
2004  Marquita Helmer, Merkel
         Julia Mink, Sweetwater
2005  Dan Byerly, Hamlin
         Patrick Pace, Rule
2006  Bobby Lee
          Leland Terry
2007  James Edwards, Hamlin
         Dutch Verschoor, Sweetwater

Kickapoo District

2003  Jeff Henton, Lampasas
2004  Greg Henderson, Lampasas
2005  Alvin E. Hall, Brownwood
         Scott A. Morelock, Brownwood
2006  David Hass, Brownwood
          Hubert Swann, Brownwood
2007  Michael Bradle, Lampasas
          Roy Curbo, Brownwood
2008  Janet Griffin, Brownwood
2009   Frank Girffin, Brownwood
          Stanley Walker, Brownwood

Noreast District

2004  Larry Smith, Eastland
         Sam Mangrum, Stephenville 
2005  Inge Easterling, Dublin
         Alvin Steward, Comanche
2006  Debbie Beverly
         Travis Johnson

White Buffalo District

2003  Dr. Stan Turner, Abilene
         Randa Upp, Abilene
2004  B. J. Pollan, Abilene
          Jimmy Thomas, Abilene
2005  Doug llmand, Abilene
         Ronnie Riddle, Abilene
2006  Corky Dement, Abilene
         Melissa Woodard, Abiene
2007   John Snapp, Abilene
          Walt Sporisky, Abilene

Pecan Valley

2012 Michelle Wiley
         Dr. Eric Morrow
Larry Eddinger  Lampasas

Brazos Forks
Buffalo Mountain

2017 Amanda Hamilton Abilene
        James Whitehead Clyde

Old Comanche Trail District

2017  Cliff Coan  DeLeon

Updated:  February 6, 2018

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