Chase Holland Awards

Chase Holland, of Holland Jewelry Company, San Angelo, Texas, and a member of the Council Executive Board, awarded a medal to the outstanding Scout in each San Angelo troop as well as the outstanding Scout in San Angelo.  He had a specially designed medal made for this award and they were awarded at the close of the school term,  usually during the summer months.

The award was based on "Good Turn Reports" turned into the Scout office by the Scouts.  They suggested that the "Good Turn Report" did not imply the doing of any one good turn but was to be a report of several exceptional good turns done throughout the year.

A gold medal was awarded for the outstanding Scout of all San Angelo Scouts for the year and a silver medal was awarded to the outstanding Scout of each troop in San Angelo.  Here is a list of the awards that were presented that we were able to find a record of:

JUNE 26, 1927

Gold Medal - Luther Coulter Troop 7
Silver Medals - Willard Crotty Troop 1
                           Ralph Logan Troop 2
                           Ford Boulware Troop 3
                           Louis Gallemore Troop 4
                           Sherrell Fant  Troop 6
                           Bomar Horton Troop 7

SUMMER, 1928

Gold Medal -
Silver Medal - Gordon Buttery Troop 2

JULY 21, 1929

Gold Medal - Sam Scheuber Troop 3
Silver Medal - Hugh Lynn Steger Troop 1
                         Bill Erwin Troop 2
                         Mike Haynes Troop 3
                         Larue Avera Troop 4
                         Harrison Clary Troop 6
                         Fred Nibling Troop 7

SUMMER, 1930

Gold Medal - Harrison Clary Troop 6
Silver Medal - Loncie L. Tucker  Troop 6
                         James Montgomery Troop 7

The award was usually presented at the summer Court of Honor following summer camp.  We were unable to find a news story in 1928 and 1930 on the Court of Honor.  The names for those years were taken from the Troop stories found on Sunday morning's newspaper written by the Scribe of that troop.

Material for this story was taken from "Panjandrum A History of Scouting in the Concho Valley Council, "1911-1941," by Frank T. Hilton, 1990
Last Updated:  January 6, 2003
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