James E. West Fellowship

Texas Southwest Council

(Formerly the Concho Valley Council)

The James E. West Fellowship is a national  recognition for individuals who contribute, or have contributed in their name, $1,000 or more to the Council’s endowment trust fund.

The award is named after the first Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America who exemplified Ralph Waldo Emerson’s observation that “an institution is the lengthened shadow of one man.”  Scouting today is the “lengthened shadow” of more than three decades of the farsighting and dedicated leadership of James E. West.

Those who are recognized by the James E. West Fellowship Award will cast their own “lengthened shadow” as they help insure the Scouting legacy for future generations of young people and create the financial stability of the program in the twenty-first century of this local council.  Those awards presented in the Concho Valley Council are:

Bill Alexander, San Angelo, 2002
ynn Alston, San Angelo - 2012
Daniel Anderson, San Angelo 2007
Frank Berthod, 2006
Randy and Susan Brooks - 2013

Danny Brown, San Angelo, February 26, 2001
Ralph M. Cook, San Angelo - December 29, 1995
Gary Cox - 2005
Stratton B. Cralle, Christoval - April 23, 1998
Thomas R. Dixon - 2015

Roy M. Dudley, San Angelo, 2003
Robert F. Fierro, Jr., April 26, 2001, 2014
Dorothy M. Funk, San Angelo - December 3, 1998
Richard D. Funk, San Angelo - November 17, 1997
Harold  C. Gibbs, San Angelo - September 22, 1997
Zachery Gomez, 2003
Albert Gorelick, 2003
Charles J. Heim - 2014

Jeff Helton - 2017

Barry Hendler, San Angelo 2007
Joe R. Hoelle, 2002
Namoi E. Hogan, Crane, April 12, 1999
Pedie Hogan, 2002
Theodore W. Hogan, Crane - November 17, 1997
Jim H. Hughes, San Angelo - January 4, 1996
LaRuth Jenkins, San Angelo, 2003
Michael Jenike, San Angelo, 2007
Ross J. Kennedy, Uvalde - December 28, 1996
Devin Koehler - 2017

James L. Kinsey, Houston, April 3, 2000
Baugh Lewis, San Angelo, December 28, 1998
Helen H. Lewis, San Angelo, December 28, 1998
Bill Loveless, 2002
Doyle C. Maddux, December 15, 2000
Monty Mahon, San Angelo, 2007
Richard Mayer - 2011
E. S. Mayer and Sons - 2011
Stanley and Deanna Mayfield, San Angelo, 2010
Amy and Mark McLaughlin Donor Advised Fund - 2011

Jack Moore, San Angelo - 2005, 2014
J. B. Morris, San Angelo, 2002
Laverne Morris, San Angelo, 2002
E. Scott Nalls, October 22, 1999
Scott Nalls, San Angelo, 2003
Steven G. Nalls, San Angelo - February 20, 1998
General Gerald Prather, Del Rio - 2005
Carolyn P. Prather, Del Rio - 1995
Alice Piri - 2010

Ron Piri - 2011

Ann Moore, San Angelo, 2012

Joe W. Ross  - 2012
Randall Ross, San Angelo, 2003, 2007
Norm and Doris Rousselot - 2011
Stephen Salmon, San Angelo, 2007
Patrick Shannon, San Angleo, 2007
Kyle Sharp, San Angelo - 2010
Butch Simpson - 2017
Tilden Stewart, Crane, January 2004
Michael B. Terrell, San Angelo - September 22, 1997
Sally H. Trolinger, San Angelo, February 1, 2001
Brenda White, 2007
Jerry White, 2006
Earl Wisdom, San Angelo, January 2004
Jean F. Williams, Brady, September 15, 2000
Billy W. Willig, San Angelo - November 9, 1994
Brooks W. Willig, San Angelo, February 26, 2001
Bruce W. Willig, San Angelo - November 9, 1994
Bruce Willig, San Angelo - 2005
Marcus Young, San Angelo - 2005
Jerry White, San Angelo - 2006

Updated: February 22, 2018
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