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Are Having Fine Time In Camp More Than 130 Eastland County Boys at Camp Martin on The Llano After wearing off "Homesickness" and getting over the soreness incident to spending a day or more in cleaning up camp the Boy Scouts at Camp Martin on the Llano are now having a fine time according to letters coming to parents of the boys. The first day or two of work, light rations and discipline kinder got the goats of the boys, the majority of them having never been in camp before, but 14 or the 15 Rising Star boys who registered are sticking it out. Woodrow Harris, Russel Day, Hugh Rixford and Weldon Bryant returning home Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harris who visited the camp. The camp will be broken Saturday when all the boys will return to their homes. The Record is receiving the "Bugle Call" daily newspaper gotten out in camp each day and find it very interesting. Clark Coursey, of this city, is editor and is getting out some breezy news on the camp activities. The paper is run off on mimeograph, furnished by scout executive Quirl, and a number of the boys are contributing items and stories. Prizes are offered for the best articles. Charles G. Gray, of Cisco, member of the Eastland County Council and a Scout enthusiast, visit the camp one day this week and upon his return gave the follow story as to the camp routine which tells in a concise way just what the boys are doing: "Camp Martin was named for the owner of the land on which the camp is situated," Gray said. "I wish every mother and father who has a boy in this camp could go there and spend at least one day. And why not? The outing would be most enjoyable and beneficial, and they certainly would endorse the splendid discipline exercised over their boys. Everything is done and regulated according to clockwork precision. A time for everything, and everything done at the proper time. Following is the program for each day of the camp: "Reveille is sounded at 5:45, followed by a 15 minute dip in the water where the Scouts are in charge of two experienced swimmers, winners of merit badges in life-saving work. Breakfast at 7 o'clock is followed by inspection of quarters at 8, to see that all beds have been made up and all Scouts are in good shape. The Scouts are called out for drill from 8:30 to 9:30; 9:30 to 10:30 is devoted to cleaning up the grounds, after which the scouts go for a swim in the river for no longer than one hour. They lounge and rest till luncheon at 12 o'clock. At 1 o'clock in the afternoon the Scouts are divided into fishing and hiking parties, under the supervision of the experienced in fishing and hiking. Those who do not go on the hiking and fishing expeditions are permitted to remain in camp and are not allowed to leave except with the permission of a Scoutmaster, and then must be attended by a scoutmaster or assistant. "The Scouts are required to report for retreat at 6 o'clock and then swim till 7, when the colors are lowered preparatory for supper. After supper the Scout council or pow-wow is held, where the day's experiences are gone over and plans are made for the next day's program with suggestions from Scouts. The time is also spent in relaxation, stunts, jokes an other amusements till 10:30, when lights are out and the boys are in bed. "All is perfectly arranged. There is a man for every department. One Scout is designated to answer all questions. if he is absent the question must remain unanswered till he returns. One executive is designated to grant or deny any requests Scouts may make, his answer is always yes or no and there is no argument. He either grants or refuses the request, and the Scout knows his answer is final. If all homes were under such perfect discipline there would be much less delinquency among juveniles - both boys and girls. That's why I say every parent could learn much by spending a day at Camp Martin." This newspaper story was taken from the scrapbook of Clark Coursey which is now the property of the Brown County Museum of History. We think the story was probably written in either 1928 or 1929 and the paper was the Progress Record. Return to Camp Martin Return to Home Page |