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Packs 26, 27, 28, and 29,
all of San Angelo, participated in the March 5, 1937, Boy Scout Circus
held in the Municipal Auditorium of that community. Using the theme
of "It's Fun To Be a Cub Scout", and under the director of Grady Stoval,
they presented various Cub Scout games and skills for the audience.
By the end of the following year, 1937, the Council had 330 Cubs in twelve Packs, including Pack 2, McCamey, sponsored by McCamey P.T.A., and which was organized in early May. Packs were also organized at Brady and Harris Avenue School in San Angelo. The next year there were 350 Cubs active in twelve Packs. When it came time for the 1938 Scout Circus there were ten Packs ready to participate under the direction again of Grady Stoval. They were able to put on a lively demonstration of Cub activities and games this time around. Those participating in the Circus were Pack 1, Iraan; Pack 2, McCamey; Pack 3, Texon; Pack 4, Mertzon; Pack 16, Bronte; Packs 26, 28, 29, 30, and 31 of San Angelo. At the end of 1939, this number had dropped to nine Packs with 255 members. The Packs functioning on December 31, 1938, were Pack 1, Iraan; Pack 2, McCamey; Pack 3, Texon; Pack 4, Mertzon; Pack 5, Brady; Pack 15, Sabinal; Pack 26, San Angelo; Pack 29, San Angelo; and Pack 31, San Angelo. By February, 1939, Pack 83, sponsored by the Baptist Church, had been organized with George Herndon as Cubmaster. The number of Cub Packs increased to fourteen that year including Pack 21, Fort Stockton, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Rev. Felipe Grive, Cubmaster; Pack 33, San Angelo, Forrest Park Mission Baptist Church, Earl Kelley, Cubmaster; Pack 21 Eden, Eden P.T.A., and Pack 6 at Paint Rock, Paint Rock P.T.A., W. B. Bishop, Cubmaster. Many changes have occurred in Cub Scouts since those first Cub Scout packs were organized. The Webelos Den was created in 1954 to keep boys in Cubbing and provide a means of bridging them over into Boy Scouts. A special Webelos program was made a part of the Webelos Den in 1967. Tiger Cubs was introduced in 1982 for 7-year-old boys and their adult partners. The boys met once a month in one of the family’s home and they did activities with their parents once a month. The Cub Scout program expanded to include boys in the First Grade as Tiger Cubs and in the Second Grade in the fall of 1986. The new 2-year Webelos program was introduced into Cub Scouts in 1988. For the first time, 4th and 5th graders could be in Webelos Scouts. Extended Council conducted Webelos camping was also introduced in the same year. By 1988, the national executive board, in its February meeting, revised the Rules and Regulations of the Boy Scouts of America to allow women to serve in all Scouting leadership positions. The opened the door for women to serve as Webelos den leader, assistant Webelos den leader, assistant Cubmaster and Cubmaster. Also, resident camping for Cub Scouts was approved and that provided councils with the opportunity to have Cub Scout Resident Camps. Cub PushmobileThe Second Annual Pushmobile Derby was held the following year on November 8, 1980, with 21 cars participating. First place trophies went to the following: First Place - 9 year old Champion and Grand Champion from Den 2 of Pack 22, San Angelo, Mrs. Linda Roach, Den Leader. Second Place- 8 year old Champion from Den 2 of Pack 7, San Angelo, Mrs. Roger McManus, Den Leader. Third Place - 10 year old Champion from Webelos Den 1 of Pack 327, San Angelo, Mike Ryan, Webelos Den Leader. Trophies were also presented
to Best Looking Cars and for Most Unusual Looking Cars in each age group.
Bill Lane of San Angelo served as Chairman of the Pushmobile. Alpha
Phil Omega Service Fraternity at Angelo State University helped with the
We know that the Pushmobile was run in 1989 with some 25 cars entered from 13 Packs. This was the eighth running of the Pushmobile according to a story in the Council’s newsletter “Echoes.” Bill Ruth of San Angelo served as Chairman of the Saturday event. The Grand Champion was Den 2 of Pack 7, San Angelo. Webelos Residence CampCub/Webelos Residence CampBy 1990, the camp had become the Cub Scout Resident Camp using the theme “Treasure Island” The 1991 camp was under the leadership of Mike Sawle. Program Director for the camp was Debra Meier. Packs were encouraged to register by Packs but individual registrations were still be accepted. A special feature of the camp was a separate program for Webelos Scouts. In 1995, the camp was once again expanded, this time to include families. As with the previous camps, it was held at Camp Sol Mayer. They had 82 participants with a more open schedule for the campers and program for the Cubs as well as their sisters and parents. It seems mosquitoes were a problem during that camp until the camp ranger sprayed and took care of the problem. One Cub Residence Camp was held in the summer of 1996 at Camp Sol Mayer from May 31 to June 2., with Don Cheek as Camp Director, assisted by Martin Guinn and Phil Coupal. Included in the program was the addition of Webelos being able to ride horses. The Wolves were able to learn to swim and cut bait and the Bears took a Day Hike to the Ranch and hunt for arrowheads. The also added more free time into the program and eliminated cooking from the program. They also had a new miniature golf course. The last known camp was held during the summer of 1998 at Camp Sol Mayer. Cub/Dad WeekendsThe Obstacle Course that every one participated in consisted of such fun things as swinging over the swamp like “Indiana Jones,” walking a balance beam and climbing a wall. On Sunday Cubs and their dads participated in a “Gold Rush.” Several participants were thrown into jail for “claim jumping” and sentenced to being a victim in the sponge throw. Those serving on the staff included Armando DeLeon, Kathie Bendinelli, Peggy Atchison, Don Goff, Robert Fierro, Wendell Webb, Monty Gibson, Chris McLucas, Terry and Debbie Younggren, Maggie Levario, Robert Zook, Josh Atchison, Daryl Box, Tonny Bendinelli, Carl Cummins, Frank Hilton and their host, Troop 58 of Big Lake. The second Cub/Dad weekend was held October 10-11, 1992. Two meals were served in the dining hall and the cost was $12.00 per Cub or dad. The theme was “Pioneer Days” and featured activities of cowboys, Indians, gunslingers and mountain men. They had target shooting, bows and arrows, steer roping, Indian canoes, hayrides and other activities related to the theme. A popular feature of the weekend was Bad Butch who stole he Sheriff’s horse “Ole Paint.” Mom ’N MeThis popular weekend was continued each year and in 1993 they had expanded to two different weekends, May 1-2 and May 15-16. They skipped a weekend in order to give the staff a chance to recover from the first weekend! They used the theme “Pioneer Days,” a takeoff on the successful Cub/Dad event held the previous Fall. Mom and Me has been a regular feature of May since that time. My Son and MeFun With Son![]() One of the biggest hits of the weekend was the model train problem-solving activity provided by Charles and Dan Anderson. Thank to both those gentlemen young Charlie and dozens of other Scouts became completely fascinated by an experience that most of them would never have the chance to have. Family Camps
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