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7TH NATIONAL JAMBOREE - 1969Buffalo Trail CouncilMarvin Stevenson, one of the Scoutmasters for the group and his son, Life-Scout Mark Stevenson recalled a lot of memories from the trip. Mark said that while the Jamboree was really something to see, and that he was glad he went, but the Sommers Canoe Base in Minnesota and Canada rated higher with him than the Jamboree did. Marvin said he really enjoyed the Jamboree, but it was a big responsibility being a Scoutmaster on such a trip. The first night after the group left West Texas, they stayed at the United States Air Force Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. A tour of the United States Mint at Denver was the highlight of the second day. They spent the night at the Francis E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming. What a day the third day was, they arrived at the Jamboree site in Idaho. There were 37,000 Scouts camped in the huge camping area, and a lot of things to do and see. The West Texas group got to see Lady Baden Powell, the wife of the founder of the Boy Scout movement. They also got to see Jesse Owens, the famous track star. There were T.V.'s set up so the kids and leaders could Jee the astronauts land on the moon. There was so much excitement going on that it was hard to keep up with it all, but the West Texas kids tried not to miss a thing. Scoutmaster's Stevenson's group made them a branding iron in the shape of Texas, with Troop 19 on it, they branded pieces of wood and gave to the other Scouts as souveniors. Mark said one of the things he remembered most was the candle lighting ceremony, when every Scout and Leader lit a candle. It was a sight to remember. And then the Jamboree was over, and the tents came down and a city disappeared before your eyes, but the memories would never be forgotten. On July 23rd the group left the Jamboree, while they were heading home, they still had a lot of sightseeing to do. The first night out they stayed at Burley, Idaho, where they had a swimming pool available. The group arrived in Salt Lake City, Utah on the 24th of July and toured the Merman Tabernacle and the Great Salt Lake. Traveling on to the Grand Canyon, the group spent a lot of time sightseeing there, and there was a lot to see. They spent the night at the University of Northern Arizona at Flagstaff. From Flagstaff the group toured the Painted Desert and the Petrified Forest and then had lunch at Gallup, New Mexico, the Indian Capitol of the World. They spent their last night of the trip at Kirtland Air Force Base at Albuquerque, The last day on the road found a tired but happy group of kids heading back to West Texas, with a lot of memories that they would never forget. Some Scouts who Attended Troop 19 - Mike Anderson, Mark Anderegg, Dennis Anderegg, Victor Ashley, Bobby Browder, Jim Ater,Clifford Chambers, David Davis, Harvey Dun III, George Eng, Ascension Fierro, Gene Gibbins, Larry Green, Wendell Green,Walt H (?), Sammy Jones, Don Martineze, Thomas Perkins, Dennis Preston, Dan Roberts, Jeff Roberts, Marvin Shurley, Pat Sommers, Jeff Spencer, Mark Stevenson, Mike Thomas, Timothy Truex, Mike Truex, Danny Wallbridge, David Wright, and Randy Yount Some of the Leaders Odessa scoutmasters Marvin Stevenson and Kenneth Keene. Victor Sharp, assistant scoutmaster Big Spring, was in charge of physical arrangements for the campsite.Stevenson took care of Troop 19's total program, and Keene was responsible for scheduling activities and seeing that the boys got to them. Served on National Jamboree Staff On the Jamboree's national
staff were five Midland men: L. A* Mfcbaelaon, director of the skillorama
program; Dr. Gene Spires, medical director; O. F. Headrick, assistant camp
director; Gene Stones, commissioner, and A, E, Patterson, commissary.
Information for this page and quotations were taken from West-Texas, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers, by Olan B. Draper, 1973, and from The Odessa American. Last Updated: September 6, 2010 |