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Two Lubbock men, Dr. Frank B. Malone and Raymond Lupfer are on the sectional Jamboree Staff. Others from this area on the staff are John F. Lott of Post, Ralph Bailey of Brownfield and Curt A, Wilcox of Lamesa. The South Plains group will leave Lubbock by chartered buses at 7 a. m. July 9 for the California ranch. The scouts and leaders will return to Lubbock July 26. Foreign Scouts To Attend
The Jamboree Camp will have 40 sections with 34 troops each. A staff of 35 men will administer each sectional group of 1,250 scouts. Scouts and leaders planning to attend from Lubbock are W. A. Hood, Frank Ford, Jay Young, all scoutmasters, and Coy Brown, Weldon Brown, Don Hunt, Don Elliott, Mike Weaver, Tom Key, Steve Cone, Robert McCarty, Martin Benson, Arthur Miller, Bill Miller, Mike Stevens, Bobby Rogers, George French, Douglas Mullikin, all from Troop 5; Russell Wimberly, Troop 7; Donal Myrick, Harry Van Horn, Bill Robinson, Troop 44; Charles Blazl Troop 91; Dan Knight, Troop 3: Rural Jay Young, Troop 13; Jim Carter, Royce Newsom, Troop 2; Donald Weeks, Troop 11; Nelson Wofford, Troop 59; and Ed Wilson, National Order of the Arrow Troop. Two Slaton Scouts To Attend
Tahoka scouts are Donald Ken Renfro, Karl Prohl, and Guy W. Witt. Others planning to go are Sidney Hart, Leonard Short, V. A. Dodson, Post; Ralph Ware, Muleshoe; Sammie Kendrick, Don Copeland, James Szydloski, Truman Quiett, Eddie Powell, Ken Kendrick, Dick Latham, Robert Patrick, Gerald Casey, Joe Don Green, Gene Mason, Mike Hamilton, Ken Muldrow, John Hill, Mont Miildrow and Don O'Neal, Mike Smith, Russell Portwood and Joe Cloud, Brownfield; Donald Jackson and Bill Paulette, Levelland; Bobby Stewart, Don Robinson, Johnny Skaggs, Jim Bob Nicholl, Johnny Morehead, Bill LaFont, Mac Heard, and F- F. Calhoun, Plainview. Also Gaylord Groce, Petersburg; Jerry Rice, Jerry Thompson, Arvin Oliver, Mas Sageser, Erwin Benson and M. K. Fisher, Hale Center; Bill Mosely, Quail; Amon Proctor, Kenneth Leatherwood, Wayne Parker, Crosbyton; Mickey Ratliff, Gregory Wilemon, Michael Green, Joe Hoover, Roger Lowe, Andy Parker, Littlefield; Dale Russell, Dimmitt; C. L. Turner, Jerry Ford,. Lockney; and Lynn Morin, Lee Benham and Tommy Hawkins, Lockney. Scoutmasters Charles E. Marriett, Slaton; Dell Cunningham, Lockney and R. T. Wilson, Morton, also will attend the Jamboree. The South Plains Scouts and Explorers will comprise three complete troops. Each troop will have 35 scouts and three leaders. Taken from the June 21, 1953 Lubbock Avalanche-Journel The one hundred one Boy Scouts left the Boy Scout office in three chartered buses at 7 a.m. on Thursday, July 9, 1953, for Irving Ranch, CA. They returned to Lubbock on July 26, 1953. Here was their itinerary. Friday - Canon City via Royal
Gorge, Gunnison, Grand Junction to Price, Utah.
Thursday - Time spent at Jamboree Grounds getting camp site ready for Jamboree. Swim at Hunting Beach. Friday through July 23 - Third National Jambore. July 24 - Leave Jamboree Grounds enroute to Les Vegas, Nev. Arrive in Boulder City at 2:30 p.m., then continue through the Boulder and spend night in Boulder City. July 25 - Boulder City to Kingman, Ariz., to Williams up to the Grand Canyon along the Canyon Rim to Cameron down throught Wupatki National Monument to Flagstaff to spend night. July 26 - Falgstaff by winslow, Holbrook, Gallup, N.M., Albuguerque, Vaughin, Fort Summer, Clovis and home, arriving around 8 p.m. The Scouts took their bedding and spent each night in the out-of-doors. Taken from the July 9, 1953
Morning Avalanche
Addtional information will be posted on this page as information from the Lubbock Avalanche-Journel is processed. Last undated: September 3, 2010 Return
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