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![]() Japanese Scouts, along with approximately 25O Boy Scouts and adult leaders from the South Plains Area Council, boarded chartered buses bound for the Boy Scout National Jamboree July 18, 1960. Six buses left from the parking lot of the First Baptist Church on Broadway. A seventh bus joined the caravan at Plainview. The party spent the night in Pueblo, CO., and went on to Denver for a visit there before they returned to the Jamboree grounds near Colorado Springs that Thursday. After arriving in Pueblo, they met other Scouts from Georgia and Florida and attended a program by the Women's Civil Air Patrol state championship marching corps. In Denver, the group toured the capitol building and ate lunch at one of Denver's city parks. Following lunch, they witnessed a judo exhibition by Japanese Scouts Yukio Saito, Suetoshi Sato and Tetsuya Nakamura. That afternoon they toured the U. S. Mit and later ate supper a the University of Denver Student Union and went swimming in the university pool. That night they slept in the university fieldhouse. Scouts in the Lubbock group visited the U.S. Air Force Academy, the Garden of Gods, Royal Gorge and Pike's Peak. The Jamboree went from Friday through July 28. The jamboree site was located across the highway from the Air Force Academy. The South Plains boys returned July 29. Following their return, the Japanese Boy Scouts spent two weeks as guests in homes and communities Eight On Staff Eight area men are serving on the national jamboree staff this year. They are Jimmie W. Lumus, Lamesa, Thomas H. Tarlton, Wallace I. Hess, John E. Clardy, August W. Benner, and the Rev. Dick Schmidt, all of Lubbock, Howard Cornwall, Rails and Charles G. Dunn, Levelland. Jamboree Troop Leaders The following men will serve
as scoutmasters and assistants:
Scouts That Went to Jamboree by Districts Quanah Parker District Tahoka - Andy Bray, Jack Jaquess, Taylor Knight, Mackey McWhotrier (sp), Johnny Millhouse, Clint T. Walker and David Unfred, Troop 21: Larry Price, Post 21. Lamesa - Ricky Chapman, Wayne Luckemeyer, Gary Essary, Troop 25; James Neeley, Troop 93; Bobbie D. Cohorn, Emial Douglas, James R. Alen, Billy Cozart, Troop 700; Jerry D. Gaither, Perry Perryman, Mack Lindsey, Kimboy Flaniken, Eddie Collins, Chris Boyd. Billy Wilton, Billy Salser, John Boswell, Jimmy McKay, Marshal Stover, Larry Miller, Waland Burger Tommy Cope, Troop 22. Brownfield - Joe Crawford, Terry Davis, Barry L. Parks, Troop 43; Granville Ward, Dale Kennedy, Tim Faulkenberry, Troop 74; Don Criswell, John Frazier, Ronny Gansch, J. A. Jennings, Archie Jennings, Richard Smith, Conrad Vernon, Roger Berry, Jimmy Fenton, Mike Paddock, Richard, Richard Price, Troop 85; Tommy Pettigrew, Steven Teague, John B. Cruce, Terrell Oliver,. Max Ball. Robert Leon Rhyne Troop 49: Seagraves -Edward L. Geske, Alton Hasser, Troop 80. Andrews - Harold Wilson and Dan Wester, Post 35. Denver City -David M. Snyder, and Joe Wheeler, Troop 77. Seminole -Barry B. Bryan and Bill Heath, Troop106. Plains -Lindy Payne, Troop 78. O'Donnell - Billy Singleton, Douglas Mires, Billy L. Birdwell, Troop 89. Arrowhead District Abernathy - Frederick Benn, Troop 81. Lubbock - Bob
Harvey. Post 2: Tom Tubbs. Paul Riherd, Mike Barrett. Mike Anderson, Conrad
Maxey, Troop 2; Billy Rekers, Robert Hale, Pat Anderson, Larry Drake, Charles
Lewis, Tommy Altman, Troop 4; Ricky Parrack, Mark Finnell, Dan McNell,
Jim Halsey,
Benjamin Luscomb, Troop 91; Jimmy Hendrix, Troop 102; Marvin Davis, Troop 79. Donald Cox and Bill Fry, Post 102; Neal Fowler, Troop 143; Larry Neal, John Chapman, Philip Edwards, Jim Stone, David Cochran, John Vickers, Troop 5; Pat Napier, Robert Scarlett, David Abbott, Robert Abbott, Truett Reeves, Eddie Stiles, Don Henry, Richard Watts, Tommy Sellers, Sammy Cummings, Jimmy Cummings, Sam Pat Henry, Brian Reeves. John Malone Jr., Jerry Riley, Marvin Porr, Frank Todd Jr., John E. Hicks, Jimmy O'Connell, Michael James, Troop 1; Jack Wood, Troop 231; Lamar Reinsch, Troop 171. Idalou – James Pace, Joe Guess and David Bradshaw Troop 98. Plainview - Kenny Douglas, Jimmy Hardie,. James Gilber, David Worley, Chipper Garrison, Troop 53:;Randy Leach, Ricky Howell, Troop 121; Bill Watson, Robert K. Payne, Troop 55; Randy Kidd, Troop 54. Floydada - Lon Johnston, Jeff Kimble, James Elza, Ralph Johnston, Gary Jarnagin, John Kimble, Darryll Lindsey, Max Rucker, James Willson, Billy Staniforth, David Holland, Jimmy Kassahn, David Boren. Mike Carter, Johnny Dairymple, Phil Wylie, Billy J. Darden, Danny Sweyston, Charles Overstreet, Troop 57. Matador - Kenneth Pitts, Roger Vinson, John L. Rarnhill, Harold Meason, Larry Keltz, William R. Tilson, Key Vaughn, Troop 60. Silverton – Greg Towe, Jay V. Towe, Larry McWilliams, Troop 62 Tulia – Ronnie Ingram, Patrol I50. Timmy Edwards, Joseph W. White. Troop 63. Petersburg - Steve Groce, Duane Greene, Ellis Miller, Joe Bob Mayo, Wayne Rudisill, Larry Watson, Jimmie Fox, Milton B. Lyde, Jack Scarborough, Troop 63. South Plains - J. Frank Parks. Troop 2M.' Hale Center - Mark Larley, Troop 55. Longhorn District Lubbock -Mike Brown,
Art Skauze, Troop 11; Rutledge Reynolds, Tommy White, John L. White, Wilson
Alplanalp, Jackie Nelson, Mikel Reynolds, Jay Chatham, Gene Medlar, Bob
Gibson, Troop 28; Jack Roberts Jr., Larry Hughey, Jack Crook, Troop 36;
Jerry Smith. Tim Skinner, Don Parks, Troop 159; Nello Armstrong, Dan E.
Moore Jr.., Troop 140: Ronnie Todd. Post 130: I. D. Walker, Richard Bernard.
Tommy Knowles, Donald Bird, Jack Strong. Troop 12; Howard Cone, Gary Rose,
David Norman, Troop 22: Dickie Rieger, Post 103; Charles Seal, Troop 103;
Frank McLaughlin, Bill Glazner, Troop 31; Lynn Rowan, Troop 500.
Taken from the Sunday morning, July 17, 1960, and July 19, 1960, Lubbock Avalanche-Journal.
Note: Every effort has been made to spell each Scout's name correctly. However, the date we were working from was hard to read so some errors are probably there. Addtional text will be posted on this page as information from the Lubbock Avalanche-Journel is processed. Last undated: September 14, 2010 Return
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