Kotso Lodge History

Note:  Information for this history was taken from several sources.  They are listed at the bottom of this page.

In the year 1915 an organization was established, by the Boy Scouts of America, that was intended to offer an opportunity to honor those who have best exemplified the ideals of scouting. This is a secret organization known as the Order of the Arrow and was first organized in Chisholm Trail Council at Camp Tonkawa in July, 1945, by Claude Willis. After the initial organization, the first two Scouts elected as candidates were Bob Haynie and Earl Gultar, Jr., both of Abilene. The Camp Tonkawa group is known as the Kotso Lodge Chapter of the Order of the Arrow. Its purpose is to recognize those campers, who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives, and by such recognition cause others to conduct themselves in such a manner as to warrant recognition. The order of the Arrow further strives to promote a feeling of brotherhood and friendship among members of the lodge, thereby promoting unity within the Chisholm Trail Council.

Final OA
                  Winter Fellowship 2003The service crew, serving Camp Tonkawa summer camp in 1945, made up the first Order of the Arrow group. An organization was started with George Foster, Jr., acting as lodge chief and Claude Willis serving as advisor. The first two boys chosen for the new organization were Bob Eaynie and Earl Ouitar, Jr., both of Abilene. The only time the Order of the Arrow accepts new members is in summer camp. A boy can not join without invitation, but must be chosen by his fellow campers to be honored by membership. From the humble beginning in 1945, the Order of the Arrow began to expand. The editor of the Coleman Democrat Voice in 1945 stated in headlines that eight Coleman County Boy Scouts had been chosen for membership in the Order of the Arrow.

The Order of the Arrow is the honor camper’s society at Camp Tonkawa. A small percent of the campers are selected each season for membership. Each member has proven himself to be an outstanding camper. The new members are Billy Stephenson, Walter Gordon, Danny Howell, Don Day, Dan Brown, Orin Newman, Bennie Bass, and Duane Boredook. Other members are Jerry Howell, Tony Willeke, Leonard Ehrler, Joe Cervanka, and Carl Fleming, Jr.

George Foster, Jr., made a successful lodge chief and under his direction, the Kotso Lodge rapidly justified the recognition and praise that the Order of the Arrow was receiving. In 1947, Caldwell Beckham was elected as the new lodge chief, but Paul then immediately declared himself as lodge chief and gave Beckham a new title. This action, by the scout executive, was not legal and the Order of the Arrow became a political springboard for the scout executive until 1948. When Robert C. Claw became scout executive in August ,1948, one of his first actions was to turn the Order of the Arrow program back to the boys.

McDaniel (Smokey) Ward was elected lodge chief to follow Caldwell Beckham. Ward was an excellent chief, however, part of his administration was under the handicapped conditions forced upon the lodge by Paul Ireland. Troy Boone, the present lodge chief was elected to succeed McDaniel Ward. Troy has worked with a free hand in promoting the Order of the Arrow, and has received help and encouragement form the council office. Camp Tonkawa is now and Order of the Arrow operated camp.

Kotso Bike
                  Trail project

Projects at Camp Tonkawa

Kotso Lodge was noted for its many projects completed at Camp Tonkawa over the years.  One of many projects that the lodge built was a Bike Trail in honor of Scouter Gene Overton.  Pictured to the left is the entrance to the Kotso Bike Trail. A function of the Order of the Arrow is to develop and maintain camp traditions and spirit, and to promote year-round scout camping.  The members of the Order of the Arrow have established many traditions and made many improvements at Camp Tonkawa. 

The original council fire ring was located on the hill, near the present flagpole. (Elizabeth Smith's note: This was behind the present Sunday night campfire ring.)  In 1946, members of the Order of the Arrow cleared a place south of the mess hall (now the Trading Post) near the old dirt swimming pool, for a council fire ring. 

                  cleared land for swimming poolDuring the last two weeks of the 1952 summer camp, the members of the Order of the Arrow moved the council fire ring back to the hill, and a short distance west of the flagpole. Members of the Order of the Arrow built the large observation tower near the swimming pool. 

The large observation tower near the swimming pool was built by member of the Order of the Arrow.  Many other needed improvements can be found in Camp Tonkawa that were made by members of the Order of the Arrow.  During their Ordeal weekends, Brotherhood weekends and other special "work days," the members of the lodge worked on whatever was needed to be done to help make the camp a better place to camp.  Thousands of manhours have been given to the camp over the years.

"Calling Out" Ceremony

The highlight of any week, in summer camp, is the program for Thursday night, This night is set aside for the Order of the Arrow “calling out” ceremony. The Boy Scouts do not know who is to be honored that night, therefore, they are in a state of surprise. The members, of the Order of the Arrow, dressed in their Indian "outfits*, stage a colorful induction ceremony. The “Indians” come from the hills from four directions, representing the spirits of the north, south, east, and west. A number of dances are performed around campfires back in the hills. Three or four hundred visitors attend these ceremonies on Thursday night. Many people take their smaller children to camp on Thursday night, in order o them to see the “Indians” in their "outfits*

"Tap Out" Ceremonies 

By Wallar Overton, May 29, 1995

"In the early days of the Lodge, out tap out ceremonies were held on Thursdays during summer camp at a location West of the rifle range and across the highway.  All of the Scouts in camp and visitors would assemble at the parking lot and were led past the rifle range to the barbed wire fence which was held open by two brothers and then lined up on the side of the highway until Mr. Ed Burnam felt that there was no traffic.  They would then cross the highway together to the other side and then over another barbed wire fence to the ring.  I always feared a semi or drunk on the way to the State Park would someday wipe us all out, but the ring was so perfect that we felt it was worth the changes we took.

"The ring was surrounded by high bluffs which offered all kinds of opportunities.  Normally, the dances involved would file off the hills down to the ring carrying torches to light the way.  Any member of the Order who had a 'costume' could participate in the dancing and normally the dances consisted of toe heel serpentine with several free steps thrown in.  Our 'costumes' normally consisted of breech clout, moxicans, bells, and some sort of head dress.  There were very few leggens.  Sometimes a Brother would perfect a specialty dance such as Jon King's legendary Eagle dance and hoop dance or challenge dance.

"One time, someone thought that we should light the fire with a flaming arrow, so he rigged up a roll of toilet paper, soaked it in diesel, and strung it on some piano wire stretched up the bluffs to a mesquite tree there. The last few feet of wire next to the fire was substituted with twine so that after the fire lit, it would burn the twine and the wire should snake harmlessly back up the hill and allow us to dance.  When the time came, the Chief called upon the spirits to light our council fire and a Brother lit the toilet paper, drew his bow, and allowed the paper to sail down the wire to the fire.  When it hit, it almost destroyed the fire lay with its impact and then when the string burned, our piano wire twanged up the bluff almost cutting the dancers down.  It was a beautiful idea, but needed some perfecting.

"The only problem with this site, other than being over the highway, was that when we weren't using it cattle grazed over it making our dancing stage rough and hard to work with.  Also, guests and dancers found that they had to clean their shoes afterwards.  We later lit the fire with sandpaper and matches, chemicals, and finally came upon the battery with wires on each side of a few matches which worked most of the time.  Still, we had to always have a tourch bearer handy in case the 'spirits weren't with us.'

"Later, when the tap our was held where the ring is today, we had the bright idea to have the winds answer the call with sparklers attached to arrow to be fired over the ring.  That was really impressive until one night a sparkler was fired short and as we were watching, it went out and everyone fell silent wondering who had been hit.  Later, it was found a few feet behind the guest and that ended that bright idea.

"A book could (and probably should) be written about other close calls, but there is so much more to tell, I will go on.

"As I mentioned earlier, tap outs were held on Thursday nights with work day on Friday, and the candidates invited back after summer camp for the final Ordeal. It did interfere with the Friday camp activities such as boards of review where they were taken off of silence, but it did allow the rest of the camp to watch the work day.  Silence was strickly enforce and ti was rare for anyone to break silence during the Ordeal.  If a candidate had a question or needed to say something, he would kneel in front of a Brother and the Brother would ask questions until the candidate would stand.

                  Capsule of Kotso Lodge"---I remember Dan Griffith had completed his work day without breaking silence and we allowed the candidates to swim before getting dressed for supper.  Dan was diving off the board when he slipped and yelled as he fell of of the side of the board.  You could see him trying to tay under rather than have to answer for breaking silence.  Normally, candidates tried very hard to keep the silence, but sometimes we would have one who jsut couldn't keep quiet.  The normal procedure was to warn him once an dthen either place a smooth pebble in his mouth each time he broke silence or place a stick in his mouth to remind him of his obligation.

Almost Blackballed at Conclave

"We were nearly blackballed at our conclave at Karankawa one year.  We were asked to put on our final Ordeal and we had added a ceremony wich the Region didn't like.  I always thought it was part of some unwritten ritual until tha time, but after our warning, we took it out of the ceremonies.  Someone would drop by the Dining hall and mix up a portion of Tabasco, Worchesterhire, pepper, vinegar, lemon juice, and other goodies and place it in an old hollow cow horn.  During the final Ordeal it was tated 'up until now, you have tasted the sweeter things of life, but now you shall taste the bitter' and each candidate would take a sip.  when the big boys saw that, they interrupted the ceremonies and warned us that if we persisted in using the 'bitter,' we would be a rogue lodge and could not belong to the Order of the Arrow. Needless to say, it was taken out of the ceremonies and not used again.

Time Capsule

                on Kotso Time CapsuleA time capsule was placed at Camp Tonkawa as part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Kotso Lodge.  The plaque read "Kotso 50th - July 20, 1996 - Time is one's best friend, teaching best of all the wisdom of silence.- A. B. Alcott.  Time capsule to be opened in 2046 at Kotso's 100th.  Chief: Nathan Moore; Past Chief: Jeremy Moon; Vice Chiefs: Jeff Rollins, Tom Turner, Bryan Fox, John Vann and Bobby Schoen."

The members of the Order of the Arrow study Indian traditions. The organization follows a pattern copied from the Indians. The lodge has a traveling library of books dealing with Indian dancing an traditions. Each lodge member makes and Indian outfit of his own design. He learns the Indian dance steps and through the year he enjoys meeting the other fellows, around a camp fire, and practicing the Indian dances. Each new member selects, for himself, an Indian name chosen because of some outstanding event that happened while he was in camp.

*The original book said “costumes” but Kotso Lodge deems it politically incorrect therefore the term "outfit" has been used.

First Lodge Patch

By Jon B. King, January 10, 1996

First Kotso
                  patch"... three of us - Mike Bonine, Jon King, and Dow Patterson, while over at Mike's upstairs (over-the-garage) bedroom designed the first Kotso patch."  Here is his story:

"In the summer of 1956, we formed up a small contingent to attend the Area Conclave at Camp Karankawa just outside of Corpus Christi.  Mr. Jack Lanier, now deceased but a longtime Scouter (I served as Allow at his Vigil Honor ceremony), drove a borrowed school bus (yellow with Wylie School District painted on the side) loaded with some fifteen of us Kotso Lodge Arrowmen.  One of the many things we were impressed with at that conclave --- the first such event that Kotso Lodge had ever attended in Area 9-D --- was the various lodges and their flap-patches.  Karankawa, Aina Topa Hutsi, several lodges there had more than just the (our) usual fare: the OA button ribbon medallion, and while a lot simpler than what we have today, those flap 'things' were just so beautiful!

"We just had to have one for Kotso!

"So, the three of got to work after we got back home from the trip.

"Yes, the design was literally formed by a committee of three.  The buffalo (Mike like to call it a Bison) superimposed over the red arrow element (several comments about which direction it should point) and the background material of the patch itself (we wanted it to match our regular Camp Tonkawa summer camp patch except instead of the black thread embroidered edge like the camp patch, we wanted it to be red for the flap-patch) with the WWW's inserted along with Chisholm Trail Council and "Kotso," we had our patch!  The second year we found out that we need to add the lodge number which we simply overlaid on Mike's Bison."

The 30th Anniversary pocket flap and jacket patches were designed by Charles R. Moon (Vigil '91) and Mr. Swinson.

Dance Team Organized

By Jim Culwell, July, 1995

Kotso Lodge annually presents the Lanier Trophy to an outstanding member of the Kotso Dance Team.  This trophy is named for John H.and Mike Lanier who were instrumental to beginning and building the dance team.  John H. Lanier was a Scoutmaster of Troop 13 and had organized an Indian Dance Team.  This troop team put on early dances at the Thursday evening campfires to assist the Lodge with its "calling out" ceremony until such time as the Lodge developed its own dancers under the direction of John H. Lanier.

Brotherhood Requirements

 By Walter Overton, May, 1995 

 "Our Brotherhood requirements were to work twenty hours for the Council during the year and then come to Tonkawa for the Brotherhood ceremonies.  To the Abilene members, it was a simple task and some even got their twenty hours mowing the office lawn, but we from the Northern District had to spend a few week-ends at camp during the year to get the hours.  Today's method of having everyone show up for a Brotherhood week-end is much beter and allows so much more to be done, not to mention the joy of working with other Brothers for the benefit of Scouting and the Order."

E. Urner Goodman Camping Award

Kotso Lodge has receivee the E. Urner Goodman Camping Award twice.  They received the award in 1975 and again in 1993. The award was established as a tribute and testimonial to the Order's founder, E. Urner Goodman. Its purpose is to encourage and challenge Order of the Arrow members and lodges to increase their effectiveness in promoting and increasing Scout camping in each council. Awards are presented to one outstanding lodge in each region annually. 

National and Area/Section Positions and Awards

Held by Kotso Arrowmen

Ken Baker - 1963 Area 9-D Vice Chief
Dr. Joe Bob Alexander -
    1968-69 Area 9-D Chief
    1969 National OA Conference Vice-Chief
    1977-85 National OA Committee
    1975 OA Distinguished Service Award
Dr. Joe Paul Alexander -
    1970-80 Area 9-D Adviser
    1980-85 SC4A Section Adviser
    1977 OA Distinguished Service Award
Alan Reed - 1973 Area 9-D Chief
Brad Wade - 1979-80 Section 4 Chief
Cary Roberts -
    1983-84 Section 4 Secretary
    1984-85 Section 4 Vice Chief
    April, 1985 - December 1985 Section 4 Chief
    December 1985 - December 1987 National Vice Chief
    1988 OA Distinguished Servie Award
Brad Hood - 1989-90 Section 4 Chief
Craig Conover - 1994-95 Section 2 Chief
John Vann - 1998-1999 Section 2 Chief

Lodge Chiefs

Compiled by Joe Ed Burnam

The most important youth leader of a lodge is the Lodge Chief.  They are responsible foring seeing that the Lodge runs
smoothly and, with a group of officers, carries out the various projects, ceremonies and activities of the lodge during their term
of office.

1945 - George Foster, Jr. (7/45-12/45)
1946 - George Foster, Jr.
1947 - Caldwell Beckham
1948 - McDaniel  "Smokey" Ward
1949 - Troy Boone
1950 - Troy Boone
1955 - Joe Ed Burnam
1956 - Joe Ed Burnam
1957 - Dow Patterson
1958 - Dow Patterson
1960 - Will Cannon?
1961 - Danny Sample?
1963 - Geraold Franklin
1964 - David Balley
1965 - Russell Dressen
1966 - Robert H. "Bob" Roeder
1967 - Joe Bob Alenander (1/67-9/67)
1967-68 - Woddy Pyeatt, Jr.
1968-69 - Alan Reed
1969-70 - 
1970-71 - Carl Ray Childers
1971-72 - Ralph Malone
1972-73 - Dan Alexander
1973-74 - Bruce Cain
1975-76 - Sam S. Allen
1976-77 - Jerry McLoughlin
1977-78 - Brent Dixon
1978-79 - Brad Wade
1979-80 - Bruce A. McCullough
1980-81 James Pelton
1981-82 - Russell Johnson
1982-83 - Kyle Wolfe
1983-84 - Cary Roberts
1984-85 - Cary Roberts
1985-86 - Joe D. Hulett
1987-88 - David Roberts
1988-89 - Brad Hood
1989-90 - Greg Keeney
1990-91 - Randall Presley
1991-92 - Kolby Davidson
1992-93 - Charles W. Moon
1993-94 - Phillip Lewis (and Craig Condvor)
1994-95 - Jeremy Moon
1995-96 - Nathan Moore
1996-97 - John Vann
1997-98 - John Vann and Robert (Bobby) Schoen
1998-99 - Robert (Bobby) Schoen
1999-00 - Ryan Byrd
2000-01 - Judson (Jud) Cole
2001-02 - Bill McAnalley
2002-03 - Michael Truelove
2003 - Robert Ochard (First VC Communications in the new Penateka Lodge)

Lodge Advisers

Complied by Joe Ed Burnam

Over the years many great Scouters served as Adviser for Kotso Lodge. They have given of their time, their talents and their knowledge to guide the officers of the Lodge to insure that the very best program of cheerful service was rendered to others. A list of known advisers and when they served includes:

First Adviser - Claude "Skipper" Willis
Unknown - Ed Burnam
1956-58 - Jim Culwell
Unknown - John H. "Jack" Lanier
1966-68 - Hugh Colbert
1969-73 - Dr. Joe Paul Alexander
1974-75 - Carl Childers
1975-76 - Wayne Barnett
1977-80 - Joe Knupple
1980-81 - William H. Adams, Sr.
1981-84 - Bill J. Dulin
1984-65 - Ron Davis
1985-86 - Donn Noland
1987-89 - Billy M. Hood
1989-90 - Mike V. Lanier
1990-91 - Jay Davidson
1991-93 - Charles R. Moon
1993-96 - S. Kent Phillips
1997-98 - James "Skip" Dothrow
1999-00 - Donn Noland
2000-01 - S. Kent Phillips
2001-02 - Dr. Joe B. Alenander
2002-03 - Alvers Jurkis (First Lodge Adviser in the new Penateke Lodge)

Kotso Lodge
                    Vigil Patch
Vigil Patch

First Vigil Ceremony

Because of the requirement that the Lodge have a Vigil Arrowman to conduct its first Vigil Ceremony, it was October 20, 1956, before the first Vigil Honor candidates were inducted.  This was made possible by the arrival of James H. Culwell as a District Executive in Chisholm Trail Council.  Jim had received his Vigil Honor in another Lodge before his arrival in Abilene.

The first candidates were Joe Ed Burnam, Coleman, youth, and adults, Henry H. McGinty, Abilene; H. D. Norris, Sweetwater; and J. Ben Sellers, Camp Ranger, Camp Tonkawa. (Note:  There is some disagreement as to who exactly received the Vigil Honor first.  One letter from Wallar Overton in 1995, stated that Ed Burnam and Ben Sellers went to another lodge and received their Vigil, and that these two were actually responsible for bringing the Vigil Honor to the Kotso Lodge.)

Here is what he wrote:

"The Vigil honor was brought into our lodge by Ed Burnam and a few of the active adult leaders.  I believe it was Ben Sellers (camp ranger), Skipper Willis, and someone else.  They went to another Council and received the Vigil and then returned to bring it into the Kotso Lodge.  My brother Bill Overton and Joe Ed Burnam were in the first group of boy Vigils and I was in the second group.  During the Vigil ceremonies, we were asked to meditate over our Indian name and the spirits would help us find it. I remembers watching a stink bug crawl into my fire and throught of 'Flaming Stink Bug.'  Later, an armadillo started rooting under my bedrool and I thought 'Rooting Armadillo.'  Finally, after watching an American launched satelite, 'Echo 1,' all night as it passed over Tonkawa, I found my Indian name of 'Silent Echo.'  I understand that today, your Indian name is assigned to you, but I will always remember finding mine.  A year or two later, we were having the Vigil Ceremonies and it really poured rain on the candidates, and, almost to a man, they selected 'Rain in the Face.' "

The second Vigil induction was held October 27, 1957, and honored Edwin Burnam, Coleman, Camp Director of summer camp for several years; Claude "Skipper" Willis, Abilene, Waterfront Director of summer camps for several years; and one youth, name unknown.

The Vigil Honor is the highest honor that the Order of the Arrow can bestow upon its members for service above self to their lodge and local council.  The first person to receive the Vigil  Honor in the Order of the Arrow was its founder E. Urner Goodman, who received this honor in 1915. Here is a partial list of Vigil Honor members inducted in Kotso Lodge.

1952 - James Culwell
1955 - B. W. "Buddy" Teague
1956 - Joe Ed Burnam, Henry McGinty
1959 - Don Davis, Jon King
1962 - Nic Ybarra
1964 - Russell Dressen
1966 - Joe Bob Alexander, Blair Haynie
1973 - Carl Roeder
1976 - Kent Barnett
1977 - Sammy Ferguson, Roger Sporisky
1982 - Carl Kieke
1984 - Dale Brannom, Cary Roberts
1985 - Jason K. Browning
1988 - Larry G. Ivy, Kevin Ritchie, David Roberts
1990 - Kolby Davidson, Jim Johnson, Bob Oatman
1991 - Charles R. Moon, Cliff Pollack, Walt Sporisky
1992 - Drew Hubbard, Marvin McFadden, Jeremy Moon
1993 - Mart Calvert, Craig Conover
1994 - Ernest Mylroie
1995 - Bryan Fox, J.G. Heidenheimer, Steve Letz, Daniel Moore, Jeffrey Rollins, Tom Turner
1996 - Melvin Cagle, Nathan Derrick, Edward Dotherrow, Skip Dotherow, Michael Lovell, John Vann
1997 - Joseph A. Beard, Justin Epperson, Allen McDaniel, Mike P. Rhodes
1998 - Jud Cole, Joseph Gulick, Aivars A. Jurkis, Boyd King, John T. King
1999 - Aaron A. Jurkis, Russ Kennedy, Roxanne Schoen
2000 - Will John Barnett, Ryan Byrd, DarlineA. Jurkis, James King, Rudy Tolentino
2001 - Cletus Grissom, Pat R. Ivie, Jerry Johnson, Morgan Lynn, Ben McAnally, Matthew Webb
2002 - Jeremy Corley, Korey Kennedy, Rodger Kennedy, Donn Noland, Robert Orchard, Jimmy Thomas, Michael Truelove 
2003 - Jack M. Harper

Founder's Award

The Founder’s Award was created by the Order of the Arrow to honor and recognize those Arrowmen who have given outstanding service to the Lodge.  The bronze medallion bearing the likeness of E. Urner Goodman and Carroll A. Edson is reserved for an Arrowman who demonstrates to his fellow Arrowman that he memorializes in his everyday life the spirit of achievement as described by our founder. 

1983 - Kevin Richie, Thomas G. Thompson
1984 - Cary L. Roberts, Donald Davis
1985 - David Roberts, Richard C. Olwine
1986 - Casey Peacock, Michael T. Noe
1987 - Shawn Harper, Mike Lanier
1988 - Alton Brad Hood, Billy M. Hood
1989 - Greg Keeney, Jay Davidson
1990 - John Lanier, Clifford Pollack
1991 - Martin Calvert, Marvin McFadden
1992 - Lance Lunsford, Steve Letz
1993 - Craig Conover, Kent Phillips
1994 - Jeremy Moon, Charles R. Moon
1995 - John Vann, T. Elizabeth Smith
1996 - Nathan Derrick, Melvin D. Cagle
1997 - Brad Taylor, Charles W. Moon
1998 - Bobby Schoen, Don Noland
1999 - Aivars A. Jurkis
2002 - Ben McAnally, Jimmy Thomas
2003 - Matthew Fenner, Wayne Corley

Noe Award

The Noe Award is presented in honor of Michael T. Noe, Wetochwink (He who is father).  It is presented to the first year Ordeal Candidate who exhibits the true meaning and spirit of the Order of the Arrow and was established in 1997.  It is a local award and is presented annually at the banquet.

1997 - David D. Andrews, Jr.
1998 - Colin Byrd
1999 - Hal Hoogstra
2000 - Jake Spencer
2001 - Dempsy Jones Jr.
2002 - Jud Smith
2003 - Randall Doud

"Marty" Award

The "Marty" Award was created in 1995 to honor Martin T. Calvert, "Marty" , a great and honored drummer and singer of the Kotso Lodge 330 drum team who gave many hours in cheerful service in  recruiting new drummers.  It is presented to the Arrowman who excels in the spirit of the brotherhood as a  member of the Drum/Singing team who is chosen by his peers.  It is a local award and is presented annually at the banquet.

1995 - Martin Calvert
1996 - Craig Conover
1997 - Bryan Fox
1998 - Justin Wheat
1999 - James King
2000 - Ben Diamond
2001 - Matthew Fenner
2002 - Ben McAnally

Lanier Award

The Lanier Award is a local award created in 1990 to honor John and Mike Lanier, men who have put many years of service into building the Lodge and Dance Team.  It is presented annually at the banquet to an outstanding member of the dance team chosen by his peers. 

1990 - John Lanier
1991 - Randall Presley
1992 - Charles W. Moon
1993 - Nathan Moore
1994 - Michael Adam Lovell
1995 - John Phillips, Edward Dotherow
1996 - Michael P. Rhodes
1997 - Bradley W. Taylor
1998 - Judson Cole
1999 - Brandon Smith
2000 - Ben McAnally
2001 - Morgan Lynn
2002 - Michael Truelove 
2003 - Jeremy Corley

Matthew Noland Award

The Matthew Noland Award for ceremonies was dedicated on January 14, 1995 in memory of Matthew D. Noland, Eagle Scout, Brotherhood member of Kotso Lodge 330, active member of Kotso Ceremony  Teams.  Wimachtendienk, Wingolauchsik, Witahemui.  This is a local award and is presented once a year to the Arrowman who shows outstanding service in ceremonies.  It can be awarded to either an adult or youth member.  The recipient is chosen by the Lodge Chief and Vice Chief of Indian Affairs.

1995 - Nathan Moore
1996 - John Phillips
1997 - Judson Cole
1998 - Ryan Byrd
1999 - Ben McAnally
2000 - Russ Kennedy
2001 - Micheal Truelove
2002 - Morgan Lynn
2003 - Judd Smith

Section Conclaves

The lodge has hosted four OA Section Conclaves over the years  They are: 

1960 - Area 9-D, Camp Tonkawa
1967 - Area 9-D, Camp Tonkawa
1980 - Area 4A Conclave, Abilene Christian University
2001 - SR2 Conclave, April, Camp Tonkawa 

Last Officers of the Lodge - 2003

Chief - Robert Orchard
Vice Chief of Finance - Andy Shawhan
Vice Chief of Service - Karey Kennedy
Vice Chief of Indian Affairs - Jermy Corley
Vice Chief of Communications - Chris Brooks
Vice Chief of Camp Promotions and Unit Elections - Dustin Corley
Vice Chief of OA Representatives - Robert Yost
Secretary - Austin Alexander
Lodge Adviser - Aivars Jurkis
Staff Adviser - Jeremy Moon


The Kotso Lodge newsletter, The Buffalo Bull, from January 2001 to November 2003, is no longer available on the internet.

We want to thank Matthew Fenner, Vice-Chief of Service, and Dr. Joe B. Alexander, Adviser, Kotso Lodge, for providing us with this information on the Lodge. Part of this story was taken from Claude "Skip" Willis' book "The History of Chisholm Trail Council, Boy Scouts of America"  Other information was taken from the 50th Anniversary booklet, 1995, edited by Elizabeth Smith.  We know there might be some errors in our story but this is the best information we have at this time. Also thanks to Aivars Jurkis for the names we have in the Vigil Honor list.

Last Updated:  February 3, 2025
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