The Four Winds Ceremony
has been a ceremony used by the Otena Lodge to open their campfire since
it became a lodge in 1945. This ceremony was first used at Camp Ellis
in 1922 and has changed very little since that time. We reprint it
here for all to read:
The Sacred Ceremony Of The Four Winds
As the sun transverses its fiery arc across the sky, the shadows of the trees move clockwise. so shall you move when you are in the council ring. If you are pleased with a warriors dance, you will not clap for clapping is the way of the white man. Instead, you will respond with the word "HOW." Silence must be maintained at all times except when having answer to the phrase "HIYEENKAOONEEASNAY" you will reply "NOONWAY." Remember, the council ring is as sacred to the Indian as the church is to the white man. Respect it as such. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NACHINNAYET OKANDA TEHA MY friends, lend ear, take heed, for the ways of council have descended upon us. And as our forefathers have done many moons before us we shall open council by asking for the blessings of the sky, the earth, and the four winds. OKANDA, the Great Spirit, maker of all things. Bring your wisdom and strength upon us tonight, thus that we may hold this council in peace. HIYEENKAOONEEASNAY MOKIANNA, Mother Earth, the place where we put our homes and plant our crops. Be with us tonight O Gentle One thus that we may hold this council in peace. HIYEENKAOONEEASNAY WEEYAHEENYAPAPYTA, Spirit of the sun come up, the great forests and the waters without end. You from beyond the first light of day, be with us tonight thus that we may hold this council in peace. HIYEENKAOONEEASNAY WUSIOTA, Spirit of the White Death, the snowshoe rabbit, and the great white bear. Be with us tonight Wusiota, But come thou not with your chilling winds upon us, Thus that we may hold this council in peace. HIYEENKAOONEEASNAY WEEYAPAYTA, Sprit of the sun go down, the fiery skies, and the great rains. You from beyond the last light of day, be with us tonight thus that we may hold this council in peace. HIYEENKAOONEEASNAY OKAGA, Spirit of the burning sands, the giant cactus, and the spiked fangs of the snake. Be with us tonight Okaga but come though not with your withering winds upon us, Thus that we may hold this council in peace. HIYEENKAOONEEASNAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fire of cheerfulness shall now burn brightly upon the sacred alter of Brotherhood for the circle of the Four Winds in now complete. It has no beginning and it has no end. We are now at the center of the universe joined by the flow of life. Therefore let us begin the ways of the Wimachtendienk, Wingolauchsik, Witahumui. HIYEENKAOONEEASNAY
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