Lodge History
Order of
the Arrow
The Order
of the Black Arrow
The Order of
the Black Arrow was active at Camp Fawcett in
1928. This was the first Indian group to be
organized in the council. Troop 2, of Brownwood,
Texas, who came to summer there in 1928, brought the
concept of this organization back to their own troop
after summer camp and eventually organized a similar
“Tribe of the Black Arrow” in 1930 in the then Pecan
Valley Council.
A story
appeared in the West Texas Scout News on September
8, 1937, concerning the revival of the Secret Order
of the Black Arrow at Camp Fawcett during the summer
camp held there in August 8-21, 1937. Only the
best campers were elected to the society and it was
one of the highest honors at camp.
society admitted thirteen Scouts the first week and
six the second week. No reference was made as
to when the group was originally started at Camp
Fawcett or if it was also part of the program at
Camp Louis Farr that same summer. We know that
Willie Masters, a patrol leader in Troop 91, Eagle
Pass, was inducted into the Society that
summer. He remembers having a cedar wreath
placed over his shoulder during the ceremony.
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Camp Society
In 1922,
Arthur E. Roberts, Scout Executive and Camp Director
of Camp Friedlander of the Cincinnati Area Council,
founded the Tribe of Ku-Ni-Eh. It was founded as
a Brotherhood of Honor Campers who exemplified the
Scout Oath and Law. The Ku-Ni-Eh became almost
as popular as the Order of the Arrow and was used by
many other councils because they felt that the Order
of the Arrow wanted too large of a fee to join.
The Tribe of Ku-Ni-Eh was used by the Cincinnati
Council until the early 1950’s. In 1951
their members chose to join forces with the Order of
the Arrow and thus became the Ku-Ni-Eh Lodge
#462. It is now Lodge #145, following a merger
into the Dan Beard Council.
Draper organized the Kunieh Camp Society during
summer camp at Camp Connellee in 1929.
The camp was located on the banks of the North
Concho River about sixteen miles northeast of San
Angelo. J. T. Henderson, Senior Patrol
Leader of Troop 2, Ralph Logan and John Logan, were
tapped out to be members of the Kunieh Camp
Society along with several other Scouts.
Members of the Society were dressed in Indian
costume and printed a black diamond on the
candidates' foreheads during the tap out ceremony.
Draper, as Camp Director, made a talk to the new
candidates about the Society and their
responsibilities as honor campers. Then,
Henderson and the other candidates, were required to
sleep out overnight apart from the other Scouts of
their troop, keep a fire going all night, and
meditate. Upon completion of this task, they
washed themselves to purify themselves early the
next morning. They then went back to their
troops but were required to remain on silence for
the rest of the day.
completion of all the requirements for membership in
the Society, a "black diamond" was stamped on their
belt by members of the Kunieh Camp
Society. During the early days of
Scouting, each Scout has numerous emblems stamped on
their belt to signify certain accomplishments while
at camp. The black diamond was one of the
highest honors that could be displayed on a Scout’s
belt. The society was active through September
A group
was active in the Heart-O-Texas Council, Waco, and
also in the Comanche Trail Council, Brownwood.
In the latter council, the group was organized in
1935 and was active until 1945.
additional information on the Tribe of Ku-Ni-Eh go
to http://usscouts.org/honorsociety/kunieh.asp
and look at the story on the tribe by David Eby.
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Order of the
"Chuck" Taylor, waterfront director at Camp Louis
Farr, was named Lodge Chief of the newly organized
"Arrow Point Lodge" of the national "Order of the Red
Arrow." The Lodge was organized during summer
camp at Camp Louis Farr, June 7-21, 1941.
visiting with Taylor by phone, he was able to share
with this author several things that he remembers
happening at camp that summer. He was
seventeen years old at the time, was on the City of
San Angelo Swim Team, and Eagle Scout in Troop 6
(1937), and had served as Patrol Leader of the
Hyenia Patrol. He had been selected to be in
the Order while serving on the camp staff that
summer for his outstanding service to camp and to
his troop.
He remembers
that the professional staff in camp put on the
ceremony and that Paul Ireland used a wand to tap
out candidates. They wore no costumes except
their camp uniform. He was elected as the
first lodge chief by the other members. He
indicated that some sort of group already existed
prior to that summer. This was probably the
Knish Camp Society. He also remembers that
there were no books to read from; that they created
a ceremony for the tap out and induction ceremony.
visiting with C. A. McDonald, Jr. of San Angelo in
1989, he said that each troop picked out boys for
membership according to the number in their troop at
camp for membership. Everything to do with the
Order of the Arrow happened only in camp.
There were no other activities held during the
year. The Scouts were tapped out at the
campfire on Thursday night. When they were
tapped out a briar wreath was placed around their
neck and they remained at the campfire until
everyone else left.
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Instructed to
Build a Fire
They were
told to get a blanket and report back to the flagpole
where they were placed on silence and told they would
be "dumped off some place in the wilderness."
Each person received two matches and instructed that
they would build a fire and keep it going all
night. A leader led them around to the site
through the thickest brush they could find. They
were led over logs, through the edge of the river,
etc. He remembers it being a "long night."
Each wore their briar wreath until they got his fire
going and then burned the wreath. They returned
to the flag pole the next morning.
The next
day they worked at the mess hall, cleaning the camp
latrine and other special projects. Most of them got
a twig and chewed on the bark all day so that they
wouldn't speak.
At the end
of the ceremony that night, they received a card and
a felt OA Sash with a red arrow stamped on it.
Emmett D. Cox, Council President, and Henry
Ragsdale, Council Commissioner, were voted as
honorary members of the lodge. James M. Young, who
was inducted into the Order of the Arrow in the late
40’s, remembers that they were also required to
select an Indian name during their night alone.
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to Membership
Those elected
to membership that summer at Camp Louis Farr were:
Wilbur McCannon and C. H. Taylor, Scoutmaster, Troop
2, San Angelo; Claude R. Stone, Troop 30, Ballinger;
Horace Rees and Joe Ballinger; Scoutmaster Reeves,
Troop 59, Fr. Stockton; J. B. Morris, Scoutmaster,
Troop 55, Texon; Scoutmaster Mitchell, Troop 50,
McCamey; Max Lowry, Ft. Stockton; C. A. McDonald,
Scoutmaster, Troop 32, San Angelo; and Startton
Beesley, assistant waterfront director.
The author
has been unable to find records or newspaper stories
about the Order of the Arrow being used at Camp
Fawcett during the summer of 1941. However,
those elected to membership into the Order of the
Arrow that first summer at Camp Louis Farr were:
Troop 2,
San Angelo - Wilbur McCannon and C. H. Taylor,
Troop 30,
Ballinger - Claude R. Stone
Troop 31,
McCamey - Scoutmaster Mitchell
Troop 32,
San Angelo - C. A. McDonald
Troop 55,
Texon - J. B. Morris
Troop 58,
Big Lake - Horace Rees and Joe Dougherty
Troop 59,
Ft. Stockton - J. F. Reves
Others -
Assistant Waterfront Director Stratton Beesley, A.
C. Doyal of Brady and Bill Hampton of Ballinger.
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OA at Camp
Dr. Sterling Fly,
Jr., of Uvalde, believed that the OA was started at
Camp Fawcett in 1941, the same time as it was started
at Camp Louis Farr. A story appeared in a
newspaper on July 2, 1943, paper unknown, giving an
account of a week’s camp completed at Camp Fawcett,
June 20 - 27, by Troop 96 of Crystal City and Troop
9096 of Winter Haven. In the story a mention was
made of the Order of the Arrow. The story was
telling about all the various awards that Troop 96 had
earned at camp that summer.
The story
told of two of their troop members, Bob Fly and
Harold Harkey, who were members of the Camp’s Junior
Staff, “received the second Degree (Brotherhood) in
the Order of the Arrow, the highest camp award”
during camp that summer. This would indicate
that the Order was started in 1941, when the two
Scouts would have received the “First Degree,“
(Ordeal) as their names were not again mentioned
when the story went on to state that three other
Scouts in the troop had received the “First Degree”
the previous year in 1942. Scouts Jimmy
Mortensen, Bob Baker and Mike Moore were the three
Scouts to receive this honor for their work as
Patrol Leaders in their troop.
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Brotherhood Members Inducted
members were inducted into the Brotherhood Honor in
1943 at Camp Louis Farr. This is the first
recorded record that we have of members being inducted
into this honor in addition to Boy Fly and Harold
Harkey being inducted at Camp Fawcett that same
inducted at Camp Louis Farr were:
Baldwin, Alfred Carthen, Wesley Fox, B. J. Hart,
Hardin Jones, Rothnal O’Kelly, Bob Sykes, Clilfford
Taylor, Jr., Dick Tucker, Francis Ward, Dwain
Dodson, H. S. Guthrie and Paul Ward.
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Meaning of
Wahinkto is
the Blackfoot word meaning “Arrowpoint.” The
lodge totem was the arrowhead, later changed to the
running deer, which is still is today. The Lodge
Number 199 identifies the lodge as the 199th lodge to
be chartered by the Order of the Arrow.
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Lodge Totem
The first
lodge totem was the arrowhead. Dr. Jack Wright
of Big Lake recalls that when he served as a physician
at Camp Louis Farr during the summer of 1942, that
each new arrowman was presented with the lodge
totem. It was a white woven plastic lanyard with
a flint arrowhead in it. The totem was worn around
your neck.
when the running deer was selected by the lodge as
the lodge totem, a new lanyard was designed and it
is still in use today. This lodge totem is a
piece of deer antler treaded on a leather thong and
worn around the neck. An overhand knot is tied
on each side of the antler to hold it in place on
the thong. A second antler is added to the
thong for the Brotherhood honor. When a person
receives the Vigil Honor, the thongs are each tied
into a simple overhead knot at the end of the
thongs. The deer antler is cut into one inch
lengths and a hole is drilled through the center of
the piece so that the leather thong may be threaded
through it.
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First Lodge
James M.
Young, a Vigil member of the lodge, relates the
following story about the first patch.
1950, Jim Strother, Ray Hall Beck and I developed
the design for the first Wahinkto Lodge
(patch). The arrowhead was chosen because of
he many arrowheads found in the vicinity of the Camp
Louis Farr dining hall. The patch was to be
placed on a sky blue triangle neckerchief. The
neckerchief was to have a one inch white
border. The patch was not adopted for wear on
the uniform.”
The patch
was a three inch round patch with a red twill
background and had a gold border. Around the
top of the circle were the words “Wahinkto Lodge”
with “WWW” around the bottom of the patch. In
the center of the patch was a gold arrowhead with
“199” embroidered in blue. A blue arrow went
from left to right behind the arrowhead at an upward
The first
lodge patch, designed to be worn on the uniform, was
very similar to the current patch. The main
difference is that the arrow at the top of the patch
pointed to the right instead of the left when
looking at the patch. This was the correct
position of the patch at the time in that an
arrowman worn his sash over his left shoulder until
he became a Brotherhood member, when he would
transfer it to the right shoulder. We are not
sure when this patch was made except that it was
sometime between 1950 and 1956. At the time
the brown running deer became the totem of the lodge
in place of the arrownhead.
In 1957, a
second patch was designed and issued. The
arrow was switched to the right in keeping with the
new requirements on the sash. Unfortunately,
the name “Wahinkto” was misspelled and they had to
issue yet another patch with the correct spelling on
it. Later, another patch was designed with a
white deer on it just for Brotherhood members.
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J. T.
Henderson, in the fifties, designed the lodge
neckerchief. He thought it would be unique to
take the lodge name “Wahinkto” and arrange it to look
like a deer’s head. The neckerchief patch is
black on red and worn on a white neckerchief.
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Lodge Chapters
The current
two chapters of the Wahinkto Lodge and their Indian
name are:
Great River
Most Power
OA Section Conferences
Lodge has hosted several Section Conclaves over the
years. Here are the ones that we have a record
Conference - August 2-4, 1963 at Camp Sol Mayer
Conference - August, 1970 at Camp Sol Mayer
Conclave - August 1-3, 1975 at Angelo State
Conclave - May 1-3, 1981 at Camp Sol Mayer
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Three Have
Served as Section Chiefs
arrowmen have served as Section Chief from the
Wahinkto Lodge. Steve Joyce, Vigil member of San
Angelo, served as Section 3-B Chief in 1976 and was
responsible for helping to put together a joint 3-A
and 3-B conference held at Baylor University in Waco
August 6-9, 1976. Fifty-one arrowmen from this
lodge participated in the weekend along with over
1,000 arrowmen in the combined section
conference. One of the highlights of the weekend
was the participation of E. Urner Goodman, founder of
the Order of the Arrow, in the activities at Baylor.
Lunsford also served as Section Chief for South
Central Region Section 1 in 1995 and 1996.
Both Section Conclaves were held at Sam Houston
State University in August.
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Lodge Chiefs
In the
beginning of Wahinkto Lodge a Lodge Chief was named
for each week of summer camp. The only
activities of the lodge were the induction of new
members at the end of each week of summer camp so
there was no need for a year-round lodge chief.
There is
no known record of the first lodge chiefs of
Wahinkto Lodge. In 1951, when the lodge went
to year-round lodge chiefs, their names were
recorded on the annual Order of the Arrow Lodge
Charter and became a matter of record. During
1986, the lodge changed its term of office from
January 1 through December 31 of each year to
September 1 through August 30th. Thus, you
will find, starting with Russell Massey, that their
term of office overlapped two years even though they
served only for a twelve month term. The lodge
went back to the first of the year starting in 1993.
1941 -
Camp Louis Farr - Charles “Chuck” Taylor
1942 -
1943 - Camp
Louis Farr - Wesley Fox (1st week)
Taylor, Jr. (2nd week)
1944 -
1945 -
1946 -
1947 -
1948 -
1949 - Camp
Louis Farr - Bill Marshall
Fawcett - Homer Gathings
1950 -
1951 -
Ronald Kelso, Brady
1952 -
Ronald Kelso, Brady
1953 -
Johnny Sheedy, III, Brackettville
1954 -
Lionel Galvan, Crystal City
1955 -
Michael Kennedy, Uvalde
1956 -
Wayne Anderson, Del Rio
1957 -
Wayne Anderson, Del Rio
1958 -
Gordon McGonsgill, Del Rio
1959 -
Gordon McGonsgill, Del Rio
1960 - Dick
Wyatt, San Angelo
1961 - Jim
Runge, Christoval
1962 - Jim
Runge, Christoval
1963 - John
Pipkin, San Angelo
1964 -
Keith Winslow, Menard
1965 -
Randy Holdridge, San Angelo
1966 -
Roland Lee Iredale, San Angelo
1967 - John
Bob Cody, San Angelo
1968 -
Claude Townsend, Ft. Stockton
1969 -
David Perry, San Angelo
1970 -
Terry Younggren, Ft. Stockton
1971 -
Barry Heath, San Angelo
1972 -
Barry Heath, San Angelo
1973 - John
Kamensky, San Angelo
1974 -
Edward J. Trust, Eagle Pass
1975 -
Edward Heath, San Angelo
1976 -
Steve Evans, Mertzon
1977 - Tom
Steckbeck, San Angelo
1978 -
Peter Mikel, San Angelo
1979 -
Peter Mikel, San Angelo
1980 - Alex
Kedziora, San Angelo
1981 - Tony
Chambless, San Angelo
1982 -
Frankie Sablan, San Angelo
1983 -
Frankie Sablan, San Angelo
1984 - Wes
Harrell, San Angelo
1985 -
James Berger, San Angelo
1986 -
Robert Kronenberg, Del Rio
1986 - 87 -
Russell Massey, Del Rio
1987 - 88 -
Monty Gibson, San Angelo
1988 - 89 -
Robert J. Brown, Del Rio
1989 - 90 -
Christopher J. Looney, Uvalde
1990 - 91 -
William F. Harlow, San Angelo (1/2 year) & Daryl
Box, San Angelo (1/2 year)
1991 -
Danny Casillas, Del Rio
1992 -
Danny Casillas, Del Rio
1993 -
David O’Neill, San Angelo
1994 -
David O’Neill, San Angelo
1995 -
Donnie Lunsford. San Angelo
1996 -
Wayne Graham, San Angelo
1997 -
Rickey Medina, San Angelo
- Louis Torres, Ft. Stockton
1999 -
Roger Lopez
2000 - Luke
L. Burnett, San Angelo
2001 - Eric
2002 -
Jason M. White, San Angelo
2003 -
Adrian Garcia, Del Rio
2004 -
Adrian Garcia, Del Rio
2005 - Matt
Bignall, San Angelo (1/2 year) & Peter Perez,
San Angelo (1/2 year)
2006 -
Peter Perez, San Angelo
2007 -
Bryan Sablan, San Angelo
2008 -
Humberto Torres Jr., Uvalde
2009 -
Dustin Foradory, Uvalde
2010 -
Dylan DeLaRosa, San Angelo
2011 - Kyle
Sharp, San Angelo
2012 - Bob
Torres, Uvalde
2013 -
Jason Walker, San Angelo
2014 - Heath Benjamin Lange, San Angelo
2015 - Brenden Paradis, Del Rio
2016 - Cameron Paradis, Del Rio
2017 - (First Half) Clay Tate, Mertzon (Second Half)
Fabrizio Hernandez, Del Rio
2018 - Kevin Franke, San Angelo
2019 - Matthew Allen. San Angelo
2020 - Victor Zapata, Del Rio
2021 - Victor Zapata, Del Rio
2022 - Madison Schwab,
2023 - Zachary Schwab,
2024 - Santiago Guerra, Del Rio
2025 - Santiago Guerra, Del Rio
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Lodge Advisers
Advisers are the unsung heroes of the Wahinkto
Lodge. They are responsible, as volunteers, to
see that the lodge stayed in the hands of the
youth. But they are also responsible to see that
the lodge functions according to the rules of the
Order of the Arrow. Here is a list of the known
1948 - 49
- Vernon Bucher, Joe Lindle, Leonard Lee (Sponsors
of Farr tribe)
1948 - 49 -
Homer Gathings, Elmer Fawcett (sponsors of Fawcett
1960 - 61 -
G. Howard Briggs
1962 - 70 -
Robert C. “Bob” Warner
1971 - 75 -
Thomas Rainey
1975 - 76 -
Lawrence “Bub” Williams
1976 - 80 -
Ray Kedziora
1981 - 82 -
Richard Benton
1983 - 84 -
Victor Meza, Sr.
1985 - 88 -
Lace E. “Gene” Hinnard
1989 - 90 -
Roy Douglass and Robert Kennedy (co-advisers)
1990 -
Robert Kennedy
1991 -
Edward Stewart
1992 -
Lloyd Deaton
1993 - 1995
- Jim Nennich
1996 - 1998
- Gary Shrum
1999 -
Jimmy “Butch” Simpson
2000 - 2001
- Mike Robertson
2002 - 2006
- Jerry White
- Tom McKeel
2007 - 2010
- Bo Strickland
2011- 2012
- Dan Walker
2013 - 2015
- Wayne Graham
2016 - Marshall Perkins
2017 - Joe
2018 - 2020 - Brenda
2020 - 2021 - Andy Brooks
2022 - 2025 - Don Dunbar
2025 - Danny Casillas
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Vigil Honor
The Vigil
Honor is the highest honor that the Order of the Arrow
can bestow upon its members for service above self to
their lodge and local council. The first person
to receive the Vigil Honor in the Order of the
Arrow was its founder E. Urner Goodman, who received
this honor in 1915.
The list of names contain the date that the application
was submitted to the Order of the Arrow and not the year
they were inducted.
1945 - J.
B. Morris, Joseph O. Galbraith, A. H. Bird
1950 -
Vernon Bucher
1958 -
Marvin Ratliff, Jr.
1959 - J.
C. Benson, Bobby Broadway, Jackie Jones, Carl B.
Nicholas, Jim Runge, Jimmy Stewart, George Tucker,
Harold S. Whiteside, Earl G. Wisdom, Dick Wyatt,
Milton R. Wratt, Gilbert H. Wyman, James M. Young
1960 - Paul
Hendrix, Lloyd Deaton, Michael Deaton
1961 -
Julius Graw, Bobby Neal, John H. Pearson, John
Pipkin, Edward E. Qualls, Truett McClung
1962 -
Ronnie E. Martin, Carl B. Nicholas, Charles E.
Oswalt, III., Gary Spring, Keith Winslow
1963 -
Sandy Bartlett, J. T. Henderson, Randy Holdridge,
Tommy Meier
1964 -
Bobby Elliott, William E. Huddleston, Robert C.
1965 -
Barry Haenish, Steward Hawkins, Jr., David Horner,
Roland L. Iredale
1966 - John
Bob Cody, David Hall, Joe Ray Jones
1967 - Gary
Alien, Kirk Hawkins, Richard L. Iredale, David
Perry, Scott Slaughter, Homer A. Smith, Claude R.
1968 -
Ronnie Allen, Bill Carlson, John K.Finegan, Clouis
Hansen, Vincent C. Hobbs, Andy Johnson, Eddie Palmer
1969 -
Tommy F. McSwain, Dow E. Palmer,Terry Younggren
1970 -
Elton T. Calk, Jr., Robert H. Haines, Peter Juve
1971 -
Richard Benton, Lace E. Hinnard, Barry Health, Peter
Maldonado, Russell Tidwell, Edward J. Trust
1972 -
Edward Heath, James B. Heath, Gary Sohn
1973 -
Perry Jewell, Steve Joyce, Jesse McAnally, Dean
Paret, Cyril A. Trust, Sr.
1974 -
Tommy Heath, Robert J. Kamensky, Jack McCarley,
Frank Perkins, Robert Singer
1975 -
Craig Bessent, Wilson Hill, Jr., Ronnie
McAnally, J. B. Ward, Lewis H. White
1976 - None
1977 - Ray
Kedziora, Thomas Valdez
1978 - John
Campbell, Bill Dillahunty, Alex Kedziora, Rodney D.
Kuhlmann, Peter Mikel, Tom Steckbeck, James
1979 - None
1980 - Will
Allison, John D. Eberhardt, Victor Meza, Sr.,
Abe H. Ramirez, Karl A. Wiedenfeld
1981 -
Walter Campbell, Brad L. Newton
1982 - Tony
Chambless, Victor Meza, Jr., Frankie Sablan, Ken
1983 - K.
Wynn Alston, Russell Cooke, Sammy Sablan
1984 -
James Berger, Armando DeLeon, Mike Fanning, Chris A.
Johnson, Timothy F. Johnson, Roy Moore, Gene Wilton,
1985 - John
A. Herrera, James Kimbrel, Robert Kronenberg, Aaron
Miles, Randy A. Schreiber, Terry Williams
1986 -
Weldon L. Blackard, Mike Gillenwaer, Russell E.
Massey, Bill Ruth
1987 -
Robert Fierro, Jr., Monty Gibson, Paul Hendricks,
John R. Massey, Jonathan Turnbow, Wes Wolfe, III
1988 -
Chris Looney, Alex Mata, J. M. "Bill" Rowley, Gary
Schreiber, Dan Stim
1989 -
Jason Aley, Robert J. Brown, Danny Casillas, Brent
Smith, Jeffrey Williams
1990 - Lane
Hughes, Robert Kennedy, James Nennich, Jason
1991 -
Ramon R. Castro, Jr., Benny L. Dougherty, Harry T.
Eckert, Darin L. Smith, Grant H. Irons
1992 - Drew
Hubbard, Daryl Box, Ramon Castro, Sr., Edward
Goebel, Federico Medina, Jr.
1993 -
David O’Neill, Maxie Peabody, Billy R. Sellman,
Roberts S. Williams, Jr., Terry M. Younggren
1994 -
Americo Isreal Garcia, Orlando Flores, Mike Wallace,
Albert “Willie” Williams
1995 - A.
Carl Cummins Evve Kuykendall, Donnie Lee Lunsford,
Maria Medina
1996 - Andy
Brooks, Richard W. Graham, Raymond J. Leftwich,
Federico Medina, III, William Mechler, Jimmy E.
“Butch” Simpson, Jr.
1997 -
Robert M. Burnett, Richard G. O’Neill, Louis
Torres, Jim Lay, Sam Elk Shimp, II., Gary Shrum
1998 -
Robby Archer, Ruby Deaton, Ted Hogan, Jay Medina,
Chris Shrum
1999 - Luke
Burnett, Don Cheek, Elwin Hahn, Bradley Jones, Brian
2000 -
Jonathan Kilgore, Brian Sturm, Mark Wyatt
2001 -
Steven Daniels, Jason White, Ron Gabriel, Jerry
2002 - None
2003 -
Adrian J. Garcia, Matthew J. Huro, Cody R.
Scott, Matthew S. Vercher
2004 -
Nathan Calk, Andrew Garcia, Bill Karmany, Jakob
McKeel, Mike Mitchell
2005 - Tom
McKeel, Kyle Scott
2006 - Kyle
2007 -
Anthony Kieffer, Peter Perez, Mathew Smart
2008 -
Sarabeth Erickson, Barry Hendler, Connor McKeel,
Humberto Torres, Sr.
2009 -
Patricio Ramos, Humberto Torres, Jr.., Eric T.
Wheeler, Dustin Foradory, Lawson Kemp
2010 -
Holland Cogdell, Rene Mancha, David Cogdell, Laura
2011 -
Brandy Williams, Kyle Sharp
2012 -
Harold Sharp, Murray Kachel, Michael Steal,
Bob Torres, Jason Young
2013 -
Dillon Silvia, Danny Herrera, Joe Robinette, Joe
Will Ross, Ricardo Maldonado
2014 - Brenda
White, David Kemp, Will Cogdell, D,J. Simpson, John
2015 - Dathan Simpson, Don Bucholz,
Steven Goff, Will Cantu, Elijah Sharp, Jonathan
2016 - Jack
Townsend, Brenden Brenden Paradis, Cameron Paradis,
Diane Townsend and Jeff Isenberg
2017 - None
2018 - Carl C. Frentz, Jesse Frank White
2019 - Roger D.
2020 - None
2021 - None
2022 - None
2023 - Kevin Franke
2024 - Randy Davis, Madison Schwab, Victor Zapata
2025 - Zachary Davis, Ezekiel Delacruz, Lorenzo Guerra, Santiago Guerra
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Founder’s Award
The Founder’s
Award was created by the Order of the Arrow to honor
and recognize those Arrowmen who have given
outstanding service to the Lodge. The bronze
medallion bearing the likeness of E. Urner Goodman and
Carroll A. Edson is reserved for an Arrowman who
demonstrates to his fellow Arrowman that he
memorializes in his everyday life the spirit of
achievement as described by our founder.
The award
was first presented to David O’Neill and Lloyd
Deaton on October 17, 1994.
-Robert Burnett
2004 -
Jerry White and Adrian Garcia
2005 -
Peter Perez
2006 -
Bryan Sablan and Humberto Torres Sr.
2008 -
Humberto Torres, Jr. and Butch E Simpson
- Murry Melvin Kachel, Robert Torres
2012 -
Elijah "Wes" Sharp, Wynn Alston
2015 - Mike
2024 - Bill Houston
Leadership in
Service Award
In recognition of the
Order of the Arrow's heritage of service, the
National Order of the Arrow Committee created a new
three-year Leadership in Service Program which was
announced at the 2004 NOAC. The Order strives to
strengthen Scouting's foundation of service by
further fostering in Arrowmen the ethic of servant
By promoting and rewarding service that
benefits the Boy Scouts of America's outdoor
program, and the communities in which Scouts
reside, the Order will be acting to support
Scouting at the most important level.
Requirements for the award can be met during the
calendar years of 2005, 2006, and 2007.
The "Leadership in Service Award" was
first presented for 2005 at the HEB Winter
Fellowship Camp in January 2006. Those
receiving the award were:
2005 - Raymond Affleck,
Chris Calk, Nathan Calk, Jared Ducote, Jeremy
Graue, Matt Huro, Chris Johnson, David Kemp,
Lawson Kemp, Tom McKeel, Peter Perez, Matthew
Smart, Humberto Torres, Jr., Humberto Torres, Sr.,
& Dan Walker.
2006 - Lawson Kemp, Connor McKeel,
Tom McKeel, Peter Perez, Pat Ramos, Bryan Sablan,
Steve Silvia, Humberto Torres, Jr., Humberto
Torres Sr., & Marcus Zamorra
2007 - Chris Calk, Nathan Calk,
Dustin Foradory, Laura Foradory, David Kemp,
Lawson Kemp, Connor McKeel, Tom McKeel, Peter
Perez, Pat Ramos, Maria Ramos, Bryan Sablan,
George Silva, Steve Silva, Mat Smart, Humberto
Torres Sr., Huberto Torres Jr., Jason White, Jerry
White, & Mark Zamorra
Service Award
Edward J.
Trust, Lodge Chief of Wahinkto Lodge in 1974, was
presented the Distinguished Service Award during
ceremonies at the National Order of the Arrow
Conference held at For Collins, Colorado in August
1979. Trust, an Eagle Scout, graduated from
Angelo State University and was serving as a 1st Lt.
In the United States Air Force, stationed in Denver.
Colorado. While in Concho Valley Council, he was
active on both a Section and National level in the
Order of the Arrow, serving mostly on the Shows
national OA Committee presents the Distinguished
Service Award to those Arrowmen who had rendered
outstanding service to the Order on a section, area,
regional or national level. It is given
primarily for dedicated service to the Order and
Scouting over a period of years. It is the
only award in Scouting that is presented to youth
members, adult volunteers and professional Scouters.
The Award
was present to Frank T. Hilton, in 1983 Program
Director. It was presented for him
having served as OA Section Staff Adviser in
Sections 9-B, 3-B and IV for many years. He
served as Lodge Staff Adviser for the Tonkawa Lodge
and Tejas Lodge prior to moving to Concho Valley
Council in 1974, In this Lodge, he served as
Staff Adviser for the Wahinkto Lodge from 1974
through 1987, and again from 1989 through
1990. Upon becoming the Scout Executive in
Comanche Trail Council, Brownwood, he served as
Staff Adviser of the Otena Lodge from 1991 until his
retirement from professional Scouting in January
Curtis B. Dyer
The Wahinkto
Lodge had tied with Karankawa Lodge for the Curtis B.
Dyer Award in 1968, but on May 3, 1981, Sammy Sablan,
Frankie Sablan, Wes Harrell and Mike Fanning brought
home the Award, having earned it outright. The
lodge worn it two more times, the last time during
competition held at the OA Section IV Conclave at
Shepherd AFB in Wichita Falls, Texas, and retired the
trophy. This was the year the Section
changed. During this time in the lodge
history, the youth were very interested in Indian
dancing and in Section Conclave competition.
James E. West
The James E.
West Award was established by the Boy Scouts of
America to recognize a special financial commitment to
Scouting in
the form of a $1,000 donation to the Council Endowment
Fund. The award is named after the first Chief Scout
Executive of the Boy Scouts of America. Wahinkto Lodge
honored its first Arrowman at their 2007 lodge banquet
for his unselfish devotion to the welfare of others
through their special service, special achievement and
their long standing commitment to the Order of the
Arrow by sponsoring a James E. West Award in his
2006 -
Jerry White
2010 - Kyle
2011 - Wynn
2018 - Barbara Jones
Service Projects
The Lodge continues to
do service projects at both Camp Sol Mayer and Camp
Fawcett as well as help out at Cub events, camporees
and other council activities.
to view the Wahinkto Lodge Facebook page.
Updated: February 8,
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