The Lodge celebrated its 25th Anniversary during 1970. A special weekend campout was held by the Lodge on the weekend of May 23-24 at Camp Billy Gibbons to celebrate that anniversary. Everyone brought their own food and camping equipment to the event. They had a water carnival and Pow-Wow on Saturday and a sunrise "Inspirational Service" early Sunday morning. The weekend ran from noon Saturday until 10 AM on Sunday.


The 25th Anniversary banquet of the lodge was held in Richardson Hall of Howard Payne College, December 8, 1970, under the leadership of Ernie Meyer, Lodge Chief.  Mr. B. Edward Luckett, Sr. of Fort Worth, and member of the National Committee of the Order of the Arrow, was present. The new officers and the new Vigil honor members were recognized. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of a history of the Order and of Otena Lodge that had been gathered by Ernie Meyer.

The Lodge also received the following special handwritten letter from E. Urner Goodman
in honor of their 25th Anniversary.

January 22, 1970
My Brothers of Otena Lodge,

             Since the early days of the Order of the Arrow, I have been called before to give the closing challenge at our National Conferences.  I count it a high privilege; but with some respects, I count it an even greater privilege to challenge a local lodge, like yours, for that is where things should happen.
   Every one of you, I assume was elected to our Order because he was considered a PACE SETTER in cheerful service by his fellow Scouts of Explorer.  As our Ordeal ceremony reminded you, there was the expectation that you would keep right on with your dedication to service for the common good.
   Now, in the Order we have always felt that an Arrowman's first duty was in service to his own Troop or Post - to make that unit great in its program and its loyalty to our Scout ideals.
   Right next to that lies his duty to his own Lodge, where, working together, Arrowmen can undertake truly famous projects.  An example of such service, let me suggest the



plan for promoting better and more Scout camping in the Council, with the new Camping Award as your goal. The Order will never have done it's full job in our country until every Scout troop and Explorer Post has the right kind of program for Scouting out of doors. We look toward the day when no American boy, who knocks at the Scouting's door, expecting high adventure, will be disappointed by what he finds in his troop.
   Meanwhile, let every Arrowman begin to plan now for a lifetime of cheerful service to fellow man.  In our first half century, we have seen many outstanding examples of what Arrowmen can do with their lives.  But, you don't need to fly to the moon, as at least two our our members have done, to make your life count. Mindful of your duty to God and Country, try to discover for field of service you were born and when you have found it, prepare to give your best to it.

Yours in Brotherhood,
E. Urner Goodman

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