The original Charter is in the Brown County Museum of History.

The Otena Lodge was thus born out of the Kunieh Tribe and was chartered on May 24, 1945. Application for a charter was made by the Comanche Trail Council on May 1, 1945 by the Council Executive Board. E. J. Miller was President of the Council, Henry Wilson, Chairman of the Camping Committee and Guy N. Quirl was Scout Executive. The first Lodge Chief was Connie Mack Hood of Breckenridge. Connie Mack Hood was in high school at the time he had the honor of being lodge chief. He said, "I suspect this honor came because I was on the 'Bull Gang' at Camp Billy Gibbons, one of the bigger Scouts there, and a member of the Breckenridge Buckaroos football team," when he was contacted in the summer of 1994. He went on to say, "I truly believe that my experience (in) Scouting had a great deal to do with whatever success I have had in life."

The first members of the lodge, of course, were all the current members of the Kunieh Tribe. The Lodge was given the number 295 as it was the 295th Lodge to be chartered by the Order of the Arrow. The members soon named their new Lodge "Otena Lodge."



Adair, Charles 
Baker, Billy Don 
Blair, Bobby 
Burton, Allen 
Brashier, Billy 
Beal, Leon 
Biggs, Dale 
Carter, Murray 
Cunningham, J. A. 
Collie, Bobby 
Collie, Dan 
Chainey, John 
Couch, Buddy 
Day, George 
Davis, Bob 
Daffern, Billy 
Davis, 0. L., Jr. 
Dunn, Johnny 
Earney, Mike 
Friend, Myron 
Field, Bob
Garner, Gene 
Garrett, Joe Bob 
Graves, Kay 
 Graves, Ray 
Hurt, Neal 
Harkrider, Corky 
Hart, Eddie 
Hart, Walker 
Hensley, Homer Lee 
Halkias, Estes 
Hellinghausen, Don 
Jackson, Kenneth 
Jackson, Edwin 
Jones, Jack 
Brogdon, Jerry
Johnson, Bill
Jackson, John
Kiser, Roy
Knight, Frank
Layton, Charles
Lucas, Charles
Lea, Bobby
McIntosh, Bill
Monaghans, John
Magness, Tommie
Oxford, Sol
Philpot, Joe
Poe, Joe Neal
Pardue, Billy
Reed, Marvin
Robnett, John
Smith, Thomas
Smith, Harold
Sparks, Dick
Sparks, Ben
Snyder, Medford
Sommer, Charles, Jr.
Spurlock, Bobby
Sexton, H. A.
Stigler, Bobby Jack
Taylor, Billy Arden
Thompson, Pat
Tesson, Leroy
Walker, Tony
Warren, Jay
Wilson, Dick
Wiggs, Lewis
Wittenberg, Fred
Warford, Harold
White, Jim
Walker, Jerry


Browning, Gaitha 
Boles, J. B. 
Burns, C. L. 
Baker, Jodie 
Collins, Johnnie, Sr. 
Collie, Turner 
Duesman, John B, Rev. 
Dittmar, W E. 
Elliott, A. L. 
Green, James 
Gilliam, Hilton 
Graves, Doyle 
Jessop, Bill 
Kerr, John 
Keesee, Lester 
King, Chandis 
Newton, Audice 
Mayes, J Harvey 
McCarty, Jack 
McDowell, Charles 
McQueen, Bill
Mitchell, Andrew
Pouncey, C. L.
Powell, R. J.
Quirl, Guy N.
Roach, M. T.
Rucker, Raymond
Riggins, Charles
Rodgers, H. Don
Smith, Guy T.
Shaw, Calvin
Sommer, Charles, Sr.
Shapiro, Morris
Shelby, C. L.
Tudor, Homer
Thorn, Russell
Teeson, Lee
Ware, R. L.
Woods, F. M.
Weatherford, E. R.
Webb, Manley

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