Training new and old members of Otena Lodge has always been part of the lodge. Whether it be sealing one's membership in the Order by taking the Brotherhood Honor, learning to bead, Indian dancing, making an Indian outfit, learning one's part and movements on the ceremonial team or learning one's job as a Lodge or Chapter officer, finding the time and resources to provide the training has been a challenge for the leaders of the lodge. There has been more than one ceremony where the Arrowman had to read out of the book because he did not know his part or was assigned it at the last possible minute because someone did not show. It took training on the part of the lodge to produce top quality ceremonies. |
The lodge provided many
opportunities for Arrowmen to participate in various workshops and training
events, include Area Conferences, National Conferences, Lodge Officers
Training, Indian ouutfit making, holding unit elections, etc.
Some Arrowmen took to the training like a duck in the water while others sorta sat back and just watched, not wanting to get that involved. Those who did, and did well, usually were honored by receiving the Vigil Honor. |
E. Urner Goodman gave guidance
in the OA Handbook to training Arrowmen when he wrote that:
The Order of the Arrow is a brotherhood of cheerful service, and Otena Lodge made that the focal point of their life as a lodge. Training in all kinds of leadership skills, ceremonial skills and service skills was the lodge focus since it beginning back in 1945..