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As local Boy Scout councils were organized there came a surge in troops in Texas. Many troops participated in annual rat killing in their community. Almost ever parade had Boy Scouts marching in them. Troops began to build Scout cabins to meet in or camp in. Membership at the end of this year was 478,528. |
Houston |
Troop 29 - Organized in
late 1921 by the First Lutheran Church. Information taken from Troop 11 History by Forrest Davis. |
Plainview | Dallas Morning News, January 6, 1921. "Special to The News. Plainview, Texas, January 5. - The Plainview Boy Scouts have increased the membership in the local organization to 100. The Plainview council now claims to be the strongest in the Panhandle. Many activities are planned for 1921." |
Amarillo | Dallas Morning News, February 6, 1921. "Special to The News. Amarillo, Texas. Feb. 5. - Scoutmasters of the three Amarillo troops of Boy Scouts and men interested in Scout work have organized a temporary council here. A. C. Nunn of Dallas, deputy national executive, will be in Amarillo for a week to aid in perfecting the organization." |
Bonham | Dallas Morning News, February 17, 1921. "Special to The News. Bonham, Texas. Feb. 16. - The Boy Scouts are preparing to publish a paper, the name of the periodical being the Tracart. Joe Holder is scout master and he has nearly 100 boys enrolled as scouts." |
Electra | Fort Worth Star-Telegram, March 29, 1921. Electra Kills Rats And Cleans Town. Electra, Texas, March 29. - The rat extermination campaign conducted here last Friday resulted in the death of over 1,000 rats, which were killed after one afternoon's work over the city. The Chamber of Commerce conducted the drive and the Board of Education declared a half holiday in order that the girls and Boy Scouts might have part in the work." |
Gainsville | Dallas Morning News, May 13, 1921. "Special to The News. Gainsville, Texas. May 12.- Nine troops of Boy Scouts will be organized in Gainsville. Members of the Rotary Club having applied for a charter from the national organization. Jerry Fulkerson of Dallas assisted in the formal arrangements. Seven committee chairmen have been appointed and an active campaign is to be waged in behalf of the boys of Gainsville." |
Del Rio | A letter to the Del Rio Evening News, printed on May 17, 1931 from the mother of Scout Lee Wood tells about a Scout Troop that existed in Del Rio in 1921. She wrote to the paper to correct a previous story that had appeared the day before in which the paper had quoted from Scout officials that two boys, who were the first two Eagle Scouts in Del Rio. She wanted them to know that two other boys had received their Eagle badges in July 1921. They were her son Lee Woods and another Scout, George Brown, both of Troop 1. Information from "Panjandrum, A History of Concho Valley Council, Boy Scouts of America, 1911-2002," 2002, page 11, by Frank T. Hilton. |
Italy |
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Whitesboro | ![]() "From left to right: Lugion Foster, Horce Schied, Clyde Deckard, Wase Suddath, Theo Denton, Sears Anderson, Lonnie Self, Myers Suddath, A. C. Foster, Morris Schied, John Ross Cravins and Kenneth Hayes." |
Floydada | Dallas Morning News, July 22, 1921. "Special to The News. Floydada, Texas. July 31. - Tourists over the B. B. B. Highway, passing through Floydada will soon find one of the best-equipped camping grounds in the state. A cabin, free fuel, water and lights are being provided. Boy Scouts will keep the grounds clean." |
Clarksville | Dallas
Morning News, July 23, 2921. "Special to The
News. Clarksville,
Texas, July 22. - R. L. Henry of Waco will be one of
the principal speakers
at the annual reunion of the United Confederate
Veterans to be held at
the Confederate Park in Clarksville on Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, Aug.
11, 12 and 13, according to announcement made this
week by B. F. Edwards,
chairman of the program committee.
"A parade will be given on the second day, with Confederate Veterans in the lead, followed by world war veterans, Boy Scouts and decorated automobiles." |
Palestine | Fort Worth Star-Telegram, August 2, 1921. "Palestine Scouts Plan Cabin. Palestine, Texas, Sept. 2. - The Boy Scouts have planned to build a log cabin headquarters in Green Park, and are taking subscriptions to that end. Already they have secured about $300. The cabin will cost, with most of the work donated, about $400." |
Suphur Springs | Dallas Morning News, August 4, 1921. "Special to The News. Sulphur Springs, Texas, Aug. 2. - Sulphur Springs Boy Scouts, numbering forty, in charge of Scoutmasters, H. W. Tapp, Claude McCorkle, R. C. McKinney and Dr. J. J. Johnson, left Wednesday morning in automobiles on their annual two weeks' camping vacation which will be spent on the Guadalupe River near New Braunfels. strops will be made in Dallas, Waco and San Marcos. the scouts carry their own supply truck, a mechanic and physician." |
Eastland | Dallas Morning News, August 10, 1921. "Special to The News. Cisco, Texas, Aug. 10. - Sixty-five Boy Scouts of Cisco and Eastland are enjoying a scout camp on Big Sandy on the Ward ranch, about four miles north of Cisco, on the Breckenridge road. The camp is in charge of Maurice Johnson and Mr. Mitchell of Eastland." |
Mexia | Dallas Morning News, August 12, 1921. "Special to The News. Mexia, Texas, Aug. 11. - Final preparations are being made for the departure of Mexia's Boy Scouts who will be camped at Boy Scout Camp near Oakwood. The camp will have a telephone for the use of the scouts and will be in the name of L. B. Sledge." |
Weatherford | Dallas Morning News, August 28, 1921. "Special to The News. Weatherford, Texas, Aug. 27. - The Weatherford Boy Scouts left Thursday for the mountains of Palo Pinto under Scoutmaster T. Wesley Hook to be gone two weeks. The boys have every convenience to make camp life pleasant and will be camped four miles from Palo Pinto. There are about fifty boys in the company." |
Alice | Dallas Morning News, September 6, 1921. "Special to The News. Alice, Texas, Sept. 5. - The Jim Wells County Fair Association has extended an invitation to the Boy Scouts of Corpus Christi, Kingsville, Beeville and other cities to be the guests of the fair association, Sept. 23 and 24." |
Beeville | Dallas Morning News, September 6, 1921. "Special to The News. Alice, Texas, Sept. 5. - The Jim Wells County Fiar Association has extended an invitation to the Boy Scouts of Corpus Christi, Kingsville, Beeville and other cities to be the guests of the fiar association, Sept. 23 and 24." |
Sherman | Dallas Morning News, October 2, 1921. "Special to The News. Sherman, Texas, Oct. 1. - A. N. Shaw, scout master of the local Boy Scout troop, has received a message from headquarters in Dallas saying that a day has been set apart at the Dallas State Fair as Scout Day. Local scouts will meet at the City Y.M.C.A. Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock to discuss attending the Fair on Scout Day." |
Mineral Wells | Dallas Morning News, October 3, 1921. "Special to The News. Mineral Wells, Texas, Oct. 2. The Kiwanis Club of this city has adopted Troop 1, local Boy Scouts, and the club members will act as 'big brothers' to the scouts, aiding them in finances and other matters." |
Bastrop | Dallas Morning News, November 4, 1921. "Neff Is Welcomed At Bastrop's Fair. Special to The News. - Bastrop, Texas, Nov. 2. - The Bastrop County Fair opened today under ideal conditions with a crowd estimated at 6,000...The afternoon school children's parade was led by the Boy Scouts." |
Kerens | Dallas Morning News, November 5, 1921. "Special to The News. Kerens, Navarro Co., Texas. Nov. 4. - Kerens Post, American Legion, will state an all-day celebration Nov. 11. The morning will be devoted to music by Kerens Municipal Band, with a parade from 10 to 11 o'clock, with the legion members, veterans of former wars, boy scouts, Red Cross and public schools taking part. Felix D. Robertson of Dallas will speak at 11 o'clock." |
Brenham | Dallas Morning News, December 29, 1921. "Special to The News. Brenham, Texas. Dec. 28. - Forty Brenham Boy scouts, with the Rev. Ira D. Lang, scout master, were guests at lunch today of the Brenham Rotary Club. H. W. Arp presided, Mrs. Eugene A. Eversberg and John J. Giddings sang a duet. The principal speaker was the Rev. Arthur E. Hartmann. His theme was 'The Home, Country and the Church, the Three Greatest Institutions." |
Stephenville | There was a Scout Troop 1 in Stephenville from 1921 until 1922. James H. Foote was a member of that troop during that time. Information from "Ninety Years of Service, A History of Comanche Trail Council, Boy Scouts of America, 1910-1999," 1999, page 7, by Frank T. Hilton. |
Amarillo | History of Region Nine, by Minor Huffman, page 89. "Early in 1921 Amarillo was organized as a first class council and by June had a Scout executive and by the end of the year had eight troops with 192 Scouts." |
updated: February 7, 2018
to Alphabetical Listing