First Scout Troops in Texas

Organized in 1919

The First National Training Conference for Scout Executives was held in September at Bear Mountain, Palisades Interstate Park.  The First World Jamboree was held in England; Boy scots from 32 of 52 countries were present; the Boy Scouts of America sent 301 members.  Membership at the end of 1919 was 462,060.

Troop 24 - First organized in February 1919 at St. Paul’s Church with F.L. Michael as SM.  In 1922, Troop 24 met at the YMCA under SM W.E. Keen.

ASM Bateman Hardcastel became SM in September 1923.  Troop was known as “The Pirates.”  Someone wrote a history of Troop 24 as a tribute to Bateman Hardcastle. Information taken from Troop 11 History by Forrest Davis.


Troop 25 -Dating from April 1919.  Met at 108 Burr St. with William H. Green as SM.  In 1923, was sponsored by the Oaklawn Presbyterian Church.  It was re-organized in June 1925 by the Holy Rosary Church.  Information taken from Troop 11 History by Forrest Davis.


Troop 26 - Organized in 1919, sponsored by Christ’s Episcopal Church with H.R. Gates as SM.  Sponsor changed in 1923 to the Trinity Episcopal Church, and Troop 16 met in Trinity Parish House.  In 1924, Troop 26 had the largest membership of all Houston troops.  Information taken from Troop 11 History by Forrest Davis.


Troop 27 - First met in 1919 at the Travis School with SM F.N. Ankenman.  Later met at the Masonic Hall; and the Abe Levy Community Hall.  In August 1923, moved to the Woodland Baptist Church.  Information taken from Troop 11 History by Forrest Davis.

Alma Earnest E. Tennon served as Assistant Scoutmaster of Cisco Troop 1 that was organized in 1921.  He had been a Lone Scout for nine years and had been a Scout in Troop 1 of Rice, Texas in 1918 and Alma, Texas, in 1919.  Information from "Ninety Years of Service, A History of Comanche Trail Council, Boy Scouts of America, 1910-1999," 1999, page 7, by Frank T. Hilton.
Temple Dallas Morning News, April 26, 1919.  "State Brevities.  Temple, Texas, April 25 - three Temple Boy scouts, high school pupils, were officially presented with medals at the High School Building Wednesday in presence of the entire school.  The awards were for distinguished service rendered during the several Liberty loan campaigns.  the trio thus honored were Robert Moore, Frank Coleman and Wilham Heflin."
Plano Dallas Morning News, May 19, 1919. "Special to The News.  Plano, Texas, May 18 - The Boy Scouts, Troop No. 1 of Plano defeated the Richardson High School team in a baseball game, by a score of 4 to 5.
"The Boy scout team is anxious to match games with any Scout team within a radius of fifty miles."
Groesbeck Dallas Morning News, June 15, 1919.  "State Brevities.  Groesbeck, Texas, June 14. - Lieutenant Neal Thompson, an aviator stationed at San Antonio is visiting his cousin, City Clerk J. W. Thompson having made the trip in one of the new airplanes. He left San Antonio Friday at dawn, stopped two hours in Austin and landed in Groesbeck about 6:30 Friday evening.  The machine landed on the lot of the U. S. Aero Station south of town and the machine is being guarded by the Boy Scouts.  This is the machine's maiden trip.  Lieutenant Thompson will return to San Antonio Sunday afternoon."
Mount Pleasant Dallas Morning News, June 20, 1919.  "Special to The News. - Mount Pleasant, Texas, June 19.- Preparations are being made to hold an encampment of the Boy Scouts for Northeast Texas at Dellwood Park early in August.  This encampment will be the largest held in the State and will be attended by over 500 scouts.  The business men will attend in a body and will pay all expenses of the Mount Pleasant scouts at a meeting to be held at Sulphur Springs, July 4."
Galveston History of Region Nine, by Minor Huffman, page 61.  "The council was organized in 1919 through the cooperation of the Galveston Rotary Club.  The council first included only Galveston Island and was known at Galveston Council."
Last updated: January 7, 2019

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