We have
provided an alphabetical listing of over 295
communities in Texas that we have documentation of
the organization of their possible first Boy Scout
troop, or a Lone Scout Tribe. If you click on
the date, it will take you to the page that has
information about that community's possible first
troop, as well as others that were organized during
that year.
Keep in mind that this is the "documented date," not necessarily the date the troop was actually organized, which could have been earlier. We will change the date as additional documentation comes our way. Please let us know of any other communities in Texas that organized their possible first troop during this time, or earlier than the time indicated below. You will find our e-mail address at the bottom of our home page. |
Albany | 1929 | Crystal City | 1927 | Knippa | 1927 | Rockdale | 1922 | |||
Abernathy | 1928 | Dale | 1930 | Kosse | 1926 | Rocksprings | 1929 | |||
Abilene | 1912 | Dalhart | 1927 | Kress | 1928 | Rosco | 1913 | |||
Alice | 1921 | Dallas | 1910 | Kyle | 1916 | Rosenburg | 1922 | |||
Alma | 1919 | Decatur | 1913 | LaGrange | 1916 | Rotan | 1911 | |||
Alpine | 1922 | Del Rio | 1930 | Lamesa | 1927 | Roxton | 1921 | |||
Alvord | 1925 | Demmitt | 1928 | Lampasas | 1923 | Rusk | 1929 | |||
Amarillo | 1921 | Denison | 1923 | Lancaster | 1924 | Sabinal | 1930 | |||
Anson | 1927 | Denton | 1914 | La Pryor | 1930 | San Angelo | 1911 | |||
Arlington | 1912 | Desdemona | 1922 | Leakey | 1930 | San Angelo | 1913 | |||
Asherton | 1928 | Devine | 1927 | Leonard | 1927 | San Antonio | 1910 | |||
Athens | 1912 | D'Hanis | 1917 | Lisbon | 1929 | Sanderson | 1926 | |||
Aubrey | 1925 | Dublin | 1928 | Littlefield | 1926 | Sanger | 1923 | |||
Austin | 1911 | Duncanville | 1925 | Llano | 1921 | San Augustine | 1928 | |||
Ballinger | 1928 | Eagle Pass | 1927 | Lockhart | 1920 | San Marcos | 1916 | |||
Bangs | 1928 | Eastland | 1921 | Lometa | 1923 | San Saba | 1923 | |||
Barksdale | 1930 | Electra | 1921 | Longview | 1917 | Santa Anna | 1916 | |||
Barnhart | 1930 | El Paso | 1917 | Lewisville | 1928 | San Benito | 1928 | |||
Bastrop | 1921 | Ennis | 1917 | Lockney | 1928 | Scurry County | 1913 | |||
Batesville | 1927 | Eola | 1930 | Loraine | 1928 | Seguin | 1916 | |||
Beaumont | 1911 | Farmers Branch | 1929 | Lorena | 1925 | Sheffield | 1930 | |||
Beeville | 1921 | Farmersville | 1928 | Lubbock | 1922 | Sherman | 1921 | |||
Belton | 1911 | Fentress | 1916 | Lueders | 1924 | Shiner | 1912 | |||
Bells | 1923 | Ferris | 1922 | Luling | 1925 | Silverton | 1928 | |||
Bend | 1923 | Flatonia | 1915 | Madisonville | 1924 | Slaton | 1925 | |||
Bertram | 1923 | Floydada | 1921 | Marble Falls | 1918 | Smithville | 1928 | |||
Big Lake | 1930 | Floresville | 1910 | Marfa | 1925 | Snyder | 1914 | |||
Big Sandy | 1928 | Forney | 1922 | Marlin | 1924 | Sonora | 1914 | |||
Big Springs | 1911 | Fort Davis | 1925 | Marshall | 1927 | Spofford | 1930 | |||
Blackwell | 1922 | Ft. Stockton | 1923 | Mart | 1925 | Spur | 1923 | |||
Boerne | 1927 | Fort Worth - First Patrol | 1910 | Martindale | 1915 | Stamford | 1913 | |||
Bogata | 1915 | Fort Worth | 1913 | Matador | 1928 | Staples | 1916 | |||
Bonham | 1913 | Gainsville | 1921 | McCamey | 1930 | Stephenville | 1921 | |||
Bowie | 1917 | Galveston | 1919 | McKinney | 1914 | Sterling City | 1930 | |||
Brackettville | 1930 | Ganado | 1926 | Menard | 1927 | Suphur Springs | 1921 | |||
Brady | 1916 | Garden City | 1930 | Mexia | 1921 | Sweetwater | 1922 | |||
Breckenridge | 1926 | Garland | 1928 | Midland | 1914 | Taylor | 1913 | |||
Brenham | 1921 | Gatesville | 1922 | Miles | 1928 | Teague | 1915 | |||
Bronte | 1927 | Georgetown | 1918 | Mineola | 1926 | Temple | 1919 | |||
Brownwood | 1911 | Giddings | 1916 | Mineral Wells | 1921 | Terrell | 1923 | |||
Bryan | 1912 | Gilmer | 1928 | Moran | 1928 | Texarkana | 1913 | |||
Burkburnett | 1928 | Goldthwaite | 1917 | Mount Pleasant | 1919 | Texon | 1930 | |||
Caldwell | 1929 | Gonzales | 1929 | Mount Vernon | 1928 | Thurber | 1927 | |||
Calvert | 1922 | Graham | 1925 | Mullin | 1928 | Tioga | 1927 | |||
Cameron | 1924 | Granbury | 1909 | Nacogdoches | 1928 | Trinidad | 1928 | |||
Canyon | 1924 | Grand Prairie | 1928 | New Braunfels | 1916 | Trinity | 1925 | |||
Carbon | 1927 | Grapevine | 1913 | Nocona | 1925 | Troup | 1926 | |||
Carrizo Springs | 1928 | Greenville | 1917 | Okra | 1929 | Tulia | 1928 | |||
Carthage | 1928 | Groesbeck | 1919 | Olton | 1928 | Turkey | 1927 | |||
Christoval | 1927 | Hale Center | 1928 | Orange | 1925 | Tyler | 1914 | |||
Cherokee | 1929 | Hallsville | 1928 | Ozona | 1916 | Utopia | 1927 | |||
Chico | 1925 | Hamlin | 1922 | Paducah | 1928 | Uvalde | 1913 | |||
Chillicothe | 1920 | Handley | 1922 | Palestine | 1921 | Valley View | 1925 | |||
Cisco | 1912 | Happy | 1928 | Pampa | 1927 | Van Alstyne | 1913 | |||
Clarendon | 1927 | Haskell | 1924 | Paradise | 1925 | Vance | 1930 | |||
Clarksville | 1921 | Hereford | 1926 | Paris | 1913 | Vernon | 1927 | |||
Claude | 1912 | Hico | 1925 | Pecos | 1930 | Waco | 1916 | |||
Cleburne | 1916 | Hillsboro | 1915 | Perryton | 1929 | Walnut Springs | 1924 | |||
Cleveland | 1927 | Hondo | 1927 | Pharr | 1928 | Waskom | 1928 | |||
Clifton | 1911 | Honey Grove | 1924 | Pilot Point | 1925 | Waxahachie | 1917 | |||
Coleman | 1912 | Houston | 1913 | Pioneer | 1928 | Wellington | 1922 | |||
College Station | 1923 | Howe | 1926 | Plainview | 1918 | Weatherford | 1921 | |||
Colorado | 1927 | Iraan | 1930 | Plano | 1919 | Whitewright | 1926 | |||
Colorado City | 1911 | Italy | 1921 | Port Arthur | 1918 | Wichita Falls | 1913 | |||
Comanche | 1910 | Jacksonville | 1912 | Putnam | 1926 | Wichita Falls | 1914 | |||
Comanche | 1913 | Jefferson | 1923 | Quanah | 1920 | Wills Point | 1913 | |||
Commerce | 1923 | Johnson | 1928 | Quitaque | 1927 | Winters | 1928 | |||
Comstock | 1930 | Joshua | 1928 | Ralls | 1926 | Witesboro | 1921 | |||
Corpus Christi | 1911 | Kaufman | 1927 | Ranger | 1920 | Yoakum | 1916 | |||
Corsicana | 1911 | Keller | 1917 | Rice | 1918 | |||||
Covington | 1923 | Kerns | 1921 | Richland Springs | 1925 | |||||
Crane | 1930 | Kerbyville | 1928 | Roby | 1922 | |||||
Crockett | 1927 | Kingsville | 1918 | |||||||
Cross Plains | 1928 |
Blum | 1927 | Cranfiills Gap | 1927 | Leonard | 1927 | |||
Bryan | 1923 | Decatur | 1927 | Rising Star | 1925 | |||
Celesto | 1927 | Emhouse | 1927 | Sweetwater | 1927 |
.First Troop in each
community by years.
| 1910 | 1911 | 1912 | 1913 | 1914 | 1915 | 1916 | 1917 | 1918 | 1919 |
| 1920 | 1921 | 1922 | 1923 | 1924 | 1925 | 1926 | 1927 | 1928 | 1929 | 1930 |
Last Undated: January 4, 2024 |