Scouting was launched
experimentally in the United States on August 1, 1929,
when the first demonstration
units were organized for younger boys, ages 9 through
11. Many younger
boys had been trying to attend Boy Scout troop
meetings for several years
so the Boy Scouts of America thought it was time to
produce a program that
would fit this age group. In 1933, it was felt that
the time had come to
promote Cub Scouting as part of the Boy Scout program
throughout the country
so the experimental restrictions were removed.
The Webelos rank was introduced in 194,1 and in 1943 the first blue and gold banquet was held. The Pinewood derby began in 1955, and in 1964, the first National Summertime Awards were issued. Webelos dens became into being in 1967 and the first day camps were held in 1968. The five ranks that are now in Cubbing were established in 1978. Tiger Cub program begin in 1982. The Cub Scout Sports program was introduced in 1985. The Tiger Cub badges was introduced in 2001, and the Outdoor Activity Award was introduced in 2004. The 75th Anniversary of Cub Scouting was celebration during 2005. Earliest Known Cub PackThe following week, another announcement appeared in the paper asking that the two Cub Scout patrols to be present at another meeting at the Courthouse. Later, the Boy Scouts of Troop 7 invited the Cub Scout Troop and their parents to join them in a campfire meeting to be held at the Army Post on December 19, 1930. Mr. R. A. Braithwaite was the leader for both groups. The Southwest Texas Council later merged with the Concho Valley Council in 1936. First Concho Valley Council CubsAnother Cub Pack was organized in Iraan, Texas in November of 1934, with twenty-three boys. Cub Pack 1 was sponsored by the Iraan Lions Club, Dr. J. Marvin Rape, president. The Cubmaster was M. E. Norman and Chairman of the Committee was J. H. Jarvis. The Pack later took the same number as the Troop and is known today as Pack 49.
Cub Pack 26 of San Angelo
The charter members of the Pack are as follows: Bobby Bean, Sam Vines, Jr., James Louis Sutton, Warren Lee Sallee, Jackie Cole, Glenn A. Young, Billey Erwin, Jack Grafa, Norman Maier, Jr., Kenneth Ripple, Thomas Albert Aldrich, Macon Freeman, Jr. Lovel Davis, Earl Yates, Jr., John Findlater, Jim Probandt, Jr., Louis Farr Jones, Francis Mills Eckert, Robert Bruce Simmons, E. W. Whisnand, Joe Don Dickey and Weldon Sherffield. The second Cub Pack in San Angelo was organized at S. F. Austin with the P.T.A. as sponsor. Pack 27 had 38 boys with Miles Turner as Cubmaster. Pictured
below is a Bicycle
Field Day sponsored by Den 1, Cub Pack 81 on Sixth
Steet, San Angelo, in
front of West Texas Foundry in 1938. Mrs.
Willig, Den Mother, on
left. .
Concho P.T.A. sponsored
the sixth Pack in the Council in 1936, Pack 28, with
11 boys and W. E.
Cuzick as Cubmaster.
First Buffalo Trails Council CubsThere was a council report in 1937 that stated that the Cub Scout program was beginning to grow. There were Cub Packs located at Grandfalls, Midland, Sweetwater and Big Springs, Texas. By 1939 the Cub program had grown to 165 Cub Scouts and by the start of World War II in 1941 that number had grown to 586 Cubs. First Chisholm Trail Council CubsFirst Comanche Trail Council CubsOrganize Two Patrols of Cubs "Boy Scouts of Troop Eight organized two patrols of Cub Scouts at their regular weekly meeting Friday evening in the First Baptist church gymnasium. Forty boys attended the session. There were 16 boys under the required scout age of 12 years present and two patrols were formed. Joe Drake was elected patrol leader of the Cub patrol and Clinton Sanders was chosen leader of the second division, to be known as the Wolf patrol." The first Cub Pack, Pack 1, was organized on March 31, 1936, in Breckenridge, Texas as part of the Comanche Trail Council. The chartered organization was the Methodist Church and the Cubmaster was James C. Ferguson. We do not know how many kids were chartered with the Pack but do know that eight additional Cubs were added on April 17th and five more were added that October.
Pictured on the left if a copy of Pack 2's Charter for 1945. Elmo Letbetter was Cubmaster. These charters were very colorful in the early days of Cubbing. Just click on the charter to get a larger picture of it. There was a Lone Cub registered in the Comanche Trail Council in 1935 but we have been unable to locate who that individual was. By the end of 1936, the council had two Cub packs and forty-six Cubs. Neither of the Packs survived, and by the end of 1937 the council was back to one registered Lone Cub! Four men attended “Cubbing School for Leaders of Leaders” in November 22, 1937, which was held in San Antonio. They came back to Brownwood with a determination to do a better job with Cubbing during the coming year. Reorganized in 1938
Left to right, back row: C. Q. Davis, Jim White, John L. Gorman, Foy Dickinson, Harold Gene, A. Clayton William, and Den Chief King. Left to right, seated: Murray Carter, Jack Earl Brummett, Sonny Sims, William Glen Kemp, Billy Nickels, Marcus Kemp, and Mrs. M. E. Carter, Den Mother. In 1940
the council had four
packs organized with ninety-seven Cubs
registered. This included
Pack 1 in Breckenridge, Pack 2 in Brownwood and Pack
3 at Eliasville.
We do not have a record of the fourth pack
of Pack 7, Stephenville, TX in the early 1950's
By the
start of World War
II in December of 1941, the Council had seven packs
with 171 Cubs including
new Pack 5 in Desdemona and Pack 7 in
Eastland. During 1949 the age
for Cub Scouts was lowered to 8 through 10 when they
dropped the age of
Boy Scout to 11. National later changed Cub
Scouts to include boys
in the second through fourth grades.
Tiger CubsAccording to Doug Palmer, Cub Pack 84 in Midland, TX had the first Tiger Cub group started in Texas in 1982. Five Cub packs took the initiative and included Tiger Cubs in their pack in the Comanche Trail Council.. They were Pack 7, Stephenville; Pack 35, Dublin; Pack 37, DeLeon; Pack 78, Brownwood; and Pack 88, Gustine. Now almost every Pack in the Council has at least one Tiger Cub group and some have two. Webelos ScoutsThe new
two-year Webelos
program became a part of Cubbing in 1988. With
it came five new activity
badges and a strengthening of the requirements for
the Webelos badge and
the Arrow of Light award. The new activity
badges were Communicator,
Family Member, Fitness, Handyman and Readyman.
Click HERE for photos of Cub Scouts at Lad & Dad 2002 in Concho Valley Council Click
HERE for photos of Cub Scouts at Lad & Dat
2003 in Concho Valley Council
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