The first Brotherhood members were welcomed into the lodge in 1950. Their ceremony was held in another lodge as there was no one in the lodge who could do the honors. Only one member was known to be in the lodge in 1951. We do not know who these persons were.
A special calling out ceremony was used in 1953 to call out the Brotherhood candidates at camp. Allowat Sakima walks out, pulls out a scroll, reads names and said this: "These members of the Ordeal Honor, rise, step forward and face the bluff. Because of your outstanding services in the Ordeal Honor, the Otena Lodge opens its circle in the Brotherhood degree. May your predecessors follow the high standard which you have exhibited in the Ordeal Honor."
ALLOWAT SAKIMA FAINTS DURING BROTHERHOOD CEREMONY Wilkins remembers the time that Allowat Sakima fainted during one of the Brotherhood ceremonies. To be a candidate for Brotherhood in the Otena Lodge a member had to complete a part on their Indian outfit and present it to the Brotherhood team for their approval in order to participate in the ceremony. At the ceremony Allowat Sakima stood on a large rock overlooking the fire and the candidates. Many times the candidates themselves would faint at the sight of the knife which drew the blood, actually a pin was used to draw the blood. Wilkins remembers one time when Allowat Sakima also fainted and fell off the rock into the fire. They ran over, got him out of the fire and poured water on him. When he recovered, he got back up on the rock and completed the ceremony.