There were plenty of
places to take hikes on the dirt roads of camp. Here you see a group
of Scouts off on one of those hikes. Note the sandy road leading to the
entrance to camp. |
Scoutcraft was an important
part of the camp program in the early days. Here you see scouts learning
how to sharpen an axe. |
This black and white
photo was taken in 1953 and shows a similar activity as the one above. |
Here is the Archery Range
where Scouts learn to use a bow and arrow and work on the Archery Merit
Badge. The Archery Range was located behind the spring and in the
north end of camp. |
The rifle range was located
off the camp property. Scouts were able to work on NRA Awards and
the Marksmanship Merit Badge as it was called then. |
This photo of the rifle
range was taken from The Garrison News, June 26, 1953. |
This is a First Aid Merit
Badge Class. Also First Aid skills were taught for Second and First
Class Scouts. |
Not all instruction was
of the "action type." Here a group of Scouts are receiving instruction
in handicraft from a sit-down area. |
This building was called
"The Birdhouse." In the building was a museum of stuffed birds and
was the basis of the Bird Study Merit Badge. |
Everyone was proud of
the signal tower they build as part of the pioneering class. Here
you see one display in the main part of camp. Not sure just exactly
how strong it was! |
Campcraft was a part
of the camping program. Here in this photo you see a shelter set
up and logs for Scouts to sit on while receiving instruction in campcraft. |
There was a program at
camp called "The Ranger Trail." Included in the program was making
a monkey bridge across the stream. Not everyone make it across the
bridge without falling in the stream. |
Free Swim, as well as
instructional swim, was very much a part of the camp program. Here
a group of Scouts are enjoying cooling themselves in the river. |