Camp Tom Wooten

Tonkawa Lodge
Order of the Arrow


Entrance to OA Ring - Camp Tom Wooten

The Tonkawa Lodge was organized in 1936, shortly after Camp Tom Wooten built.   When the OA Lodge was first organized it was strictly a summer camp group that did not meet after the summer camp season was over.  They did all their inductions and activities while the summer camp was in session. Later, they had other activities outside of summer camp. 

The lodge gave many hours of service during their inductions and work weekend to improve the camp.  On Friday nights, the Order of the Arrow members perform dances for visitors and Scouts.  Show here is the spear and shield dance performed by Buddy Brown.


Wolf Ring - 1966
Tepees were made out of concrete.

HERE for Wolf Ring Improvements page

Here is a photo that was used in the 1958 camp promotional brochure.  Note that the Scouts and visitors sat on the ground.  This was before the bleachers were constructed in a new campfire ring.

The camp hosted the OA Area Conclave in 1939 with the Tonkawa Lodge serving as host.  Members of the Circle Ten Council's OA Mikanakawa Lodge earned their Brotherhood during the Conclave and then returned to start their own Brotherhood program.

The 1952, OA Area 9-B Conclave was held at Camp Tom Wooten.  Some 500 Arrowmen attended this Conclave.  Tonkawa Lodge, who served as host, obtained a tent and Army field stoves from Camp Mabry and cooked all the food outside next to the dining hall.  Ben Lindsay was Adviser of the lodge at that time.  Thirteen Otena Lodge members of Comanche Trail Council were inducted into the Brotherhood Honor during this Area meeting. 

"Unk" A. C. Love was an active instructor of Indian lore to the members of the Tonkawa Lodge at Camp Tom Wooten.  He spent several summers at the camp teaching Indian lore working with the Tonkawa Indian dance team.  Click HERE to read about him and his work as wrtten by Chief A. M. Venne in September 1958.


Another OA Area 9-D Conclave was held at Camp Ton Wooten in 1959.  Here to your right  is the patch that was produced for that conclave.

In 1966, the OA Area 9-D Conclave was held at Camp Tom Wooten with Tonkawa Lodge again serving as host lodge. To the left is the conclave patch designed by the lodge for the weekend.


The OA Conclave had some 600 in attendance.   Pictured below is Conclave Arrowmen getting fed chow under a National Guard tent.  Note the Army Field Ranges.

These Arrowmen ran the Trading Post at Camp Tom Wooten for the 1966 Area IX-D Conference. Left to right: David Journeay, Stephen Journeay, Stanley Trekell, Tom Foster and Greg Guy.
The closing ceremony for the 1966 Area IX-D OA Conference was held at the Texas State Capitol in Austin in the House Chamber.

Left to right: Dr. Joe Carrington (Tonkawa Lodge Adviser and National OA Committeeman), Martin Mockford (National OA Secretary), Ed Luckett from Fort Worth (National OA Committee member and the keynote speaker), and Carl Forrester (Area Chief).

Left to right: Mike Holeman, Dan Hemingson, Jack Gatlin, Bobby Kenyon, Gover Kenyon (Lay Adviser) 1964


This is a photo of a Calling Out Ceremony for new candidates for the Order of the Arrow during summer camp at Camp Tom Wooten.  Walter Wendlandt, in front, was the chief and Leo Lee was beating the drum.

The Order of the Arrow built an Arrowhead Ring for Camp Tom Wooten in 1957 complete with a concrete Teepee.  The Opening Campfires were held in the new ring as well as the Friday Night campfires for visitors and Scouts, and their "calling out" ceremonies for new member candidates.

History of Lodge Written by
John W. Wittliff
January 1963
History of Lodge Written by
Thomas E. Starr
October 1983
First Area Meeting - August 30 - September 1, 1941
First Page of Photos of Tonkawa Lodge Activities

Second Page of Photos of Tonkawa Lodge Activities
Third Page of Photos of Tonkawa Lodge Activities in Wolf Ring

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We want to thank Leo Lee for providing us with these photos.  We want to thank Larry Lindsay and Richard South for providing us with the books and patches.  Thanks also goes to John Wittliff for providing us photos of the Wolf Ring and the 1966 Area IX-D Conference.