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Buffalo Trail Council


1937 Jamboree

Some forty-five Scouts from the Buffalo Trail Council attended the 1937 1st National Boy Scout Jamboree at Washington, D.C.  The group won honors in camping and as part of a regional pageant they presented a portrayal of an old western wagon train.   They also took many relics of the old west with them for display in their campsite.  The council has pictures of its Scouts that were taken by national news agencies and sent all over the country.  Ten of twleve Scouts from Sweetwater that went to the Jamboree were Jimmie Jay, O. H. Henry, John Palmer Leeper, John Simpson, Clifton Perkins, Billy White, Maurice Reich, and Joe Ben Lewis.  Two of the Jamboree leaders were Garland Vinson, Scout leader, and Henry Rodgers, Jr., Sea Scout leader, both from Sweetwater. 

For a photo of this group and a story that appeared in the Sweetwater Reporter, Wednesday, July 14, 1937, written by John Palmer Leeper, one of the Scouts who went to the Jamboree, go HERE.

For more information on Buffalo Trails trips to National Jamborees, click below.

1937 - Go HERE for photo and story on their trip
1950 - Go HERE for story on their trip.
1953 - Troops 27, 32, 33 & 34 Go HERE for story on their trip by John L. Nicholson and list of leaders.
1957 - Troop 20 Go HERE for photo and story on their trip.
1960 - Troop 65  Go HERE for photo and story on their trip
1964 - Four Troops - Go HERE for list of participants, and a story on their trip by Gary Stillwell
1969 - Go HERE for story on their trip by Marvin Stevenson
1973 - Go HERE for photo and list of participants that went to the Jamboree East and West.
1977 - Troops 478 and 479. Go HERE for list of participants and photos.
1981 - Troop 778 Go HERE for photo and list of participants
1985 - Troop 778  3/4 of a troop.  Go HERE for photo of troop
1989 - Troops 1632, 1633  Go HERE for photos of the two troops
1993 - Troops 1531, 1532, 1533  Go HERE for photos of the three troops
1997 - Troops 1638 & 1639  Go HERE for photo of the two troops, list of participants, and story
2001 - Troops 1815 Go HERE for photo of the troop.  There was another troop but we do not have its number.
2005 - Troops 1818, 1825  Go HERE for photos of group, list of participants, story and photos.

Information for this page and quotations were taken from West-Texas, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers, by Olan B. Draper and other sources.
Last Updated: August 15, 2024
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