Index by Councils

To help you find information on one of the four councils featured in this web site, I have listed all the web pages of that council under its name.  Note that Texas Trails Council is made up of the former Chisholm Trail Council and the Comanche Trail Council.  Just click on the "blue name" below to go to that page.
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Buffalo Trail Council

Current Council Web Site
Council Presidents
Brief History of Buffalo Trail Council
Buffalo Trail Scout Ranch
Buffalo Trail Scout Ranch Remembrances
Camp Ed Murphy
Camp Lake Colorado City
Camp Lake Sweetwater
Distinguish Citizens Award
District Award of Merit
Eagle Scouts of BTC
Troop 1 of Big Spring - 1911
Troop 1 of Alpine - 1922
First Troops in Big Spring Area
First Cub Packs
Fort Davis Historical Trail
G. Newell Hughes

Heroism Awards
High Adventure Camp - 1954 
Hughes Aquatic Base
James E. West Fellowship
Lone Scouts
Map of council
National Jamboree Dates
National Jamborees Troops
Offices of the Buffalo Trail Council
OA Tatanka Lodge History
Other Camps in the Buffalo Trail Council
Other Executives of Buffalo Trail Council
Philmont Scout Ranch History
Philmont Through The Eyes Of A Staffer
Philmont Trek T-82 1944
Philmont Trek T-78 1944
Philmont Trek 1983
Philmont Trek 1984
Philmont Trek 1986
Philmont Trek 1986 802 F

Philmont Trek 1987
Photos of 1932 summer camp at Camp Fawcett
Scout Executives
Scout Offices
Sea Scout Ship 51's trip to Bahamas
Sea Scout Ship 111's 250 mile hike to BTSR
Silver Antelope
Silver Beavers
Silver Buffalo
Statue of Liberty in Big Spring
 "The Night We Shot Allowat"
"The Night We Blew Up Allowat"
West Texas Rendezvous
Whing Ding

South Plains Council

Current Council Web Site
Brief History of South Plains Council
Camp Post
Camp Haynes
Camp Tres Ritos
Council Commissioners
Council Presidents
Cub Scouts
District Award of Merit
Eagle Scouts of SPC
Map of South Plains Council
National Jamboree Dates
National Jamboree Troops
OA Nakano Lodge 150 History
Other camps of the South Plains Council
Other Awards of Haynes District
Scout Executives
Silver Beaver Awards
K. N. Clapp
Troop 2 of Lubbock, Texas

Texas Trails Council
The Chisholm Trail Council and the Comanche Trail Council combined form the Texas Trails Council on January 1, 2003.  They are listed to the right of this page.

Current Web Site
Brief History of Texas Trails Council
Camp Billy Gibbons
Camp Tonkawa
    More photos of Camp Tonkawa
Council Presidents
Distinguish Citizen Award

Distinguished Scoumaster's Award
District Award of Merit
Eagle Scouts of TTC
James E. West Fellowship
Map of council
National Jamboree Dates
National Jamboree 2005
Natioanl Jamboree 2010
North Star Award
Other Executives in Council
Penateka Lodge History
Philmont Trek 2003 T-22
Philmont Trek 2006 T-22
Philmont Trek 2006 T-14
Philmont Trek 2011
Scout Executives
Silver Beavers
Spirit of the Eagle Award
Timber Tag Training

Former Chisholm Trail Council

Abilene Council - 1922 to 1926
Air Scouts
Camp Tonkawa
    More photos of Camp Tonkawa
    Henry McGinty's Story about Camp Tonkawa
Chisholm Trail Council - 1926 to 2003
Consolidation Agreement
Council Presidents
District Award of Merit
Eagle Scouts of CTC
First Abilene Troop in 1912
First Cub Packs
How Council Was Consolidated
Lone Scouts
National Jamboree Dates
National Jamborees of Chisholm Trail Council
Other Executives
E. Ray Smyth's 1950 Jamboree Journal
E. Ray Smyth's Scouting in the 1940's - 1950's,
    Lueders, Texas - Troop 46
James E. West Fellowship
Map of Chisholm Trail Council
OA Kotso Lodge History
Other Camps in the Chisholm Trail Council
Sea Scouts
Scout Executives
Silver Beavers
Silver Antelope
West Texas Rendezvous

Capitol Area Council
Former Camp Tom Wooten

East Texas Area Council
Former Camp Tonkawa


Texas Southwest Council
(Former Concho Valley Council)

Current Council Web Site
Air Scouts
Baden-Powell Park

Boy Scout Bands
Boy Scout Village
Brief History of Concho Valley Council
Buttery Three Eagle Scout photos from 1920's
Camp Fawcett
    Photos - Camp Fawcett
    Photos - More of Camp Fawcett
Camp Louis Farr
    Photos - Camp Louis Farr
Camp Sol Mayer
    Photos - Camp Sol Mayer 
1954 Summer Camp Brochure
1956 Region Ten Canoe Base Trip
Carr Award
Chase Holland Award
Council Presidents
Cub Lad & Dad 2002
Cub Lad & Dad 2003
Del Rio News-Herald BSA 60th Anniversary Section
Distinguished Citizen Award

District Award of Merit
Eagle Scouts of CVC
E. K. Fawcett
First Cub Packs
First San Angelo Troop 1911
First Brady Troop 1916
Heroism Awards
Historical Trails
    Fort Concho Historical Trail
    Fort McKavett Historical Trail
Houston McCoy, Camp Ranger
International Flare Bids For Peace
James E. West Fellowship
Kite Rodeos
Knights of Zocah
List of First Troops in Concho Valley Council
List of First Troops in Southwest Texas Council
Lone Scouts
Map of Council
Members of First San Angelo Troop 1911
National Jamboree Dates
National Jamboree Troops
Newspaper Columns
Offices of the Concho Valley Council
OA Wahinkto Lodge History
Oral Histories of former Scouts in Concho Valley Council

Other Camps of the CVC
Other Executives in Council
Philmont Scout Ranch History
Philmont Trek 1946
Philmont Trek 1955
Philmont Trek 1976
Philmont Trek 1988
Philmont Trek 1990 - Troop 36
Photos-Camp Sol Mayer
Photos- Camp Fawcett
Report To Nation Scout
Sahawe Indian Dancers
Sam Crowthers
Scout Cabins
Scout Executives
Scouts Honor Deceased Eagle Scout
Scout Shows
Sea Scouts
Senior Scouts
Senior Scout (1938) Trip to Big Bend
Silver Antelope
Silver Beavers
Solomon (Sol) Mayer
Sommers Canoe Base - Date Unknown
Sommers Canoe Base 1967
Sommers Canoe Base 1984
Sommer Canoe Base 1978
The Exhibition Troop
Sonora Scout Troop 1914
Southwest Texas Council - 1926 to 1936
Spirit of the Eagle Award
Troop Awards
Venture Camp at Camp Sol Mayer 2008
West Texas Rendezvous
Winter Camps at Fawcett - 1974 to 1989
World Jamborees

Former Comanche Trail Council

Air Scouts
Boy Scout Bands
Comanche Trail Council - 1932 to 2003
Brownwood Council  - 1921 to 1924
Camp Brownwood
Camp Pomel - 1927

"Old" Camp Billy Gibbons 1931 to 1946
    How, When and Why of Old CBG by Cliff Pouncey

    Photos - "Old" Camp Billy Gibbons
    More Photos of "Old" Camp Billy Gibbons
    Radio Talk Show
    Bugle Call Newspapers
    Story of Camp Billy Gibbons by E. B. Henley
    I Remember - Old & New Camp Billy Gibbons
    How We Acquired Camp Billy Gibbons
    "Just Over Next Hill" by Philip Pegues
    I Remember by Bill Philpott
    I Remember by John E. Davis
    Lease Agreement on "Old" Camp Billy Gibbons
   Troops at Old Camp Billy Gibbons
"New" Camp Billy Gibbons 1947 to 2002
    Improvements to camp from 2013-2018

    History of the Dam
    "Most High Order of the Donkey"
    Camp Billy Gibbons Alumni Association
    Camp Billy Gibbons Jr. Alumni Association
    Famous Catfish Above Fireplace
    Photos - "New" Camp Billy Gibbons
    More Photos of "New" Camp Billy Gibbons
    Yet more Photos of "New" Camp Billy Gibbons
    Photos of Scout Troops in Summer Camp
    Second page of photos of Scout Troops in camp
    Third page of photos of Scout Troops in camp
    Fourth page of photos of Scout Troops in camp
    Fifth page of photos of Scout Troops in camp
    Newspaper story acquiring camp - April 6, 1947
    Deed to "New" Camp Billy Gibbons
    Canoe Trip to CBG by Troop 43 in 1965
    Dedication of Historical Marker speech
    Final week of summer camp in 1949
Camp Gatewood
Camp Martin
    The Bugle Call Newspaper
Camp Ellis
Consolidation Agreement
Council Commissioners
Council Presidents
Cub Scouts
    1993 Fun and Son at Camp Billy Gibbons
    Pushmobile Racing
Don Rogert Canoe Base - 2001
Dr. John D. Power
Eagle Scouts of CTC
Eastland County Council - 1927 to 1929
First Brownwood Troop 1911
First Comanche Troop 1910
First Cub Packs
Florida Sea Base - 2002
Heroism Awards
How Council Was Consolidated
James E. West Fellowship
Kite Rodeos
"Lest We Forget ......"
List of First Cub Packs
Lone Cub Scouts of Council
List of First Scout Troops
Lone Scouts
Lone Scouts of Council
Lone Cub Scouts of Council
Lone Scout Rally at Cisco - 1927
Map of council
Merit Badge Seminar at Tarleton
National Jamboree Dates
National Jamborees
    Frank Pellizzari Jr.'s 1937 Jamboree Journal
Newspaper Columns
Office of the Comanche Trail Council
OA Otena Lodge History
OA Dabney Kennedy
Oral Histories of from Scouts in Comanche Trail Council

E-Book on OA Otena Lodge
Oil Belt Council 1929-1932
Pecan Valley Council - 1927 to 1932
Philmont Scout Ranch History
Philmont Trek 1966
Philmont Trek 1966-711L
Philmont Trek 1969
Philmont Trek 1970
Philmont Trek 1972
Philmont Trek 1972 Troop 78
Philmont Trek 1974
Philmont Trek 706D 1976
Philmont Trek 723F 1976
Philmont Trek 1978 Troop 22
Philmont Trek 1978 Troop 14
Philmont Trek 1980 Troop 14
Philmont Trek 1982 Troop 14
Philmont Trek 1984 Troop 14
Philmont Trek 1997
Philmont Trek 1998
Philmont Trek 2000
Scout Cabins
Scout Executives
Scout Offices
Scout Shows
Sea Scouts
Silver Award
Silver Antelopes
Silver Beavers
Sommers Canoe Base 1968
Swim Meets
Walter "Wally" Walske
West Texas Rendezvous
W. H. (Uncle Billy) Gibbons
World Jamboree 1957


Last Updated: January 30, 2024